Monday, July 11, 2011

The Moon, Come to Earth: Dispatches from Lisbon

Philip Graham
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A dispatch from a foreign land, when crafted by an attentive and skilled writer, can be magical, transmitting pleasure, drama, and seductive strangeness.

In The Moon, Come to Earth, Philip Graham offers an expanded edition of a popular series of dispatches originally published on McSweeney’s, an exuberant yet introspective account of a year’s sojourn in Lisbon with his wife and daughter. Casting his attentive gaze on scenes as broad as a citywide arts festival and as small as a single paving stone in a cobbled walk, Graham renders Lisbon from a perspective that varies between wide-eyed and knowing; though he’s unquestionably not a tourist, at the same time he knows he will never be a local. So his lyrical accounts reveal his struggles with (and love of) the Portuguese language, an awkward meeting with Nobel laureate José Saramago, being trapped in a budding soccer riot, and his daughter’s challenging transition to adolescence while attending a Portuguese school—but he also waxes loving about Portugal’s saudade-drenched music, its inventive cuisine, and its vibrant literary culture. And through his humorous, self-deprecating, and wistful explorations, we come to know Graham himself, and his wife and daughter, so that when an unexpected crisis hits his family, we can’t help but ache alongside them.

A thoughtful, finely wrought celebration of the moment-to-moment excitement of diving deep into another culture and confronting one’s secret selves, The Moon, Come to Earth is literary travel writing of a rare intimacy and immediacy.

(Excerpt from

山居歲月: 普羅旺斯的一年 (A Year in Provence)

彼德.梅爾(Peter Mayle)
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法國南部的普羅旺斯地區,自古以來是歐美人心目中的福地仙鄉。那兒盛產美酒美食,人民熱情樸實,生活舒緩愜意。作者,一位曾任國際大廣告公司主管的名作家,在他生命與事業的巔峰時刻,自紐約與倫敦的絢爛都會光圈中淡出,,偕愛妻與愛犬,豹隱普羅旺斯山區,追求恬淡閒適的生活原味。洞燭世情的他,以機智風趣的筆觸,精確刻畫山鄉居民的生活面貌,描繪山村時序的推移、景物的變換,甫出版即獲英國書卷獎(English Book Awards)選為「年度最佳旅遊書」。泰晤士報形容它「是一齣高級喜劇」,讚許它「機鋒百出」、「讓人愛不釋手」。


Monday, July 4, 2011

Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found

Suketu Mehta
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A brilliantly illuminating portrait of Bombay and its people–a book as vast, diverse, and rich in experience, incident, and sensation as the city itself–from an award-winning Indian-American fiction writer and journalist.

A native of Bombay, Suketu Mehta gives us a true insider’s view of this stunning city, bringing to his account a rare level of insight, detail, and intimacy. He approaches the city from unexpected angles–taking us into the criminal underworld of rival Muslim and Hindu gangs who wrest control of the city’s byzantine political and commercial systems ... following the life of a bar dancer who chose the only life available to her after a childhood of poverty and abuse ... opening the doors onto the fantastic, hierarchical inner sanctums of Bollywood ... delving into the stories of the countless people who come from the villages in search of a better life and end up living on the sidewalks–the essential saga of a great city endlessly played out.

Through it all–as each individual story unfolds–we hear Mehta’s own story: of the mixture of love, frustration, fascination, and intense identification he feels for and with Bombay, as he tries to find home again after twenty-one years abroad. And he makes clear that Bombay–the world’s largest city–is a harbinger of the vast megalopolises that will redefine the very idea of “the city” in the near future.

Candid, impassioned, funny, and heartrending, Maximum City is a revelation of an ancient and ever-changing world.

(Excerpt from


林達 著
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林達的《帶一本書去巴黎》不僅讓讀者深刻“閱讀”巴黎的歷史,更使得雨果的《九三年》一書再現風潮。同樣延續從旅行中重新審視旅行地的歷史、文化、風土民情的創作風格 ……《一路走來一路讀》,走遍美國幾十個城市與鄉鎮,以歷史為主軸,將相關人物與事件串連起來;每走過一個城市或鄉鎮,便如同走過一段歷史、一則感人的陳年故事。



Monday, June 27, 2011

Marco Polo Didn't Go There: Stories and Revelations from One Decade as a Postmodern Travel Writer

Rolf Potts
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“Potts encourages us to think about travel in a way that has been almost lost.” —Tim Cahill

For the past ten years, Rolf Potts has taken his keen postmodern travel sensibility into the far reaches of five continents for such publications as National Geographic Traveler,, and The New York Times Magazine. This book documents his boldest, funniest, and most revealing journeys—from getting stranded without water in the Libyan Desert, to crashing the set of a Leonardo DiCaprio movie in Thailand, to learning the secrets of Tantric sex in a dubious Indian ashram.

Marco Polo Didn’t Go There is more than just an entertaining journey into fascinating corners of the world. The book is a unique window into travel writing, with each chapter containing a “commentary track”—endnotes that reveal the ragged edges behind the experience and creation of each tale. Offbeat and insightful, this book is an engrossing read for students of travel writing as well as armchair wanderers.

(Excerpt from


範橋、張明高、章真 選編
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遊記是文學中的一個重要門類,古今中外作者眾多,例多不朽的傑作。就大要而言,遊記所記一為流連光景,一為社會風土人情。中國是遊記文學發達最早的國家。山水詩文勃興於六朝,晉宋之際謝靈運傑出一時;北魏酈道元《水經注》是傳世不朽的偉大名作。柳宗元、蘇東坡、袁宏道至徐宏祖是唐宋至明遊記文學中的佼佼者;新文學中酷愛寫遊記的作者,實繁有徒,可見傳統之深遠。以遊記體寫小說的《鏡花緣》、《老殘遊記》是中國的名篇,《格列佛遊記》是外國的傑作,這都是中國人熟知的 ……



Monday, June 20, 2011

Numbers Rule Your World: The Hidden Influence of Probability and Statistics on Everything You Do

Kaiser Fung
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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… How long will your kids wait in line at Disney World? Who decides that “standardized tests” are fair? Why do highway engineers build slow-moving ramps? What does it mean, statistically, to be an “Average Joe”?

… this fascinating book from renowned statistician and blogger Kaiser Fung takes you inside the hidden world of facts and figures that affect you every day, in every way.

These are the statistics that rule your life, your job, your commute, your vacation, your food, your health, your money, and your success. This is how engineers calculate your quality of living, how corporations determine your needs, and how politicians estimate your opinions. These are the numbers you never think about even though they play a crucial role in every single aspect of your life …

(Excerpt from


何權峰 著
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Monday, June 13, 2011

Honest Signals: How They Shape Our World

Alex (Sandy) Pentland; with Tracy Heibeck
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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How can you know when someone is bluffing? Paying attention? Genuinely interested? The answer, writes Sandy Pentland in Honest Signals, is that subtle patterns in how we interact with other people reveal our attitudes toward them. These unconscious social signals are not just a back channel or a complement to our conscious language; they form a separate communication network. Biologically based "honest signaling," evolved from ancient primate signaling mechanisms, offers an unmatched window into our intentions, goals, and values. If we understand this ancient channel of communication, Pentland claims, we can accurately predict the outcomes of situations ranging from job interviews to first dates.

Pentland, an MIT professor, has used a specially designed digital sensor worn like an ID badge--a "sociometer"--to monitor and analyze the back-and-forth patterns of signaling among groups of people. He and his researchers found that this second channel of communication, revolving not around words but around social relations, profoundly influences major decisions in our lives--even though we are largely unaware of it. Pentland presents the scientific background necessary for understanding this form of communication, applies it to examples of group behavior in real organizations, and shows how by "reading" our social networks we can become more successful at pitching an idea, getting a job, or closing a deal. Using this "network intelligence" theory of social signaling, Pentland describes how we can harness the intelligence of our social network to become better managers, workers, and communicators.

(Excerpt from

談判技巧:利益,選擇與標準 (Getting to Yes)

羅傑.費希爾 (Roger Fisher) , 威廉.尤瑞 (William Ury)
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人人似乎每天都在為某些事情進行談判。人們即使在自己不認為談判時也在談判。一個人跟他愛人談論去哪裡吃飯,跟他的孩子談論何時關燈,這也是談判。談判是從別人那裡取得你所需要的東西的基本手段 ……



Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fearless Interviewing : How to Win the Job by Communicating with Confidence

Marky Stein
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
online access from McGraw-Hill Education (in Chinese)
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A proactive new strategy for removing anxiety, and regaining control, throughout the job interview process

"Marky Stein's book is wonderful. She gives us a thorough analysis of the whole interviewing process. Fearless Interviewing is clear, kind, and full of good advice ... Highly recommended." —  Barbara Sher, author of Live the Life That You Love

A job interview is one of life's most stressful and challenging experiences. Fearless Interviewing presents a strategic approach to interviewing, one that tips the scales back in favor of the job applicant. It provides useful advice on all aspects of the interviewing process, including how to:
• Dazzle interviewers in the first 20 seconds
• Handle tough interview questions with ease
• Command a salary up to 20 percent higher

(Excerpt from


李澤厚 著
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《美的歷程》是部大書(應該說是幾部大書),是一部中國美學和美術史,一部中國文學史,一部中國哲學史,一部中國文化史。 ——馮友蘭

《美的歷程》一書真是寫得英姿勃發才氣逼人。單是標題,便氣度不凡,龍飛鳳舞、青銅饕餮、魏晉風度、盛唐之音,更不用說每過幾頁就有一段華彩樂章了。實際上,《美的歷程》是可以當作藝術品來看待的它充分地表現著李澤厚的藝術魅力。 ——易中天


Monday, May 30, 2011

Be the Hero: Three Powerful Ways to Overcome Challenges in Work and Life

Noah Blumenthal ; foreword by Marshall Goldsmith
online access from Books24x7
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Every once in a while a book comes along that strikes right at the core of a problem and brings a solution. We all have patterns of thinking and behavior that sabotage our effectiveness, success, and happiness. Noah Blumenthal believes that we can replace these negative patterns with a more positive approach — what he calls the way of the everyday hero. He shows that everyone can be a hero — when they choose the “right” path, even when it is difficult to do so. Around this concept, Blumenthal spins a tale that brings to life the lessons, techniques, and tools anyone can use to become an everyday hero ...

In this great book, Noah Blumenthal shares the three secrets that will take you to success and beyond. Read it, devour it, and practice it, and you’ll learn how to increase your effectiveness, improve your relationships, and find success. The benefits to you and to the people around you will be tremendous!

(Excerpt from the Foreword by Marshall Goldsmith)

地下鐵 = Sound of Colors

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幾米1998年開始繪本創作,開啟成人繪本風潮,作品風靡海內外,已有美、法、德、西班牙、希臘、韓、 日、泰等國譯本。多部作品改編為音樂劇、電視劇或電影。


Monday, May 23, 2011

Ecotourism : Impacts, Potentials and Possibilities?

Stephen Wearing & John Neil
online access from ScienceDirect
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Ecotourism: Impacts, Potentials and Possibilities analyses the impacts of mainstream tourism in first, second and third world countries, and argues the benefits of adopting the philosophical approaches of ecotourism to create a more sustainable tourism industry in every country around the world.

Conservation and ecotourism issues are now at the forefront of public opinion. The decline of natural rainforests, loss of endangered species, global warming and land degradation have galvanised public support for conservation. Building on the success of the first edition, this text has been fully revised and updated to include:
* Updated and new international case studies
* A new chapter devoted to the theory and technique of Rapid Rural Appraisal (the practice whereby communities are empowered to improve their own environment)
* Questions and further readings at the end of each chapter to facilitate student's learning
* Critical analysis of ecotourism. Explores the movement of ideas around post-modern approaches to the field

Using relevant case studies, Ecotourism examines the potential positive social and environmental benefits of Ecotourism and is ideal for both students of tourism and practitioners within the tourism industry. Ecotourism will also be of interest to environmental groups, land managers, academics and planners.

(From the Publisher’s description)

瀕臨失衡的地球 : 生態與人類精神 (Earth In the Balance)

阿爾.戈爾 (Al Gore)
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(摘錄自國家林業局國家生態網: 生態文化:生態文藝:評論 (2010年8月27日))

Monday, May 16, 2011

How to Live a Low-Carbon Life: The Individual's Guide to Stopping Climate Change

Chris Goodall
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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That climate change is happening is now all too clear. Many of us want to take action to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions. Yet the lack of a consolidated source of reliable information on how to calculate one’s individual emissions and the difficulty in assessing different options for effectiveness and cost savings has proven to be a major stumbling block. But personal actions to reduce carbon emissions, if replicated on a sufficient scale, might just save the planet.
How to Live a Low-Carbon Life provides the first comprehensive, one-stop reference guide to calculating individual carbon emissions and it lays out clear plans for how individuals can reduce their emissions. Covering all aspects of modern life from transport to home heating to food sources and the vexing issue of vacations, the book provides easy-to-use tables for conducting a personal lifestyle carbon audit.
Easy reference tables enable rapid carbon footprint calculations, and a companion website houses downloadable spreadsheets to facilitate a complete lifestyle carbon audit as well as up-to-the minute information on new products and carbon-reducing technologies.
(Excerpt from

寂靜的春天 (Silent Spring)

瑞秋. 卡森 Rachel Carson
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《寂静的春天》於1962年在美國問世時,是一本很有爭議的書。它那驚世駭俗的關於農藥危害人類環境的預言,不僅受到與之利害攸關的生產與經濟部門的猛烈抨擊,而且也強烈震撼了社會廣大民眾。你若有心去翻閱本世紀60年代以前的報紙或書刊,你將會發現幾乎找不到“環境保護”這個詞。這就是說,環境保護在那時並不是一個存在於社會意識和科學討論中的概念。確實,回想一下長期流行於全世界的口號-- “向大自然宣戰”,“征服大自然”,在這兒,大自然僅僅是人們征服與控制的對象,而非保護並與之和諧相處的對象。人類的這種意識大概起源於洪荒的原始年月,一直持續到20世紀。沒有人懷疑它的正確性,因為人類文明的許多進展是基於此意識而獲得的,人類當前的許多經濟與社會發展計劃也是基於此意識而制定的。Rachel Carson第一次對這一人類意識的絕對正確性提出了質疑,這位瘦弱,身患癌症的女學者,她是否知道她是在向人類的基本意識和幾千年的社會傳統挑戰?《寂静的春天》出版兩年之後,她心力交瘁,與世長辭。作為一個學者與作家,卡遜所遭受的詆毀和攻擊是空前的,但她所堅持的思想終於為人類環境意識的啟蒙點燃了一盞明亮的燈。

Monday, May 9, 2011

Fast Forward: Ethics and Politics in the Age of Global Warming

William Antholis, Strobe Talbott
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Those of us alive today are the first generation to know that we live in the Age of Global Warming. We may also be the last generation to have any chance of doing something about it. Our forebears had the excuse of ignorance. Our descendants will have the excuse of helplessness. We have no excuse.
—From Chapter One
Fast Forward is equal parts science primer, history lesson, policy prescription, and ethical treatise. This pithy and compelling book makes clear what we know and don’t know about global warming; why the threat demands prudent and urgent action; why the transition to a low-carbon economy will be the most difficult political and economic transaction in history; and how it requires nothing less than a revolution in our sense of civic responsibility.
William Antholis and Strobe Talbott guide the reader through two decades of climate change diplomacy, explaining the national and international factors that have influenced and often impeded the negotiations …
(Excerpt from


黃仁宇 著
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Power of Small: Why Little Things Make All the Difference

Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval
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In today’s world, we’re faced with overwhelming challenges — professionally and personally. We often feel stuck and don’t even know where to start. But we can all tap into the unbelievable power we have within to “get going” and make a huge difference in our lives and the lives of others. How? By starting SMALL.
In the follow-up to their bestselling book, THE POWER OF NICE, co-authors Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval show you how to harness the power of small to improve and transform your life and navigate through uncertain times …
(Excerpt from

文化政策與香港傳承 : 何志平五年的雪泥鴻爪

何志平, 陳雲根 著
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Living Sensationally : Understanding Your Senses

Winnie Dunn
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How do you feel when you bite into a pear...wear a feather boa...stand in a noisy auditorium...or look for a friend in a crowd? Living Sensationally explains how people's individual sensory patterns affect the way we react to everything that happens to us throughout the day. Some people will adore the grainy texture of a pear, while others will shudder at the idea of this texture in their mouths. Touching a feather boa will be fun and luxurious to some, and others will bristle at the idea of all those feathers brushing on the skin. Noisy, busy environments will energize some people, and will overwhelm others. The author identifies four major sensory types: Seekers; Bystanders; Avoiders and Sensors. Readers can use the questionnaire to find their own patterns and the patterns of those around them, and can benefit from practical sensory ideas for individuals, families and businesses. Armed with the information in Living Sensationally, people will be able to pick just the right kind of clothing, job and home and know why they are making such choices.
(Excerpt from

身體語言密碼 (The Definitive Book of Body Language)

亞倫.皮斯(Allan Pease), 芭芭拉.皮斯(Barbara Pease)
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Monday, April 18, 2011

Book Smart : Your Essential Reading List for Becoming a Literary Genius in 365 Days

Jane Mallison
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Like taking a private class with an engaging literature professor, Book Smart is your ticket for literary enlightenment all year long and for the rest of your life. Whether you're a passionate turner of pages or you aspire to be better-read, Book Smart expands your knowledge and enjoyment with a month-by-month plan that tackles 120 of the most compelling books of all time.
Throughout the year, each book comes alive with historical notes, highlights on key themes and characters, and advice on how to approach reading. Here is a sampling of what you can expect:

January: Make a fresh start with classics like Beowulf and Dante's Inferno
April: Welcome spring in the company of strong women like Jane Eyre, Anna Karenina, and Vanity Fair's Becky Sharpe
August: Bring a breath of fresh air to summer's heat with comedic works from Kingsley Amis and Oscar Wilde
October: Get back to school with young people struggling to grow up in classics like Little Women and recent bestsellers such as The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
December: Celebrate year's end with big prizewinners such as The Remains of the Day and Leaves of Grass
(Excerpt from

改變歷史的書 (Books That Changed the World)

唐斯(Robert B. Downs)
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Monday, April 11, 2011

How to Read a Book

By Mortimer J. Adler and Charles van Doren
online access to this title (1967 ed.)
online access from EBSCOhost Audiobook Collection
online access from SuperStar Digital Library (Chinese)
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How to Read a Book, originally published in 1940, has become a rare phenomenon, a living classic. It is the best and most successful guide to reading comprehension for the general reader. And now it has been completely rewritten and updated.

You are told about the various levels of reading and how to achieve them -- from elementary reading, through systematic skimming and inspectional reading, to speed reading, you learn how to pigeonhole a book, X-ray it, extract the author's message, criticize. You are taught the different reading techniques for reading practical books, imaginative literature, plays, poetry, history, science and mathematics, philosophy and social science.

Finally, the authors offer a recommended reading list and supply reading tests whereby you can measure your own progress in reading skills, comprehension and speed.

(Excerpt from


培根(Francis Bacon)等 著;林衡哲,廖運範 譯
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機巧的人輕視學問,淺薄的人驚服學問,聰明的人卻能利用學問。因為學問本身並不曾把它的用途教給人,至於如何去應用它,那是在學問之外、超越學問之上、由觀察而獲得的一種聰明呢 ……

Monday, April 4, 2011

How We Grieve : Relearning the World

Thomas Attig
online access from EBSCOhost Ebooks
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If we wish to understand loss experiences we must learn details of survivors' stories. The new version (2011 ed.) of How We Grieve: Relearning the World tells in-depth tales of survival to illustrate the poignant disruption of life and suffering that loss entails. It shows how through grieving we overcome challenges, make choices, and reshape our lives. These intimate treatments of coping with loss address the needs of grieving people and those who hope to support and comfort them. The accounts promote understanding of grieving itself, encourage respect for individuality and the uniqueness of loss experiences, show how to deal with helplessness in the face of "choiceless" events, and offer guidance for caregivers.
The stories make it clear that grieving is not about living passively through stages or phases. We are not so alike when we grieve; our experiences are complex and richly textured. Nor is grieving about coming down with "grief symptoms". No one can treat us to make things better. No one can grieve for us.
Grieving is instead an active process of coping and relearning how to be and how to act in a world where loss transforms our lives. Loss forces us to relearn things and places; relationships with others, including fellow survivors, the deceased, even God; and our selves, our daily life patterns, and the meanings of our life stories.
This revision adds an introductory essay about developments in the author's thinking about grieving as "relearning the world." It highlights and clarifies its most distinctive and still salient themes. It elaborates on how his thinking about these themes has expanded and deepened since the first edition. And it places his treatment of those themes in the broader context of current writings on grief and loss.
(Excerpt from

學習樂觀•樂觀學習 (Learned Optimism)

馬汀.塞利格曼 (Martin E.P. Seligman)
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Monday, March 28, 2011

Lifelines for Money Misfortunes : How to Overcome Life's Greatest Challenges

Stephen M. Pollan, Mark Levine
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…with Lifelines for Money Misfortunes, Pollan looks to share more of his cutting-edge ideas with a wide range of readers, regardless of their income level or comfort with handling money. Lifelines for Money Misfortunes takes a holistic approach to dealing with the unpredictable accidents, disasters, and crises that disrupt our carefully planned lives. Drawing on Pollan's expert legal and financial experience as well as the experiences of numerous savvy professionals—including mediators, career counselors, social workers, insurance adjustors, and more—this book reveals both the secrets of personal crisis management and the tactics for overcoming the most common and worrying disasters readers might face. It also outlines coping plans that can be used to handle financial and other matters during any crisis, and illustrates the most effective ways to implement them. Filled with real-world stories of individuals who have gone through the disasters discussed—including illness, job loss, and the death of a spouse—Lifelines for Money Misfortunes offers a plan for personal crisis management that can be used by anyone, no matter what type of catastrophic events they may be facing.
(Excerpt from


v.1 online access from Apabi
v.2 online access from Apabi
v.3 online access from Apabi
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勞動著是幸福的,無論在哪個時代。《平凡的世界》正白紙黑字的告訴我們這樣的人生真諦。它響亮的提出,人,無論在什麼位置,無論多麼貧寒,只要一顆火熱的心在,只要能熱愛生活,上帝對他就是平等的。只有作一名勞動者,不把不幸當作負擔,才能去做生活的主人,用自己真誠的心去體驗,畢竟生命屬於我們只有一次。 這是一部用生命來寫成的書。在亙古的大地與蒼涼的宇宙間,有一種平凡的聲音,盪氣迴腸。

Monday, March 21, 2011

Nuclear or Not? : Does Nuclear Power Have a Place in a Sustainable Energy Future?

Edited by David Elliott
Online access from SpringerLink
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The issue of nuclear energy excites strong emotions and there are widely differing views as to whether nuclear power can or should make a major contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. With the nuclear issue back on the agenda worldwide, this highly topical collection steers a path through these controversies, presenting the views of proponents of nuclear expansion, examining the challenges that face them and exploring the arguments of those who support alternative approaches. Providing an overview of both sides of the debate this book addresses questions such as can nuclear energy ever be green? Can nuclear result in an effective sustainable energy policy? How should we deal with nuclear waste? What is the impact of nuclear on security? Ultimately these essays focus on which mix of technologies would offer the best response to climate change.
(Excerpt from

危機管理 (Crisis Management : Planning for the Inevitable)

菲克 (Steven Fink)
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(摘錄自書中 “代序―推介「危機管理」”,徐立德)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Writing Your Doctoral Dissertation : Invisible Rules for Success

Rita S. Brause
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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*A practical guide for students with help on planning, writing and defending a dissertation
*Provides samples of accepted proposals and dissertations
Increasing numbers of adults are enrolling in doctoral programs, but their earlier college lives often do not prepare them for the rules of academic game. Many have no idea what a dissertation proposal or an accepted dissertation looks like, how it gets that way, or what options are available to them. There is a real need for explicit information on what this highly complex and interactive, social and political process involves.
The book is a practical guide for students who need help in progressing from the decision to write a dissertation to the planning, writing and defending of it. It includes samples of proposals and dissertations that have been accepted and data drawn from a number of sources, including focus groups with doctoral students and graduates and responses to an open-ended questionnaire from doctoral students across the United States.
(Excerpt from

沉思錄 (Meditations)

馬可. 奧勒留 (Marcus Aurelius)
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Monday, March 7, 2011

Brain Rules : 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School

John Medina
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
Most of us have no idea what’s really going on inside our heads. Yet brain scientists have uncovered details every business leader, parent, and teacher should know—like that physical activity boosts your brain power. How do we learn? What exactly do sleep and stress do to our brains? Why is multi-tasking a myth? Why is it so easy to forget—and so important to repeat new information? Is it true that men and women have different brains?
In Brain Rules, Dr. John Medina, a molecular biologist, shares his lifelong interest in how the brain sciences might influence the way we teach our children and the way we work. In each chapter, he describes a brain rule—what scientists know for sure about how our brains work—and then offers transformative ideas for our daily lives.
(Excerpt from

如何提高你的A.Q., C.Q., E.Q.和I.Q. : 性格形態學的實際應用

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Monday, February 28, 2011

Say It Like Obama : The Power of Speaking with Purpose and Vision

By Shel Leanne
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In speech after speech, Barack Obama has “fired up” millions of enthusiastic supporters with his inspiring vision, rousing rhetoric, and charismatic presence His outstanding communication skills gave rise to an unprecedented political movement and fueled Obama’s success in becoming the first African American presidential nominee of a major U.S. political party.
But inspiring and persuading millions isn’t simply a product of innate ability—Barack Obama honed techniques that made him a highly effective speaker before audiences numbering thirty to 200,000. These techniques are vital not only in the political arena, but also for business executives, managers, and leaders from all walks of life.
This book is about the art of persuasion, the power of presentation, and the most effective techniques of communication. From building strong arguments and facing tough issues to inspiring a team or workforce to new levels of innovation and productivity, Say It Like Obama gives you the tools you can use to instill positive change at every level of your organization by learning how to:
• Make a strong first impression
• Use body language and voice
• Establish common ground
• Gain trust and confidence
• Win hearts and minds
• Drive your points home
• Convey your vision through imagery and words that resonate
• Build to a crescendo and leave a lasting impression
Whether you’re a manager, executive, or public speaker, a teacher, business owner, or community leader, Say It Like Obama will provide you with presentation techniques that have inspired and mobilized audiences of every size.
(Excerpt from


余憶飛, 李小峰, 羅錦賢 編譯
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Monday, February 21, 2011

The Wisdom of Crowds : Why the Many are Smarter than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies, and Nations

By James Surowiecki
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In this fascinating book, New Yorker business columnist James Surowiecki explores a deceptively simple idea: Large groups of people are smarter than an elite few, no matter how brilliant–better at solving problems, fostering innovation, coming to wise decisions, even predicting the future.
With boundless erudition and in delightfully clear prose, Surowiecki ranges across fields as diverse as popular culture, psychology, ant biology, behavioral economics, artificial intelligence, military history, and politics to show how this simple idea offers important lessons for how we live our lives, select our leaders, run our companies, and think about our world.
(Excerpt from


金開誠 , 王岳川 主編
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Monday, February 14, 2011

A General Theory of Love

By Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini and Richard Lannon
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What is love, and why are some people unable to find it? What is loneliness, and why does it hurt? What are relationships, and how and why do they work the way they do?
Answering these questions, laying bare the heart's deepest secrets, is this book's aim. Since the dawn of our species, human beings in every time and place have contended with an unruly emotional core that behaves in unpredicted and confusing ways. Science has been unable to help them. The Western world's first physician, Hippocrates, proposed in 450 B.C. that emotions emanate from the brain. He was rightbut for the next twenty-five hundred years, medicine could offer nothing further about the details of emotional life. Matters of the heart were matters only for the artsliterature, song, poetry, painting, sculpture, dance. Until now …
(Excerpt from the Preface of the book)

生命中不能承受之輕 (The Unbearable Lightness of Being)

米蘭・昆德拉(Milan Kundera)
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究竟,什麼樣的特質最符合人類境況(condition humaine)?是『重』,還是『輕』?嚴肅要到何處才會讓位給輕浮?輕浮又要到何處才會讓位給嚴肅?昆德拉以悖論的手法透過小說提出了這些問題。

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Forest and the Trees : Sociology as Life, Practice, and Promise

By Allan G. Johnson
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Practicing sociology is a way to observe the world and to think about and make sense of it. It is also a way to be in the world and of the world, to play a meaningful role in the life of our species as it shapes and reshapes itself into the mystery of what’s going on and what it’s got to do with us …
This book is one practicing sociologist’s answer to the hypothetical, the core insight with the greatest potential and promise to transform how we see the world and ourselves in it. This book is about what that core view is and why it matters that we understand it, use it, live it, and pass it on.
(Excerpt from the “Introduction: Life, Practice, and Promise” of the book)

If sociology could teach everyone just one thing, what would it be? The Forest and the Trees is one sociologist's response to the hypothetical - the core insight with the greatest potential to change how people see the world and themselves in relation to it. This revised and updated edition features: a new chapter that brings together the various aspects of the sociological model described in previous chapters with a detailed application to the origins of racism; a discussion of how individuals can participate in social change by stepping off paths of least resistance; and, the addition of graphics to illustrate the sociological model of systems and individuals.
(Excerpt from


張德芬 著
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吳淡如、莊淑芬、陳藹玲、李欣頻、王尚智 誠摯推薦


Monday, January 31, 2011

Encyclopedia of Modern China

David Pong, editor in chief
online access from Gale Virtual Reference Library
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The book received a prestigious American Library Association RUSA award as one of ten outstanding reference sources for 2010.

Encyclopedia of Modern China provides critical information on the most populous country and most dynamic trade market in the world: the people, politics, economics, religion, philosophy, traditions, art, and literature of this ancient and enduring civilization is explored from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the present day.
Given China's increasing role in world affairs, its modern history and culture are of great interest to many, and this work is designed to bring reliable and accessible facts and analysis to students, professionals, and others who study and interact with China and her people.
• Commissioned contributors from colleges and universities in China and around the world provide authoritative content and fresh scholarly analysis
• Scores of tables, charts, graphs, and maps illustrate key points
• A glossary appendix listing transliteration of unique names, terms, and expressions
• A cumulative index, cross references, and lists of related topics
• All articles end with bibliographies and sources for reference and further reading
• A chronology of Chinese history since 1800
• An appendix of primary sources
• Thematic outline of contents
(Excerpt from