Monday, July 12, 2010

Traditions of Writing Research

Edited by Charles Bazerman, Robert Krut, Karen Lunsford, Susan McLeod, Suzie Null, Paul Rogers, and Amanda Stansell
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Traditions of Writing Research reflects the different styles of work offered at the Writing Research Across Borders conference. Organized by Charles Bazerman, one of the pre-eminent scholars in writing studies, the conference facilitated an unprecedented gathering of writing researchers. Representing the best of the works presented, this collection focuses solely on writing research, in its lifespan scope bringing together writing researchers interested in early childhood through adult writing practices. It brings together differing research traditions, and offers a broad international scope, with contributor-presenters including top international researchers in the field.
The volume's opening section presents writing research agendas from different regions and research groups. The next section addresses the national, political, and historical contexts that shape educational institutions and the writing initiatives developed there. The following sections represent a wide range of research approaches for investigating writing processes and practices in primary, secondary, and higher education. The volume ends with theoretical and methodological reflections.
This exemplary collection, like the conference that it grew out of, will bring new perspectives to the rich dialogue of contemporary research on writing and advance understanding of this complex and important human activity.
(Excerpt from

風格的要素 = The Elements of Style

威廉・斯特倫克 (William Strunk)
online access from Project Gutenberg
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張五常推崇的一本小書叫做 The Elements of Style,說是這本書直截了當,一二三四列出規例,英語怎麼寫可取,怎麼寫不可取,不必解釋,沒有哲理。那當然是對的,卻也不太容易做到。文筆要清楚明白,先決條件不是造句的功力,而是思想的清晰。易言之,看通事體,董理思緒,加上肚子裡的學問有條不紊,寫文章有了經驗,文筆才會清楚明白。這是一條漫長的道路。
董橋 著名作家和翻譯家

本書是專為英文寫作課而編寫的,該課程將英文寫作實踐和文學研究緊密地結合在一起。本書的目的是扼要闡明簡明的英語風格所具備的一些要 點。它還通過重點分析一些寫作要點,應用原則和 對一些最常犯的寫作毛病的分析 ……
本書僅僅涉及到英語風格很小的一部分,但是, 根據本書作者的經驗,學生一旦掌握了這些要點,再對照他們過去寫作時所遇到的問題,都會感到豁然開朗,從而獲益良深。

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Personal Efficiency Program: How to Get Organized to Do More Work in Less Time

By Kerry Gleeson
This book is the culmination of experiences gleaned from the many highly effective people that we at the Institute for Business Technology have coached and trained over the past 20 years. The focus of our work has been on the process of personal productivity. What do these highly productive people do? How do they do it? Can their work behaviors be boiled down to principles we all can apply? The book is a near-complete set of the timesaving ideas and behaviors of these highly successful people. The book also includes proven strategies we have developed to help our clients embrace these productivity ideas and make them part of their behaviors.
Charles Dickens once said: “I never could have done what I have done without the habits of punctuality, order and diligence, without the determination to concentrate myself on one subject at a time.” This quote conveys many critical ingredients to success in work and life: habits of punctuality, order, diligence, determination, and concentration.
(Excerpt from the Preface, c2004)

不是不可能 : 思路決定出路 = Say No to Impossibility

易發久 著
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Monday, June 28, 2010

Five Minds for the Future

By Howard Gardner
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We live in a time of vast changes. And those changes call for entirely new ways of learning and thinking. In Five Minds for the Future, Howard Gardner defines the cognitive abilities that will command a premium in the years ahead: the Disciplinary mind--mastery of major schools of thought (including science, mathematics, and history) and of at least one professional craft; the Synthesizing mind--ability to integrate ideas from different disciplines or spheres into a coherent whole and to communicate that integration to others; the Creating mind--capacity to uncover and clarify new problems, questions, and phenomena; the Respectful mind--awareness of and appreciation for differences among human beings and human groups; and the Ethical mind--fulfillment of one's responsibilities as a worker and citizen. World-renowned for his theory of multiple intelligences, Gardner takes that thinking to the next level in this book, drawing from a wealth of diverse examples to illuminate his ideas. Concise and engaging, Five Minds for the Future will inspire lifelong learning in any reader and provide valuable insights for those charged with training and developing organizational leaders--both today and tomorrow.
(Excerpt from the Publisher’s description)

心田甘露 : 成長的 62 個階梯

何權峰 著
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我們面對第一類問題的態度是兩眼常向前看,從客觀環境下手改造以解決問題;面對第二類問題的態度是兩眼常轉回來看自家這裡, “反求諸己”、“盡其在我”,調和融洽我與對方之間,或以變換主觀自適於這境地為問題之解決;面對第三類問題的態度是以根本不生要求為最上之滿足。雖然我們之感觸問題,採取態度,各不必相當,但解決了困難障礙,就獲得了某種自由、自在。
(摘錄自書中“用心去保持人的靈性” ——推荐序,吳京)