By Eileen Tracy
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Exams frighten almost everyone. Fear of failure (and fear of success) can inhibit learning. Students will always perform better if they have the necessary emotional resources in the run-up to their exams ...
In addition to fundamental student skills such as timetabling, note-taking, memorising, research, use of the internet, essay-writing and exam technique, The Student's Guide to Exam Success offers ground-breaking advice on developing emotional strength in response to the increasingly heavy demands that are made on students in the modern world. It offers a variety of strategies which will help students to: develop self-awareness; find out how to stop procrastinating and worrying about results, and start to enjoy their work; learn about the dangers of swotting; develop the necessary confidence to handle reading lists, coursework, presentations and practicals; and learn to deal with tutors, lecturers and examiners.
(Excerpt from
Monday, November 29, 2010
愛‧生活與學習 (Living, Loving & Learning)
利奥‧巴士卡力 (Leo Buscaglia) 著
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…… 收集在本書中的,都是作者平時上課的講稿,以及公開演講的講文,共有十三章,包括了:愛是行為的潤滑劑、建立自我、光明的源處、是橋不是牆、明日之犢、知己、選擇人生等等。由於作者是教育及輔導教授,他的觀點也著重在人性的疏導及行為的教育上,但是他並未用教育的專有名詞來嚇唬一般讀者,他的文字極為口語化,而哲理也極為淺顯,讓人讀起來不覺枯燥乏味,茲節錄部分如下:
• 知識不是智慧,閉門造車也不是智慧,智慧來自於對知識的應用,智慧也來自於你自覺的渺小。
• 你只是一個開始,目前的你,只有你能見到的部分;未來的你,卻是無限而有待你去找尋和努力的。
• 愛,因為你能愛,而不是你必須去愛。給予,因為你願意奉獻。花開,不是因為解人間的愁。人活著,能愛,能生活,也就有了快樂。
• 忘記了昨日的是非,面對著來日的光明。
• 人生不是孤獨的旅程,人生是由許多人共同的經驗,互相的影響而累積成的「現在」時刻……
《愛‧生活與學習》以鼓勵個人行為的肯定及內心的信仰為主。我們不愛自己,如何能愛社會、國家呢?一個人不學習、不開懷,怎能有快樂的生活?教育學家馬斯羅(Abraham Maslow)曾把人類的學習過程分為四個階段──求溫飽,求安全,求相愛關懷,以及求內心的成就感。在今日的社會中,溫飽與安全已非難事,但是我們必須在人類彼此的關懷及內心的長進中,繼續努力。舒適的生活並不難追求,但是要生活得舒適而快樂,卻必須由內心的不斷充實和人類的相互關懷中獲得,而這種獲得,也就是人性中最大的成就感。
(摘錄自書中 “一本充滿愛與理性的書”— 譯者序, 簡宛, 1983)
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…… 收集在本書中的,都是作者平時上課的講稿,以及公開演講的講文,共有十三章,包括了:愛是行為的潤滑劑、建立自我、光明的源處、是橋不是牆、明日之犢、知己、選擇人生等等。由於作者是教育及輔導教授,他的觀點也著重在人性的疏導及行為的教育上,但是他並未用教育的專有名詞來嚇唬一般讀者,他的文字極為口語化,而哲理也極為淺顯,讓人讀起來不覺枯燥乏味,茲節錄部分如下:
• 知識不是智慧,閉門造車也不是智慧,智慧來自於對知識的應用,智慧也來自於你自覺的渺小。
• 你只是一個開始,目前的你,只有你能見到的部分;未來的你,卻是無限而有待你去找尋和努力的。
• 愛,因為你能愛,而不是你必須去愛。給予,因為你願意奉獻。花開,不是因為解人間的愁。人活著,能愛,能生活,也就有了快樂。
• 忘記了昨日的是非,面對著來日的光明。
• 人生不是孤獨的旅程,人生是由許多人共同的經驗,互相的影響而累積成的「現在」時刻……
《愛‧生活與學習》以鼓勵個人行為的肯定及內心的信仰為主。我們不愛自己,如何能愛社會、國家呢?一個人不學習、不開懷,怎能有快樂的生活?教育學家馬斯羅(Abraham Maslow)曾把人類的學習過程分為四個階段──求溫飽,求安全,求相愛關懷,以及求內心的成就感。在今日的社會中,溫飽與安全已非難事,但是我們必須在人類彼此的關懷及內心的長進中,繼續努力。舒適的生活並不難追求,但是要生活得舒適而快樂,卻必須由內心的不斷充實和人類的相互關懷中獲得,而這種獲得,也就是人性中最大的成就感。
(摘錄自書中 “一本充滿愛與理性的書”— 譯者序, 簡宛, 1983)
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Craft of Research
By Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams
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With more than 400,000 copies now in print, The Craft of Research is the unrivaled resource for researchers at every level, from first-year undergraduates to research reporters at corporations and government offices ...
The Craft of Research explains how to build an argument that motivates readers to accept a claim; how to anticipate the reservations of readers and to respond to them appropriately; and how to create introductions and conclusions that answer that most demanding question, “So what?”
The third edition includes an expanded discussion of the essential early stages of a research task: planning and drafting a paper. The authors have revised and fully updated their section on electronic research, emphasizing the need to distinguish between trustworthy sources (such as those found in libraries) and less reliable sources found with a quick Web search. A chapter on warrants has also been thoroughly reviewed to make this difficult subject easier for researchers.
Throughout, the authors have preserved the amiable tone, the reliable voice, and the sense of directness that have made this book indispensable for anyone undertaking a research project.
(Excerpt from
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With more than 400,000 copies now in print, The Craft of Research is the unrivaled resource for researchers at every level, from first-year undergraduates to research reporters at corporations and government offices ...
The Craft of Research explains how to build an argument that motivates readers to accept a claim; how to anticipate the reservations of readers and to respond to them appropriately; and how to create introductions and conclusions that answer that most demanding question, “So what?”
The third edition includes an expanded discussion of the essential early stages of a research task: planning and drafting a paper. The authors have revised and fully updated their section on electronic research, emphasizing the need to distinguish between trustworthy sources (such as those found in libraries) and less reliable sources found with a quick Web search. A chapter on warrants has also been thoroughly reviewed to make this difficult subject easier for researchers.
Throughout, the authors have preserved the amiable tone, the reliable voice, and the sense of directness that have made this book indispensable for anyone undertaking a research project.
(Excerpt from
智者的邏輯 : 邏輯入門的第一堂課
陳文江, 秦美珠 著
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• 看故事學邏輯的方式,使人在最輕鬆與富趣味的過程中融會貫通。
• 耳熟能詳的中外名人、典故、笑話故事,信手捻來皆能說明邏輯原理。
• 以故事案例的解析,讓讀者在無形中學會邏輯原理與運用形式,同時可以訓練說話和思考的智慧。
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• 看故事學邏輯的方式,使人在最輕鬆與富趣味的過程中融會貫通。
• 耳熟能詳的中外名人、典故、笑話故事,信手捻來皆能說明邏輯原理。
• 以故事案例的解析,讓讀者在無形中學會邏輯原理與運用形式,同時可以訓練說話和思考的智慧。
Monday, November 15, 2010
Culture and Leadership, Across the World : The GLOBE Book of In-Depth Studies of 25 Societies
Edited by Jagdeep S. Chhokar, Felix C. Brodbeck, Robert J. House
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Culture and Leadership Across the World: The GLOBE Book of In-Depth Studies of 25 Societies is the second major publication of GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness), a groundbreaking, large-scale project on international management research featuring contributions from nearly 18,000 middle managers from 1,000 organizations in 62 countries, perhaps the largest project of its kind ever undertaken. This volume effectively presents a complex collection of global research addressing the culture of particular countries, leadership qualities within those countries, and recommendations on how managers should conduct business in countries other than their own.
A massive effort with a cross-cultural focus and broad international appeal, this book explores:
• how leadership is conceptualized and enacted in its cultural milieu;
• quantitative data including middle manager questionnaires, unobtrusive measurement, and participant observation data;
• qualitative research from interviews, focus groups, and media analyses; and
• theoretical and methodological pitfalls that arise in the effort to develop universal management theories.
This book is a coherent and well-organized presentation of the findings of the GLOBE Project and will appeal to scholars in leadership, management, international business, cultural studies; and also to practicing managers.
(Excerpt from
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A massive effort with a cross-cultural focus and broad international appeal, this book explores:
• how leadership is conceptualized and enacted in its cultural milieu;
• quantitative data including middle manager questionnaires, unobtrusive measurement, and participant observation data;
• qualitative research from interviews, focus groups, and media analyses; and
• theoretical and methodological pitfalls that arise in the effort to develop universal management theories.
This book is a coherent and well-organized presentation of the findings of the GLOBE Project and will appeal to scholars in leadership, management, international business, cultural studies; and also to practicing managers.
(Excerpt from
龔伯洪 著
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不要望文生義,以為粵劇就是廣東戲劇的統稱。粵劇雖是廣東最大的地方劇種,但廣東地方戲還有潮劇、漢劇、雷劇等多個劇種。也不要以為粵劇歷史上以來就是用粵語唱的戲,雖然當代粵劇是用粵語演唱,但早期粵劇卻曾經用近似普通話的 “桂林官話”(也稱 “戲棚官話")演唱,如今演粵劇也偶爾唱幾句 “官話”,老人家說這是 “傳統”。
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不要望文生義,以為粵劇就是廣東戲劇的統稱。粵劇雖是廣東最大的地方劇種,但廣東地方戲還有潮劇、漢劇、雷劇等多個劇種。也不要以為粵劇歷史上以來就是用粵語唱的戲,雖然當代粵劇是用粵語演唱,但早期粵劇卻曾經用近似普通話的 “桂林官話”(也稱 “戲棚官話")演唱,如今演粵劇也偶爾唱幾句 “官話”,老人家說這是 “傳統”。
Monday, November 8, 2010
Chinese Opera : Images and Stories
Siu Wang-Ngai with Peter Lovrick
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…This book is meant for many people. Devotees of the theatre, east or west, will find Siu Wang-Ngai's photographs a delight. They make the Chinese approach to drama concrete and vivid. The accompanying text gives these readers further access to this performance tradition by explaining the dramatic conventions and the stories. Those with a passion for China can use the photographs and text as an entry into traditional Chinese society, which still lives on the opera stage. The plays and commentary give them an intimate look at the lives of emperors, scholars, generals, common folk, and outlaws. Finally, this book is meant for all those who enjoy a good story. Chinese opera has a rich repertoire drawn from history, legends, myths, folk tales, and classic novels. These stories are full of colourful characters and surprising turns. It is not necessary to be interested in the Chinese dramatic tradition to sit back, like the Chinese audience of a regional opera, and enjoy a good yarn. Siu Wang-Ngai's record of regional opera performance makes these yarns come alive.
(Excerpt from the Preface)
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…This book is meant for many people. Devotees of the theatre, east or west, will find Siu Wang-Ngai's photographs a delight. They make the Chinese approach to drama concrete and vivid. The accompanying text gives these readers further access to this performance tradition by explaining the dramatic conventions and the stories. Those with a passion for China can use the photographs and text as an entry into traditional Chinese society, which still lives on the opera stage. The plays and commentary give them an intimate look at the lives of emperors, scholars, generals, common folk, and outlaws. Finally, this book is meant for all those who enjoy a good story. Chinese opera has a rich repertoire drawn from history, legends, myths, folk tales, and classic novels. These stories are full of colourful characters and surprising turns. It is not necessary to be interested in the Chinese dramatic tradition to sit back, like the Chinese audience of a regional opera, and enjoy a good yarn. Siu Wang-Ngai's record of regional opera performance makes these yarns come alive.
(Excerpt from the Preface)
李歐梵 著
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最近幾年,我發現自己的中文文章有點精神分裂。我對於當代文化的關注,似乎已經超過學術研究的範圍,而想親身介入,用一種較主觀的文體作文化批評,所以學術的深度不足。但另一方面我似乎又不願意放棄學院中的文化理論,甚至在雜文中也引經據典,生怕學界同行以為我已淪落江湖,做不了學者。然而我對近十年來美國學院中的 “文化研究”(culture studies) 的理論導向,也頗有不滿之處,它非但不注視文化本身的意涵—特別是在一個世界性的多元語境—而且往往把文化作為學院政治的符碼,多以性別和種族的“弱勢”立場來反對資本主義的主流文化。把這種理論用以分析美國以外的其他地區的文化,免不了就有偏差,往往主題先行,表態至上,而對於細節的掌握和分析失之淺漏,而且語言過度抽象,長篇大論之餘,反而不知所云。
我的這一種矛盾反應,形之於文,就表現在這兩本集子(另一本《都市漫遊者:文化觀察》)的各篇雜文之中 ……
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最近幾年,我發現自己的中文文章有點精神分裂。我對於當代文化的關注,似乎已經超過學術研究的範圍,而想親身介入,用一種較主觀的文體作文化批評,所以學術的深度不足。但另一方面我似乎又不願意放棄學院中的文化理論,甚至在雜文中也引經據典,生怕學界同行以為我已淪落江湖,做不了學者。然而我對近十年來美國學院中的 “文化研究”(culture studies) 的理論導向,也頗有不滿之處,它非但不注視文化本身的意涵—特別是在一個世界性的多元語境—而且往往把文化作為學院政治的符碼,多以性別和種族的“弱勢”立場來反對資本主義的主流文化。把這種理論用以分析美國以外的其他地區的文化,免不了就有偏差,往往主題先行,表態至上,而對於細節的掌握和分析失之淺漏,而且語言過度抽象,長篇大論之餘,反而不知所云。
我的這一種矛盾反應,形之於文,就表現在這兩本集子(另一本《都市漫遊者:文化觀察》)的各篇雜文之中 ……
Monday, November 1, 2010
100 Ways to Boost Your Self-confidence : Believe in Yourself and Others Will Too
By Barton Goldsmith
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100 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence is packed with practical wisdom that is easy to apply. Dr. Barton Goldsmith shows you how to believe in yourself and how to become the kind of person whom others are drawn to believe in. When you don’t believe in yourself, everything is more difficult …
100 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence will show you how to:
• Discover the essence of your personal power and belief in yourself.
• Create the life you want with practical feel good behaviors.
• Reduce your doubts, increase your self-worth and make your world a better place.
• Improve the quality of your relationships by changing the way you think about yourself and how others think about you.
• Become your best self by employing these easy-to-use techniques.
(Excerpt from
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100 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence is packed with practical wisdom that is easy to apply. Dr. Barton Goldsmith shows you how to believe in yourself and how to become the kind of person whom others are drawn to believe in. When you don’t believe in yourself, everything is more difficult …
100 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence will show you how to:
• Discover the essence of your personal power and belief in yourself.
• Create the life you want with practical feel good behaviors.
• Reduce your doubts, increase your self-worth and make your world a better place.
• Improve the quality of your relationships by changing the way you think about yourself and how others think about you.
• Become your best self by employing these easy-to-use techniques.
(Excerpt from
有效發揮大腦潛能 : 達致學業及事業上的成功
謝家安 著
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