Monday, August 17, 2015


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Monday, August 10, 2015

The Hunger Games and Philosophy : A Critique of Pure Treason

Edited by George A. Dunn and Nicolas Michaud
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A philosophical exploration of Suzanne Collins's New York Times bestselling series, just in time for the release of The Hunger Games movie

Katniss Everdeen is "the girl who was on fire," but she is also the girl who made us think, dream, question authority, and rebel. The post-apocalyptic world of Panem's twelve districts is a divided society on the brink of war and struggling to survive, while the Capitol lives in the lap of luxury and pure contentment. At every turn in the Hunger Games trilogy, Katniss, Peeta, Gale, and their many allies wrestle with harrowing choices and ethical dilemmas that push them to the brink. Is it okay for Katniss to break the law to ensure her family's survival? Do ordinary moral rules apply in the Arena? Can the world of The Hunger Games shine a light into the dark corners of our world? Why do we often enjoy watching others suffer? How can we distinguish between what's Real and Not Real? This book draws on some of history's most engaging philosophical thinkers to take you deeper into the story and its themes, such as sacrifice, altruism, moral choice, and gender.

• Gives you new insights into the Hunger Games series and its key characters, plot lines, and ideas
• Examines important themes such as the state of nature, war, celebrity, authenticity, and social class
• Applies the perspective of some of world's greatest minds, such as Charles Darwin, Thomas Hobbes, Friedrich Nietzsche, Plato, and Immanuel Kant to the Hunger Games trilogy
• Covers all three books in the Hunger Games trilogy

An essential companion for Hunger Games fans, this book will take you deeper into the dystopic world of Panem and into the minds and motivations of those who occupy it.

(Excerpt from


歐宗智 著
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◆美麗與悲哀 談川端康成《雪國》
◆暗示的美感 談川端康成《千羽鶴》的象徵手法
◆浪漫與現實 談川端康成《名人》
◆幸福與孤單 談川端康成《古都》
◆老年人內心隱密的角落 談川端康成《山之音》
◆純情青春的謳歌 細品川端康成〈伊豆的舞孃〉
◆一幅畫的完成 談夏目漱石《草枕》焦點人物「那美」
◆軍國主義的諷刺與批判 談井伏鱒二的〈遙拜隊長〉
◆死亡與再生 談太宰治《斜陽》
◆宗教的信仰與質疑 談遠藤周作的小說主題
◆罪與反省 談遠藤周作《海與毒藥》
◆逃避或面對 談大江健三郎《個人的體驗》
◆不只是推理而已 讀松本清張《天城山奇案》
◆提升推理小說的藝術水準 以松本清張《砂之器》為例
◆分裂造成時代悲劇 讀黃皙 〈韓氏年代記〉
◆誠實面對生命 讀巴斯特納克《齊瓦哥醫生》
◆浪漫主義者的悲劇 談海明威《戰地春夢》
◆超越有形的悲劇 海明威《老人與海》的象徵意義
◆既愉悅又憂傷 海明威《流動的饗宴》
◆反戰思想的具體呈現 雷馬克《西線無戰事》歷久彌新
◆反極權的人道主義者 《凱旋門》雷維克醫師的人物塑造
◆憤世嫉俗的苦悶少年 讀J.D.沙林傑麥田捕手
◆荒誕的內在寓意與象徵 波赫士的魔幻寫實
◆純真心靈的追求 看聖艾修伯里小王子
◆百年家族的興亡寓言 讀馬奎斯百年孤寂
◆歷史的荒謬與諷刺 談米蘭‧昆德拉笑忘書


Monday, August 3, 2015

Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret to Success

David Livermore  
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Business today is global - and success requires a new set of skills. But not to worry, whether you're negotiating with vendors in Asia, exploring potential markets in Africa, or leading a diverse team at home, you don't have to master the nuances of every culture you encounter. With Cultural Intelligence, or CQ, you can lead effectively in any context. Featuring fresh research, case studies, and statistics on the ROI of improving your CQ, this new edition of Leading with Cultural Intelligence details a powerful, four-step model for becoming more adept at managing across cultures: drive - boost your motivation for and confidence in interacting with other cultures; knowledge - understand the relevance of differences in religion, values, norms, and languages; strategy - plan ahead for unfamiliar cultural settings, but remain flexible if actual experience differs from expectations; and action - successfully adapt your behavior to each situation. With Leading with Cultural Intelligence as your guide, you'll be able to thrive in any business environment - whether it's across the world or in your own backyard.

(Excerpt from

Saturday, August 1, 2015


吳俊雄, 馬傑偉, 呂大樂 編
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「書內文章所涵蓋的範圍都是適時而重要,充分展現了研究者對於文化研究的觸覺。本書肯定有助讀者了解香港文化的動態及應用,亦對本土文化研究作為一項學科提供了豐富的材料和範例,以及進一步追尋的線索。」– 馬家輝


Monday, July 27, 2015

Land and the Ruling Class in Hong Kong

Alice Poon 
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Land and the Ruling Class in Hong Kong
An insider's view on how Hong Kong's land system, inherited from the British, has helped to create unrivalled wealth for the ruling class, how the lack of competition law has encouraged industrial and economic concentration in the same entities, and how these factors have given rise to a host of social and economic ills. The Chinese version (地產霸權) has become the bestseller of non-fiction titles in Hong Kong in 2010.

(Excerpt from

地文誌 : 追憶香港地方與文學

陳智德 著
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地文誌 : 追憶香港地方與文學


……陳智德為香港的地景與藝文做出觀察的宏願不容小覷。香港雖然是彈丸之地,然而如陳所言,「『狹窄』與否本不在乎所寫的地方,而在乎執筆者的眼界和文學修為。」誠哉斯言。破卻陸沉,洞昭盲瞽,陳智德的香港抒情考古,可以如是!──王德威(美國哈佛大學東亞語言及文明系Edward C. Henderson講座教授)





Monday, July 20, 2015

Business Adventures: Twelve Classic Tales from the World of Wall Street

John Brooks
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From Wall Street to Main Street, John Brooks, longtime contributor to the New Yorker, brings to life in vivid fashion twelve classic and timeless tales of corporate and financial life in America

What do the $350 million Ford Motor Company disaster known as the Edsel, the fast and incredible rise of Xerox, and the unbelievable scandals at General Electric and Texas Gulf Sulphur have in common? Each is an example of how an iconic company was defined by a particular moment of fame or notoriety; these notable and fascinating accounts are as relevant today to understanding the intricacies of corporate life as they were when the events happened.

Stories about Wall Street are infused with drama and adventure and reveal the machinations and volatile nature of the world of finance. John Brooks’s insightful reportage is so full of personality and critical detail that whether he is looking at the astounding market crash of 1962, the collapse of a well-known brokerage firm, or the bold attempt by American bankers to save the British pound, one gets the sense that history repeats itself.

Five additional stories on equally fascinating subjects round out this wonderful collection that will both entertain and inform readers . . . Business Adventures is truly financial journalism at its liveliest and best.

(Excerpt from


佟偉 編著
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Monday, July 13, 2015

How to Lead by The Book: Proverbs, Parables, and Principles to Tackle Your Toughest Business Challenges

Dave Anderson 
online access from Ebook Central Academic Complete
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Concise, to-the-point, and highly useable, How to Lead by THE BOOK presents a series of personal and business challenges recognizable to leaders, then deals with each through insight, personal experience, and a discussion of why conventional approaches often fail. Each section then concludes with winning proverbs, parables, or principles that offers applicable strategies to solve the issue.

In this practical and inspiring guide, you'll discover proven methods and advice to shape young leaders, stretch veteran leaders, become a better communicator, maintain your work-life balance, deal with dishonesty among competitors, and much more.
• Shows why typical approaches to leadership problems often fail, while biblical wisdom succeeds
• Covers both day-to-day dilemmas and larger questions of management, accountability, and vision
• From the bestselling author of How to Run Your Business by THE BOOK, Up Your Business, and If You Don't Make Waves You'll Drown

What is the number one downfall for leaders? When is the best time to make a decision? How do you hold others accountable? How do you survive success with your principles intact? What does the Bible say about time management? Get the answers to these and many more practical business questions when you discover the winning wisdom of How to Lead by THE BOOK.

(Excerpt from

智者的洞察 : 心理學經典名言的智慧

牧之, 張震 編著
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Monday, July 6, 2015

The Young Professional: A Real World Survival Guide for the New College Graduate

Andy J. Semotiuk 
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After graduation, most of the students earning those degrees will head into the job market to seek employment in their chosen professions. In today's challenging economic environment, aspiring professionals need to learn all they can about what it takes to enter their target career field and achieve success. THE YOUNG PROFESSIONAL: A REAL-WORLD SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR THE NEW COLLEGE GRADUATE is the career book for young people looking to find their place in the professional workforce. Author Andy J. Semotiuk is a senior attorney who has spent more than 30 years helping young professionals--attorneys, nurses, teachers, and many others--as they seek to establish their careers and make their way in the business world. Featuring inspiring real-life stories and covering the topics most important to the new professional--from money, time-management, and personal motivation to sharpening presentation skills, power networking, and achieving work/life balance--this book is filled with concrete, practical advice that young professionals can put to work right now. Gain the skills and confidence you need to succeed with THE YOUNG PROFESSIONAL: A REAL-WORLD SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR THE NEW COLLEGE GRADUATE.

(Excerpt from


裴宇晶, 鄒家峰 著
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Monday, June 29, 2015

The Other Kind of Smart: Simple Ways to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence for Greater Personal Effectiveness and Success

Harvey Deutschendorf 
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We have known for years that the difference between those who become successful in life and those who struggle is their degree of emotional intelligence (EI), or "people skills." Now, The Other Kind of Smart shows readers how they can increase their emotional intelligence and overcome the barriers that are preventing them from realizing their true potential. Emotional intelligence coach Harvey Deutschendorf has shown thousands of people how to relate emotional intelligence to everyday situations. Here, he uses the proven techniques of storytelling, combined with quotes and exercises, to show readers how to apply the principles of EI on the job. Filled with real-life scenarios and solutions, the book offers tools that will bring results in as little as five minutes a day and shows how to develop stress tolerance, cultivate empathy, increase flexibility with co-workers, boost assertiveness, and resolve problems successfully. Complete with an EI quiz that will help readers measure their own level of emotional intelligence, this invaluable guide will enable everyone to improve their relationships and increase their effectiveness at work in a practical, accessible way.

(Excerpt from


胡錦煖 主編
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Monday, June 22, 2015

Decide: Work Smarter, Reduce Your Stress, and Lead by Example

Steve McClatchy 
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How to make better decisions and achieve your goals? What shapes a person's career and life, and defines them as a leader? Their decisions. We all want to be more productive and deliver our best results. But doing this effectively and consistently over time is a significant challenge. Managing it all is hard, and leading in today's hyper-paced world is even harder.

The good news is that leadership expert Steve McClatchy makes it easier. In Decide, McClatchy who works with Fortune 1000 people every day to help them achieve outstanding levels of performance shows you how to cut through the complexities and excuses to start realizing real gains simply by changing one thing: the way you make decisions. With McClatchy's help, you can quickly begin to:
* Use the time you have each day to move your business and your life forward
* Make decisions that yield better results
* Waste less time, reduce stress and regain balance

Again and again, McClatchy has helped people learn for themselves how great decision-making habits yield a lifetime of accomplishments. Follow McClatchy's no-nonsense and practical approach, and you'll soon manage and even lead at your highest level of personal performance.

(Excerpt from


余秋雨 著
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Monday, June 15, 2015

Boost Your Interview IQ

Carole Martin
online access from McGraw-Hill ebook library
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The ultimate guide to acing any interview

Job interviews aren’t discussions; they’re oral exams—and the candidate with all the right answers gets the job. Boost Your Interview IQ, helps you ace that big test with skill-building exercises, an in-depth “Interview IQ” test, and other resources to let you craft winning answers to the most important questions interviewers ask.

In these pages, you’ll discover ways to present your experiences in a compelling narrative that showcases your skills, knowledge, and personality—and you’ll learn the right way to answer tricky “behavioral” questions like a pro. Plus you’ll get interview strategies custom tailored to the needs of management/executive-level candidates, new graduates, career changers, and people reentering the market.

In today’s tough job market, the best-prepared candidate wins—and in this economy you’re going to need every advantage to set you apart from the pack. Boost Your Interview IQ is the book that delivers the right tools to do the job of GETTING the job.

(Excerpt from

一生能有幾次工作? 5 大法則, 決定你的職業生涯 (The Five Patterns of Extraordinary Careers)

詹姆斯・西特林 (James M. Citrin) , 理查德・史密斯 (Richard A. Smith)
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◎ 高階主管汰換率創歷史新高。根據調查顯示,自1998年至2001年之間,中大型企業的執行長汰換率達58%。目前執行長的平均任期是2.75年(較一九九九年少了一年),任期超過十年的執行長僅有12%。

◎ 事業選擇更加不確定。這就意味著有更多的生涯選項,每一個選項都會引出不同的道路。可選的道路雖然增加了,但市場變化無常,也為事業生涯增添風險。(如網路科技產業的發展)

◎ 未來十年之間,你轉換工作的次數,比三十年前一個高階主管一生換工作的次數還多,其原因有二:一方面,減少人力將是企業經營講求成本控管的常態。另一方面,面對可能的資遣命運,再加上實施退休金可攜式個人帳戶制度,員工對於組織也不像過去那樣忠誠。

◎ 已無安全網。在企業縮編狂潮席捲下,過去知名企業翻身殞落,已經沒有什麼事情有保障。你今天加入一家看似可捧金飯碗的公司,明天可能就陷入向下沈淪的風暴。

四:克服「許可矛盾」(permission paradox)。能克服商業世界最難擺脫的困境:沒有經驗就得不到工作,得不到工作又無法累積經驗。


Monday, June 8, 2015

The Opposable Mind: Winning Through Integrative Thinking

Roger L. Martin
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If you want to be as successful as Jack Welch, Larry Bossidy, or Michael Dell, read their autobiographical advice books, right? Wrong, says Roger Martin in The Opposable Mind. Though following best practice can help in some ways, it also poses a danger: By emulating what a great leader did in a particular situation, you'll likely be terribly disappointed with your own results. Why? Your situation is different.

Instead of focusing on what exceptional leaders do, we need to understand and emulate how they think. Successful businesspeople engage in what Martin calls integrative thinking creatively resolving the tension in opposing models by forming entirely new and superior ones. Drawing on stories of leaders as diverse as AG Lafley of Procter & Gamble, Meg Whitman of eBay, Victoria Hale of the Institute for One World Health, and Nandan Nilekani of Infosys, Martin shows how integrative thinkers are relentlessly diagnosing and synthesizing by asking probing questions including: What are the causal relationships at work here? and What are the implied trade-offs?

Martin also presents a model for strengthening your integrative thinking skills by drawing on different kinds of knowledge including conceptual and experiential knowledge.

Integrative thinking can be learned, and The Opposable Mind helps you master this vital skill.

(Excerpt from

成事在天 : 機遇在市場及人生中的隱蔽角色 (Fooled by Randomness)

塔勒波 (Nassim Nicholas Taleb)
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Monday, June 1, 2015

A Beautiful Math: John Nash, Game Theory, and the Modern Quest for a Code of Nature

Tom Siegfried
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Millions have seen the movie and thousands have read the book but few have fully appreciated the mathematics developed by John Nash's beautiful mind. Today Nash's beautiful math has become a universal language for research in the social sciences and has infiltrated the realms of evolutionary biology, neuroscience, and even quantum physics. John Nash won the 1994 Nobel Prize in economics for pioneering research published in the 1950's on a new branch of mathematics known as game theory. At the time of Nash's early work, game theory was briefly popular among some mathematicians and Cold War analysts. But it remained obscure until the 1970's when evolutionary biologists began applying it to their work. In the 1980's economists began to embrace game theory. Since then it has found an ever expanding repertoire of applications among a wide range of scientific disciplines. Today neuroscientists peer into game players brains, anthropologists play games with people from primitive cultures, biologists use games to explain the evolution of human language, and mathematicians exploit games to better understand social networks. A common thread connecting much of this research is its relevance to the ancient quest for a science of human social behaviour, or a Code of Nature, in the spirit of the fictional science of psychohistory described in the famous Foundation novels by the late Isaac Asimov. In "A Beautiful Math", acclaimed science writer Tom Siegfried describes how game theory links the life sciences, social sciences, and physical sciences in a way that may bring Asimov's dream closer to reality.

(Excerpt from

For more information about John Forbes Nash, Jr., please visit John Nash from Gale Biography in Context.


王春永 編著
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Monday, May 25, 2015

How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships

Leil Lowndes
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"You'll not only break the ice, you'll melt it away with your new skills." -- Larry King

"The lost art of verbal communication may be revitalized by Leil Lowndes." -- Harvey McKay, author of “How to Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive”

What is that magic quality makes some people instantly loved and respected? Everyone wants to be their friend (or, if single, their lover!) In business, they rise swiftly to the top of the corporate ladder. What is their "Midas touch?"

What it boils down to is a more skillful way of dealing with people.

The author has spent her career teaching people how to communicate for success. In her book How to Talk to Anyone (Contemporary Books, October 2003) Lowndes offers 92 easy and effective sure-fire success techniques-- she takes the reader from first meeting all the way up to sophisticated techniques used by the big winners in life. In this information-packed book you’ll find:

• 9 ways to make a dynamite first impression
• 14 ways to master small talk, "big talk," and body language
• 14 ways to walk and talk like a VIP or celebrity
• 6 ways to sound like an insider in any crowd
• 7 ways to establish deep subliminal rapport with anyone
• 9 ways to feed someone's ego (and know when NOT to!)
• 11 ways to make your phone a powerful communications tool
• 15 ways to work a party like a politician works a room
• 7 ways to talk with tigers and not get eaten alive

In her trademark entertaining and straight-shooting style, Leil gives the techniques catchy names so you'll remember them when you really need them, including: "Rubberneck the Room," "Be a Copyclass," "Come Hither Hands," “Bare Their Hot Button,” “The Great Scorecard in the Sky," and "Play the Tombstone Game,” for big success in your social life, romance, and business.

How to Talk to Anyone, which is an update of her popular book, Talking the Winner's Way (see the 5-star reviews of the latter) is based on solid research about techniques that work!

By the way, don't confuse How to Talk to Anyone with one of Leil's previous books, How to Talk to Anybody About Anything. This one is completely different!

(Excerpt from

傾聽:決定人際關係的奧秘和技巧 (The Lost Art of Listening)

邁克爾·P·尼科爾斯 (Michael P. Nichols)
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Monday, May 18, 2015

Big Data Revolution: What Farmers, Doctors and Insurance Agents Teach Us about Discovering Big Data Patterns

Rob Thomas, Patrick McSharry
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Exploit the power and potential of Big Data to revolutionize business outcomes

Big Data Revolution is a guide to improving performance, making better decisions, and transforming business through the effective use of Big Data. In this collaborative work by an IBM Vice President of Big Data Products and an Oxford Research Fellow, this book presents inside stories that demonstrate the power and potential of Big Data within the business realm. Readers are guided through tried-and-true methodologies for getting more out of data, and using it to the utmost advantage. This book describes the major trends emerging in the field, the pitfalls and triumphs being experienced, and the many considerations surrounding Big Data, all while guiding readers toward better decision making from the perspective of a data scientist.

Companies are generating data faster than ever before, and managing that data has become a major challenge. With the right strategy, Big Data can be a powerful tool for creating effective business solutions – but deep understanding is key when applying it to individual business needs. Big Data Revolution provides the insight executives need to incorporate Big Data into a better business strategy, improving outcomes with innovation and efficient use of technology.
• Examine the major emerging patterns in Big Data
• Consider the debate surrounding the ethical use of data
• Recognize patterns and improve personal and organizational performance
• Make more informed decisions with quantifiable results

In an information society, it is becoming increasingly important to make sense of data in an economically viable way. It can drive new revenue streams and give companies a competitive advantage, providing a way forward for businesses navigating an increasingly complex marketplace. Big Data Revolution provides expert insight on the tool that can revolutionize industries.

(Excerpt from

書於竹帛 : 中國古代的文字記錄

錢存訓 著
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Monday, May 11, 2015

City Voices : Hong Kong Writing in English, 1945 to the Present

Edited by Xu Xi and Mike Ingham
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City Voices is the first showcase of postwar Hong Kong literature originating in English. Fiction, poetry, essays and memoirs from more than 70 authors are featured to demonstrate 'the rich variety and vitality of the city's literary production'. Together with work from established authors, both bilingual writers who choose to write in English and expatriate authors who have made Hong Kong their home, a section of 'New Voices' introduces the work of unknown and young writers who are part of today's surge of new creativity.

'As the first anthology of Hong Kong prose and poetry written in English, City Voices is a groundbreaking collection that propels readers from the early writing of the 1950s through the creative surge of the 1990s into today. City Voices has poignant, gorgeous, stunning, disturbing, exhilarating writing and is cause for celebration.' - Arthur Sze, author of seven books of poetry, including The Redshifting Web: Poems 1970-1998

'This most necessary and wildly ambitious collection is as boisterous and packed with voices as a Hong Kong street. With an unruly grace, City Voices boldly asserts the rich variety and vitality of the city's literary production, past and present. What a delight to find within these covers not only some old favorites but so many new, exciting writers and poets, whose contributions will leave the reader longing for more.' - David Wong Louie, author of The Barbarians Are Coming and Pangs of Love

'This anthology, containing selections from Hong Kong writers both famous and newly discovered, lays the soul of Hong Kong bare. In writings by turn humorous or dark, we get a look at the secret life of what is arguably the world's most interesting and cosmopolitan city. If you thought Hong Kong was a city devoted only to making money, shopping, and eating well, City Voices will open your eyes and put you in the presence of a scintillating literary community. Hong Kong has a soul and this anthology proves it.' - Robert H. Abel, winner of the Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction and the author of Riding a Tiger

'What shape will Hong Kong literature take in the hands of Mother China? This seminal anthology of Hong Kong literature in English hints at myriad possibilities: the city becoming more Chinese and less British, or mainland China becoming more Hong Kong, or perhaps an explosion of multi-cultural sensibilities in this theatre of the South China Sea? While the upcoming acts of history might tickle our exotic imaginings, it is worthwhile to see how this was all staged to begin with. Here is an anthology brilliantly collected by two who are themselves literary pioneers, Xu Xi and Mike Ingham, of work originally composed in English, or if not, self-translated to English - perfect for those of us who question the authenticity of translation - an anthology that offers a multi-genre vision from writers who live there or have lived there, writers who are all active observers and participants in Hong Kong's march through history.' - Bino A. Realuyo, editor and author, The Umbrella Country

(Excerpt from


魯平 口述; 錢亦蕉 整理
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Monday, May 4, 2015

The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations Into Breakthroughs

Marcia Reynolds 
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You want people to stretch their limits, but your conversations meant to help them often fall flat or backfire, creating more resistance than growth. Top leadership coach Marcia Reynolds offers a model for using the Discomfort Zone—the moment when the mind is most open to learning—to prompt people to think through problems, see situations more strategically, and transcend their limitations.

Drawing on recent discoveries in the neuroscience of learning, Reynolds shows how to ask the kinds of questions that short-circuit the brain’s defense mechanisms and habitual thought patterns. Then, instead of being told, people see for themselves the insightful and often profound solutions to what is stopping their progress. The exercises and case studies will help you use discomfort in your conversations to create lasting changes and an enlivened workforce.

(Excerpt from

人性能達到的境界 (The Farther Reaches of Human Nature)

馬斯洛 (Abraham H. Maslow)
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第一章 探索生命的需要
第二章 創造人性的境界
第三章 實現自我的價值
第四章 體驗人生的幸福


Monday, April 27, 2015

Young People and Housing: Transitions, Trajectories and Generational Fractures

Edited by Ray Forrest and Ngai Ming Yip 
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Young People and Housing brings together new research exploring the economic, social, and cultural challenges that face young people in search of permanent housing. Featuring international case studies from Asia, Europe, and Australia, Young People and Housing is a collection of groundbreaking work from leading scholars in housing policy.

Younger generations across a wide range of societies face increasing difficulties in gaining access to housing. Housing occupies a pivotal position in the transition from parental dependence to adult independence. Delayed independence has significant implications for marriage and family formation, fertility, inter and intra generational tensions, social mobility and social inequalities.

The social and cultural dimensions are, of course, enormously varied with strong contrasts between Asian and Western societies in terms of intergenerational norms and practices in relation to housing. Nevertheless, younger households in China (including Hong Kong), Japan, the USA, Australasia and Europe face very similar challenges in the housing sphere. Moreover, concerns about the housing future for younger generations are gaining greater policy and popular prominence in many countries.

(Excerpt from

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托尼.杰瑞 (Tony Jeary)
online access from Apabi - China digital library
online access from Ebook Central Academic Complete
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