Monday, June 28, 2010

Five Minds for the Future

By Howard Gardner
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We live in a time of vast changes. And those changes call for entirely new ways of learning and thinking. In Five Minds for the Future, Howard Gardner defines the cognitive abilities that will command a premium in the years ahead: the Disciplinary mind--mastery of major schools of thought (including science, mathematics, and history) and of at least one professional craft; the Synthesizing mind--ability to integrate ideas from different disciplines or spheres into a coherent whole and to communicate that integration to others; the Creating mind--capacity to uncover and clarify new problems, questions, and phenomena; the Respectful mind--awareness of and appreciation for differences among human beings and human groups; and the Ethical mind--fulfillment of one's responsibilities as a worker and citizen. World-renowned for his theory of multiple intelligences, Gardner takes that thinking to the next level in this book, drawing from a wealth of diverse examples to illuminate his ideas. Concise and engaging, Five Minds for the Future will inspire lifelong learning in any reader and provide valuable insights for those charged with training and developing organizational leaders--both today and tomorrow.
(Excerpt from the Publisher’s description)

心田甘露 : 成長的 62 個階梯

何權峰 著
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我們面對第一類問題的態度是兩眼常向前看,從客觀環境下手改造以解決問題;面對第二類問題的態度是兩眼常轉回來看自家這裡, “反求諸己”、“盡其在我”,調和融洽我與對方之間,或以變換主觀自適於這境地為問題之解決;面對第三類問題的態度是以根本不生要求為最上之滿足。雖然我們之感觸問題,採取態度,各不必相當,但解決了困難障礙,就獲得了某種自由、自在。
(摘錄自書中“用心去保持人的靈性” ——推荐序,吳京)

Monday, June 21, 2010

How to Write a Great CV: Discover What Interviewers Are Looking for, Focus on Your Strengths and Perfect Your Presentation

By Paul McGee
... we are all likely to need a Curriculum Vitae, or CV for short. Whether we're leaving school or college, wanting a career change, experiencing redundancy or returning from a career break, our first priority is to get a CV written.
Not only is a CV necessary for the benefit of the intended reader, but as this book will illustrate, compiling one can provide a great insight for you personally. Rather than relying on someone who doesn't know you to write your 'personal sales brochure', this book gives you a practical step-by-step approach to creating your own.
... You will learn not just how to sell yourself, but how to tailor and vary your approach accordingly. Interviews will also take on a new meaning when we see the role our CV typically plays in that situation. Packed with exercises and case studies, this book provides insights and tips gained from helping thousands of people of all ages and from all backgrounds successfully market themselves.
(Excerpt from the Preface)

智慧書 (The Art of Worldly Wisdom)

巴尔塔沙・葛拉西安 (Baltasar Gracian) 著
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(摘錄自書中 “導讀”, 2004)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Cover Letter Magic : Trade Secrets of Professional Resume Writers

By Wendy S. Enelow and Louise M. Kursmark
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Whether you’re selling yourself for a new position or proposing a new book, product, service, or advertising campaign, you begin with a cover letter. You write a letter in an attempt to generate interest, enthusiasm, and action from your reader …
This publication is designed as a job seeker-friendly guide to developing powerful cover letters that get candidates noticed, not passed over. And it is packed with more than 100 cover letter samples, all written by members of the Career Masters Institute, a prestigious professional association whose membership includes resume writers, career coaches, career counselors, recruiters, and others in the careers and employment industry.
(Excerpt from the Introduction of the book, 2007)

生涯規劃槪論 : 生涯與生活篇

黃天中 著
生涯規劃究竟指為何?事實上,生涯是包括了生命與生活, 而生命目標之圓滿達成,正是靠每日生活經驗之積累,因此生涯規劃,決不能好高騖遠的堆砌生命之空中樓閣,而是確實的正視自己,瞭解自我,觀察社會環境後,平穩踏實的規劃出生活的每一天。此即生涯發展論學者舒伯博士為生涯下的定義:「生涯乃生活中各事件的演進方向與過程,統合了人的一生中各種職業、生活角色,並藉此展現出個人獨特的自我發展型態來。」
…… 本書在生活層面之基礎上,嘗試性的從事橫斷面的概念擴充,針對人們日常生活經常面臨之課題,譬諸人際關係、壓力處理、兩性關係、宗教信仰、電腦與生活、休閒活動、時間管理等,納入於本書架構中,真正落實每一個體對於自我能力、興趣 以及周遭社會環境之瞭解,使生涯規劃更顯周延,進而達成舒伯所謂的「將生涯輔導概念轉化為實際的生涯選擇與生活方式,並藉此適切的角色行為,同時滿足個人與社會的需求。」

Monday, June 7, 2010

Flowering in the Shadows: Women in the History of Chinese and Japanese Painting

Edited by Marsha Weidner
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It is common to read the histories of the arts of China and Japan without encountering mention of women. I myself have been teaching East Asian art history for over twenty years, and have usually done so without ever discussing a single female artist. If questioned by my students, I might provide a name or two, usually that of Kuan Tao-sheng (1262―1319), the wife of Chao Meng-fu, the foremost painter and calligrapher of the early Yuan period. Basically, art historians have regarded the art of China and Japan as a patriarchal tradition, allowing for the occasional wife or concubine to appear briefly, but attending to the essential male identity of the East Asian cultural tradition.
That this long practice is false and unacceptable is evident. As this volume demonstrates, not only were there many women active as artists in both China and Japan throughtout history, there were women in both tradtions whose stature and influence should be regarded as central to the long vitality of East Asian art. Moreover, no evaluation or understanding of the artistic , cultural, and philosophical traditions of China and Japan is really possible without comprehension of the feminine components that have shaped and influenced the whole …
(Excerpt from the Foreword by Richard Barnhart)


劉國生 主编
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Monday, May 31, 2010

The Artful Mind: Cognitive Science and the Riddle of Human Creativity

Edited by Mark Turner
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All normal human beings alive in the last fifty thousand years appear to have possessed, in Mark Turner's phrase, "irrepressibly artful minds." Cognitively modern minds produced a staggering list of behavioral singularities--science, religion, mathematics, language, advanced tool use, decorative dress, dance, culture, art--that seems to indicate a mysterious and unexplained discontinuity between us and all other living things. This brute fact gives rise to some tantalizing questions: How did the artful mind emerge? What are the basic mental operations that make art possible for us now, and how do they operate? These are the questions that occupy the distinguished contributors to this volume, which emerged from a year-long Getty-funded research project hosted by the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford. These scholars bring to bear a range of disciplinary and cross-disciplinary perspectives on the relationship between art (broadly conceived), the mind, and the brain. Together they hope to provide directions for a new field of research that can play a significant role in answering the great riddle of human singularity.
(Excerpt from the Publisher’s description)


壽勤澤 著
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…… 伍爾芙(Virginia Woolf) [英國現代派文學大家]是一位以極其嚴謹的創作態度對待個人 “文字” 的作家,她把自己嘔心瀝血的創作過程名之曰“生命寫 作”,當她的寫作宣告結束之日,也是她生命之火熄滅的一天。她的“生命寫作”,成為世界文學史上最為奇麗絢爛的風景線,深受後人的敬仰。作一個時空大跨越的比較,黃公望畫《富春山居圖》,歷經7個寒暑而成;王蒙繪就《青卞隱居圖》,密線繁體,足見匠心獨運;吳鎮圖寫《漁父圖》,同一題材,情有所鍾,反覆創作,留下精品力作。他們雖然與伍爾芙生活於不同的時間和空間,但在文藝創作的本質精神上則是完全相通的。
“元四家”生活於同一個時代,又生活於江南地區,相互之間又有密切的交往,思想與藝術上互有影響。為“元四家”立傳,最理想的是將黃公望、王蒙、吳鎮、倪瓚四人的傳記合為一 書,便於從宏觀視野裡對他們作多層面、多角度的比較論評,使讀者更清晰地看到元代文人畫發展的脈絡肌理。例如,‟元四家”將山水畫推向中國山水畫史的高峰,倪瓚的“逸筆草草,不求形似”論是最需要作出深入的學理分析的,然而,限於叢書[《浙江文化名人傳記叢書》]早就確定的選收體例,倪瓚籍貫江蘇,就無法收進這部書稿 ……

Monday, May 24, 2010

Shanghai and the Edges of Empires

By Meng Yue
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Even before the romanticized golden era of Shanghai in the 1930s, the famed Asian city was remarkable for its uniqueness and East-meets-West cosmopolitanism. Meng Yue analyzes a century-long shift of urbanity from China’s heartland to its shore. During the period between the decline of Jiangnan cities such as Suzhou and Yangzhou and Shanghai’s early twentieth-century rise, the overlapping cultural edges of a failing Chinese royal order and the encroachment of Western imperialists converged. Simultaneously appropriating and resisting imposing forces, Shanghai opened itself to unruly, subversive practices, becoming a crucible of creativity and modernism.
Calling into question conventional ways of conceptualizing modernity, colonialism, and intercultural relations, Meng Yue examines such cultural practices as the work of the commercial press, street theater, and literary arts, and shows that what appear to be minor cultural changes often signal the presence of larger political and economic developments. Engaging theories of modernity and postcolonial and global cultural studies, Meng Yue reveals the paradoxical interdependence between imperial and imperialist histories and the retranslation of culture that characterized the most notable result of China’s urban relocation—the emergence of the international city of Shanghai.
(Excerpt from

說服力 : 令人心悦誠服的說話技巧 = Conviction

趙彥鋒 著
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Monday, May 17, 2010

After You Graduate: Finding and Getting Work You Will Enjoy

By Leila Roberts
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Taking the fear out of ‘career’
• Does the thought of graduation worry you?
• Does the word ‘career’ depress you?
• Do you feel you’re getting nowhere and wasting your degree?
• Do you want something different but don’t know how to get it?
After You Graduate is for students who are about to enter the world of work or those looking of a change in career direction. It takes the anxiety out of career choice and job-hunting and answers frequently-asked questions such as:
• What is a graduate job?
• What do graduates in my subject do?
• How do I identify what sort of work I will enjoy?
• What’s the use of a work placement?
• How do I write a good application form, CV and covering letter?
• How do I make the best impression at an interview?
After You Graduate can be used as a reference guide to the whold career-choice and job-finding process, including further study and self-employment.
(Excerpt from the back cover)

世界地圖上的印記 : 環遊世界70國印象之旅 = Journey Impressions on the Map

柯亭凡 著
online access from iRead eBook

歐洲幾度造訪 / 亞太紐澳繞遊 / 拉丁南美巡禮 / 非洲狩獵探險 / 加勒比海軌跡 / 飛越海洋國界 / 世界七大奇蹟。

Monday, May 10, 2010

Successful Time Management

By Patrick Forsyth
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If you are busy then you are normal. The modern workplace is unrelenting and deadlines, pressure (and, if you let it get to you, stress too) and a daily avalanche of e-mails are the order of the day. Dealing with this must be part of everyone’s stock in trade …

You are doubtless judged by what you do, by the results you achieve. To survive and prosper you have to be productive, efficient and effective. Time management is about working actively to create efficiency and effectiveness in a way that makes achieving your targeted results more likely. Success does not just happen. You make it happen. So too with your work pattern, you create it and do so for good or ill. Here we examine an essential foundation to success.

Good, effective time management is a core skill, a career skill that we all need both to make us able to perform in a current job and to enhance our career prospects. It is a real differentiating factor, one where getting to grips with it can see you consistently achieving what you want in both job and career in a way that gives you an edge on other people, perhaps of equal ability, but who lack this aspect of self-organisation and discipline …

(Excerpt from the Preface)

感動人生的100個心靈故事 = 100 Stories Affected for My Life

陳凱文 編著
online access from iRead eBook


Monday, May 3, 2010

Getting Things Done : The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

By David Allen
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WELCOME TO A gold mine of insights into strategies for how to have more energy, be more relaxed, and get a lot more accomplished with much less effort. If you’re like me, you like getting things done and doing them well, and yet you also want to savor life in ways that seem increasingly elusive if not downright impossible if you’re working too hard. This doesn’t have to be an either-or proposition. It is possible to be effectively doing, while you are delightfully being, in your ordinary workaday world.

I think efficiency is a good thing. Maybe what you’re doing is important, interesting, or useful; or maybe it isn’t but it has to be done anyway. In the first case you want to get as much return as you can on your investment of time and energy. In the second, you want to get on to other things as fast as you can, without any nagging loose ends.

And whatever you’re doing, you’d probably like to be more relaxed, confident …

Teaching you how to be maximally efficient and relaxed, whenever you need or want to be, was my main purpose in writing this book.

(Excerpt from “Welcome to Getting Things Done” of the book)


謝水南 著
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Monday, April 26, 2010

Learning Maps and Memory Skills

By Ingemar Svantesson
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Are you tired of wading through pages of notes to find the information you want?
Do you need to improve your creative thinking?
Do you find it difficult to decipher the notes you have taken during a meeting?
Learning maps could be the answer to your problems. They are an immensely valuable note-taking technique that can improve your memory, save you time and help with creative thinking. They are useful in all sorts of situations, such as:
• planning and problem solving;
• summarising notes;
• remembering facts and figures;
• brainstorming;
• remembering key points from a meeting.
(Excerpt from the back cover)


托尼・巴贊 (Tony Buzan)
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1. 全面提高閱讀速度;
2. 保持並改善理解能力;
3. 增加眼睛和大腦的理解功能,這樣,就可以在看書和研究時,或者是在個人事務和工作中,能更有效地利用這些功能;
4. 使詞彙量和普通知識都得以改善;
5. 節約時間;
6. 為你增加信心。


(摘錄自書中 “《快速閱讀》使用指南”)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Textual Dynamics of the Professions : Historical and Contemporary Studies of Writing in Professional Communities

Edited by Charles Bazerman and James Paradis
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How do discursive differences between legal professionals and jurors affect courtroom decisions? How does the DSM-III - the American Psychiatric Association's taxonomy of mental disorders - shape psychiatric practice? How can a narrative of social progress shape scientific theory? How do conflicting problem-solving strategies within a community contribute to technological disasters like Three Mile Island and the Shuttle Challenger? This book is a collection of 15 essays examining the real effects of texts on professional practice - in academic, scientific, and business settings. The authors describe textual dynamics as an interaction in which professional texts and discourses are constructed by, and in turn construct, social practices. This anthology treats a wide range of professional texts including case studies, student papers, medieval letters and product instructions.
(Excerpt from


付聞君 主编
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戴爾・卡耐基(Dale Carnegie 1888-1955)是美國傑出的成人教育家,也是譽滿全球的公關學家。他的著作影響了20世紀的幾代人,至今仍經久不衰。
卡耐基的成功學包括處世術,智力開發術,演講術,推銷術,人際關係術等。他創立的成人教育機構遍布世界各地,多達 2,000餘所。卡耐基成人教育機構裡有一套系統完整,操作起來既簡便易行,又能迅速成功的成人教育方法。這些方法都是他運用心理學的知識,對人類共同的心理特點進行探索和分析創造並發展起來的。全世界受惠於他的人達千百萬之多,其中有普通百姓,也有明星巨商,軍政要員等。卡耐基的成功就在於他幫助人們在處世上獲得自尊、自重、勇氣和信心,在事業上克服人性的弱點,發揮人性的優點,開發人類潛在智能,從而獲得人生的快樂 ……

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Handbook of Academic Writing: A Fresh Approach

By Rowena Murray and Sarah Moore
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The Handbook of Academic Writing offers practical advice to busy academics who want, and are often required, to integrate writing into their working lives. It defines what academic writing is, and the process of getting started through to completion, covering topics such as:
• Gaining momentum
• Reviewing and revising
• Self-discipline
• Writing regularly
• Writers' groups and retreats
Academic writing is one of the most demanding tasks that all academics and researchers face. In some disciplines there is guidance on what is needed to be productive, successful writers; but in other disciplines there is no training, support or mentoring of any kind. This book helps those in both groups not only to improve their writing skills and strategies, but, equally importantly, to find satisfaction in engaging in regular and productive writing.
Underpinned by a diverse range of literature, this book addresses the different dimensions of writing. The fresh approach that Murray and Moore explore in this book includes developing rhetorical knowledge, focusing on writing behaviours and understanding writing contexts.
This book will help writers in academic contexts to develop a productive writing strategy, not only for research monitoring exercises, but also for the long term.
(From the Publisher’s description)

别為小事抓狂 : 得意人生100招 ( Don't Sweat the Small Stuff-- and It's All Small Stuff)

理查德・卡爾森 著
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每當我們面對壞消息,難纏的人或令人失望的事情時,大部份人都會陷入習慣性的反應,尤其是身處逆境的時候,結果適得其反,對自己毫無幫助。我們反應過度,把事情擴大,緊張兮兮,把焦點都專注於生活的負面上。當我們囿於小事而感到憤怒、懊惱、煩憂時,“過度”反應不但讓我們感到受挫,而且真的妨礙了我們想做的事。我們看不見整體的勢態,只專注於負面的部份,這惹惱了其他本來有意幫助我們的人。簡單地說,我們把自己的生活過得好像一場巨大危機,我們經常奔來忙去,試著解決問題,而實際上,我們只是把問題搞得更複雜 ……

還有另一種面對生活的方式,那就是一條比較和緩、幽雅的道路,它使生活變得更容易,身在其中的人也更和諧融洽。這個“另一種方式”的生活就是用新的平衡習慣來取代古老的 “反應”。這些嶄新的習慣讓我們擁有一個更豐富、更滿足的人生 ……


Monday, April 5, 2010

The EQ Difference : A Powerful Plan for Putting Emotional Intelligence to Work

By Adele B. Lynn
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Emotional intelligence can make a huge difference in both our personal lives and our work satisfaction and performance. Emotional intelligence is the distinguishing factor that determines if we make lemonade when life hands us lemons or spend our life stuck in bitterness. It is the distinguishing factor that enables us to have wholesome, warm relationships rather than cold and distant contacts. EQ is the distinguishing factor between finding and living our life’s passions or just putting in time. EQ is the distinguishing factor that draws others to us or repels them. EQ is the distinguishing factor that enables us to work in concert and collaboration with others or to withdraw in dispute …
This book is not to change who you are, but to allow more of your ideal self to come through in daily living. The fact is everyone has gaps between their true intentions and reality. If, however, you are serious about bridging this gap and living your greatness, this book will not only inspire you to do so, it will provide a plan to examine and confront the very issues that are standing in the way …
(From the Preface: Your Inner Bird Dog)


胡斯琴 編著
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...... 四大名著做為凝結中國傳統文化人生智慧的集大成者,無論其蘊涵的形而上、儒、釋、道思想,還是勾心鬥角、雞生蒜皮人生百態,抑或是指點江山、激揚文字的大智慧、大才華,義薄雲天、肝膽相照的氣魄胸襟,堅韌執著、義無反顧的拚搏精神,都是寶貴的精神財富,值得我們細細品味。

Monday, March 29, 2010

Easter : Its History, Celebration, Spirit, and Significance as Related in Prose and Verse

By Susan Tracy Rice; edited by Robert Haven Schauffler
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Of all the festivals of the Christian year, Easter is the most important and most joyful. From of old it has been known as “the happiest of days,” “the bright day,” “the Sunday of joy” and “the festival of festivals.” The early fathers used to speak of it as “the feast of feasts,” “the queen of days,” “the desirable festival of our salvation.” And Pope Leo I called it “the day alone great.”
The names Easter and Ostern, the English and German names for the feast of the resurrection, were once thought to be derived from Ostara (Eostre), an ancient teutonic goddess mentioned by the historian Bede in the seventh century. She was the personification of the Spring, of the rising sun, of all things new and fresh and full of hope. To her the month corresponding to our April, Eostur-monath, was supposed to be dedicated.
This is all very romantic and beautiful; but it is not true. Recent research has shown that Ostara, the goddess of the vernal equinox, originated nowhere but in the brain of the venerable Bede; …
(From the Introduction of the book)


張玉斌 編著
online access from iRead eBook


Monday, March 22, 2010

Influencer : The Power to Change Anything

By Kerry Patterson, et al.
online access from McGraw-Hill Education Ebook Collection (Chinese)
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• An INFLUENCER motivates others to change.
• An INFLUENCER replaces bad behaviors with powerful new skills.
• An INFLUENCER makes things happen.
This is what it takes to be an INFLUENCER.
Whether you're a CEO, a parent, or merely a person who wants to make a difference, you probably wish you had more influence with the people in your life. But most of us stop trying to make change happen because we believe it is too difficult, if not impossible. We develop complicated coping strategies when we should be learning the tools and techniques of the world's most influential people.
You'll learn how to:
• Identify a handful of high-leverage behaviors that lead to rapid and profound change.
• Apply strategies for changing both thoughts and actions.
• Marshall six sources of influence to make change inevitable.
Influencer takes you on a fascinating journey from San Francisco to Thailand where you'll see how seemingly “insignificant” people are making incredibly significant improvements in solving problems others would think impossible. You'll learn how savvy folks make change not only achievable and sustainable, but inevitable. You'll discover why some managers have increased productivity repeatedly and significantly-while others have failed miserably.
(From the Overview of the book)


孫天倫, 黃俊華 著
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Monday, March 15, 2010

The Art of Creative Thinking: How to Be Innovative and Develop Great Ideas

By John Adair
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There have been many books on creativity and creative thinking. What is distinctive about this one? My new concept is that of Depth Mind. Of course, the reality behind it — the creative activity of the unconscious mind — is not by any means new. My contribution, however, is to present that reality in a fresh way. I have also put it into context within a simple framework of mental activity: the analysing, synthesizing and valuing functions of the mind when it is thinking to some purpose.
This is not simply a book about creative thinking. Its aim is to help you in practical ways to become a more creative thinker …
Among other things, these pages will help you to: develop your understanding of the creative process; overcome barriers or blocks to having new ideas; enlarge your parameters of vision; learn to build on ideas as well as criticize them; increase your tolerance for uncertainty and doubt; listen, look and read with a creative attitude; make time to think; become more confident in yourself as a creative person.
(From the Introduction of the book)


林大有 著
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我們的情緒每天都在陪伴著我們,影響著我們,但卻很少會有人真正研究過情緒對我們的影響。英國學者倫布朗認為情緒是「人類所有活動背後最直接 的動力」;哈佛大學教授邁克爾.波特認為「最偉大的管理者是那些善於管理情緒的人」。



Monday, March 8, 2010

Taking Ourselves Seriously and Getting it Right

By Harry G. Frankfurt; edited by Debra Satz
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Harry G. Frankfurt begins his inquiry by asking, “What is it about human beings that makes it possible for us to take ourselves seriously?” Based on The Tanner Lectures in Moral Philosophy, Taking Ourselves Seriously and Getting It Right delves into this provocative and original question.

The author maintains that taking ourselves seriously presupposes an inward-directed, reflexive oversight that enables us to focus our attention directly upon ourselves, and “[it] means that we are not prepared to accept ourselves just as we come. We want our thoughts, our feelings, our choices, and our behavior to make sense. We are not satisfied to think that our ideas are formed haphazardly, or that our actions are driven by transient and opaque impulses or by mindless decisions. We need to direct ourselves—or at any rate to believe that we are directing ourselves—in thoughtful conformity to stable and appropriate norms. We want to get things right.”

The essays delineate two features that have a critical role to play in this: our rationality, and our ability to love …

(From the back of the front cover)

In his Tanner lectures, Harry Frankfurt continues his exploration of the nature of human agency and practical reasoning. Love, and other “volitional necessities”—things about which we cannot help caring—anchor us in the world and provide us with ends for our actions. Without love, or other kinds of volitionally necessary caring, we would not have an answer to the fundamental question of how we should live. This is a very important essay, written by a first-class philosophical mind, and animated by a humane outlook. It will be of interest not only to philosophers, but also to all those who look to understand the springs of human action.

(From the back cover by Debra Satz)


高行健 著
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《靈山》以人稱替代人物,以心理感受替代情節,以情緒變化調整文體,無意講述故事又隨意編造故事,類似遊記又近乎獨白。第一人稱“我”同第二人稱“你”實為一體,後者乃是前者的投射或精神異化。第三人稱“他”則又是對第一人稱“我”的靜觀與思考。這種奇特的新鮮的結構以及敘述中的語言流,使具有傳統閱讀習慣的讀者很難進入其中,然而,一旦進入並沉浸其中,就會跟著作家進行奧德賽式的流浪與神遊,並發現文字間所深藏的、極為豐富的、神秘的文化意蘊。 …… 高行健雖有天才的活力,但他所仰仗的還是堅韌的毅力。他從八歲開始,就每天寫一則日記,從外部日記寫到內心日記,一直寫到文化大革命時為止。文革開始後,為了避免危險,他燒掉幾十公斤的手稿,除了劇本、小說、論文、長詩的手稿外也燒掉日記的手稿。還有一些手稿則藏在他自己挖掘的地洞裡,上邊蓋上泥土,放上水缸。去年他寫作過於勞累,病危以至送入醫院搶救,但一出院便又進入寫作。 《靈山》中有幾段散文詩式的表述,他寫了數十遍。他的成功,完全是五十年來一直沉浸於審美狀態與寫作狀態的結果,這種長期的沉浸,使他確立了一種高品質與高視野,這是任何庸俗評論者用政治語言解釋不了的品質與視野。


Monday, March 1, 2010

The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture

By Ruth Benedict
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A recognized classic of cultural anthropology, The Chrysanthemum and the Sword paints an illuminating contrast between the civilization of Japan and that of the United States. Exploring the political, religious and economic life of Japan from the seventh century through the mid-twentieth, it shows how the ideology of the Japanese has developed and how it is reflected in the daily manners and customs of their life. It traces the main outlines of Japanese society — their systems of practical ethics, their ideas of good and evil, and the structured disciplines that enable them to live according to their code...
Ruth Benedict was professor of anthropology at Columbia University and one of the most eminent anthropologists of the twentieth century.
(From the back cover, 1989)

愛的藝術 (The Art of Loving)

佛洛姆 著 (By Erich Fromm)
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