Monday, August 6, 2012

What Painting Is: How to Think about Oil painting, Using the Language of Alchemy

James Elkins
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Unlike many books on painting that usually talk about art or painters, James Elkins’ compelling and original work focuses on alchemy, for like the alchemist, the painter seeks to transform and be transformed by the medium.

In What Painting Is, James Elkins communicates the experience of painting beyond the traditional vocabulary of art history. Alchemy provides a magical language to explore what it is a painter really does in her or his studio - the smells, the mess, the struggle to control the uncontrollable, the special knowledge only painters hold of how colours will mix, and how they will look.

Written from the perspective of a painter-turned-art historian, What Painting Is is like nothing you have ever read about art.

(Excerpt from

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莫奈: 印象派 (Monet)

戴維.史彭斯 (David Spence)



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Monday, July 30, 2012

In Pursuit of Excellence: How to Win in Sport and Life Through Mental Training

Terry Orlick
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Written in an easy-to-understand, instructive style, this second edition of In Pursuit of Excellence is the supplemental text for courses that cover basic sport psychology techniques. It covers the psychological concepts of concentration, winning, losing, and competing successfully. This sport performance book by internationally recognised sport psychologist Terry Orlick has undergone a complete revitalization. Better organized for easier reading, the second edition includes dozens of new examples taken from Orlick's real-life experiences with champion athletes and their coaches.

(Excerpt from

倫敦的叫賣聲: 英國隨筆選譯

約瑟夫。阿狄生 (Joseph Addison) 等著;劉炳善譯
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十六篇英國散文作品 ,橫跨新古典時期至現代主義時期的14位名家,喜愛英美文學的讀者一定不感陌生。透過劉炳善的譯注與介紹,帶領讀者一起潛入文人內心世界。


本書特色 1.本書精選英國散文16篇,多是出自18-20世紀文學大師的佳作,從斯威夫特到吳爾夫的二百年間14位英國作家。 2.按英國文學分期來看,本書囊括了新古典、維多利亞與現代主義時期作品。 3.由專研英國文學劉炳善教授翻譯並專文介紹作者與其作品特色。 4.作品皆能反映出文人們豐富的情懷,或幽默略帶譏諷的語調,值得細細品味。


Monday, July 23, 2012

Surviving Your Serengeti: 7 Skills to Master Business and Life: A Fable of Self-discovery

Stefan Swanepoel
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As a brutal business environment meets a soft economy, business leaders and managers are looking for sources of both inspiration and survival. This compelling new fable offers a riveting tale of life in Africa's Serengeti and what lessons it holds for today's beleaguered business people and struggling society.

The 1.5 million wildebeest rely on stubborn endurance and support from the herd to survive; the crocodile is opportunistic; the cheetah ruthlessly effective; the giraffe embodies grace, the lion a master strategist, the mongoose is a risk-taker, the elephant is an excellent communicator.

7 Questions This Book Tackles
1. Experiencing a challenge you wish to overcome?
2. Want to discover your hidden survival skills?
3. Still have a goal not yet achieved?
4. Interested to discover your instinctive strengths?
5. Can benefit from problem-solving thinking?
6. Know someone that has potential to excel?
7. Looking for a positive message to share?

(Excerpt from

笑忘錄 (The Book of Laughter and Forgetting)

米蘭・昆德拉 (Milan Kundera)
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Monday, July 16, 2012

The Trouble with Poetry and Other Poems

Billy Collins
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Playfulness, spare elegance, and wit epitomize the poetry of Billy Collins. With his distinct voice and accessible language, America’s two-term Poet Laureate has opened the door to poetry for countless people for whom it might otherwise remain closed.

Like the present book’s title, Collins’s poems are filled with mischief, humor, and irony, “Poetry speaks to all people, it is said, but here I would like to address / only those in my own time zone”–but also with quiet observation, intense wonder, and a reverence for the everyday: “The birds are in their trees, / the toast is in the toaster, / and the poets are at their windows. / They are at their windows in every section of the tangerine of earth–the Chinese poets looking up at the moon, / the American poets gazing out / at the pink and blue ribbons of sunrise.”

Through simple language, Collins shows that good poetry doesn’t have to be obscure or incomprehensible, qualities that are perhaps the real trouble with most “serious” poetry: “By now, it should go without saying / that what the oven is to the baker / and the berry-stained blouse to the drycleaner / so the window is to the poet.”

In this dazzling new collection, his first in three years, Collins explores boyhood, jazz, love, the passage of time, and, of course, writing–themes familiar to Collins’s fans but made new here. Gorgeous, funny, and deeply empathetic, Billy Collins’s poetry is a window through which we see our lives as if for the first time.

(Excerpt from

一首詩的故事: 100篇中國詩詞的動人故事

王盈雅 編著
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從先秦時代到晚近清朝,傳頌下來那精采動人的詩詞故事,讓你低詠讚嘆詩詞意境的優美時 還能一探詩人的親身經歷,與隱含在其中那時間流沙輕瀉下仍清晰可聞的真摯情誼。



Monday, July 9, 2012

Bach, Beethoven and the Boys: Music History As It Ought to Be Taught

David W. Barber
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David W. Barber has delighted readers around the world with Accidentals on Purpose, When the Fat Lady Sings and other internationally bestselling books of musical humor. His bestselling Bach, Beethoven and the Boys chronicles the lives of the great (and not-so-great) composers as you’ve never read them before — exploring their sex lives, exposing their foibles and expanding on our understanding of these all-too-human creatures. Filled with information, interesting facts and trivia, this hilarious history covers music from Gregorian chant to the mess we’re in now. From Bach’s laundry lists to Beethoven’s bowel problems, from Gesualdo’s kinky fetishes to Cage’s mushroom madness, Barber tells tales out of school that ought to be put back there. (Think how much more fun it would be if they taught this stuff.)

As always, Dave Donald had provided witty and clever cartoon illustrations to accompany the text.
(Excerpt from


李歐梵 著
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Monday, July 2, 2012

Hong Kong Culture: Word and Image

Edited by Kam Louie
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This book contains thirteen essays on post-1997 Hong Kong culture by some of the world's best authorities on this topic today. The majority of the essays are on literature and film. As well as these two genres, some essays also explore new types of texts such as protest art.

(Excerpt from

香江法政縱橫: 香港基本法學緒論

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Monday, June 25, 2012

God of Comics: Osamu Tezuka and the Creation of Post-World War II Manga

Natsu Onoda Power
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Cartoonist Osamu Tezuka [手塚治虫] (1928-1989) is the single most important figure in Japanese post-World War II comics. During his four-decade career, Tezuka published more than 150,000 pages of comics, produced animation films, wrote essays and short fiction, and earned a Ph.D. in medicine. Along with creating the character Astro Boy (Mighty Atom in Japan), he is best known for establishing story comics as the mainstream genre in the Japanese comic book industry, creating narratives with cinematic flow and complex characters. This style influenced all subsequent Japanese output. God of Comics chronicles Tezuka's life and works, placing his creations both in the cultural climate and in the history of Japanese comics.

The book emphasizes Tezuka's use of intertextuality. His works are filled with quotations from other texts and cultural products, such as film, theater, opera, and literature. Often, these quoted texts and images bring with them a world of meanings, enriching the narrative. Tezuka also used stock characters and recurrent visual jokes as a way of creating a coherent world that encompasses all of his works.

God of Comics includes close analysis of Tezuka's lesser-known works, many of which have never been translated into English. It offers one of the first in-depth studies of Tezuka's oeuvre to be published in English.

(Excerpt from


畢克官 編
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《子愷漫畫》在二十年代所以受到社會的重視,主要在於它的獨特性。這些漫畫取材新穎,表現手法別致,在當時美術園地裡別開生面,獨樹一幟,開拓了新的天地。我們知道,一九二五年前後,新文學陣營與復古派和鴛鴦蝴蝶派之間進行着激烈的論戰。以上海為例,當時除了少數報刊發表時事畫和政治畫外,美術市場主要是美人畫和形形色色低級庸俗的東西。中國人物畫多畫是古人,西洋畫則是靜物、風景和模特兒寫生,都遠離社會生活。在這樣的狀況下,突然有那麼一位畫家向人們展示出像 《花生米不滿足》、《阿寶兩只腳》、《瞻瞻的車》這樣率真而生動的兒童漫畫;像《都市之春》、《買粽子》、《紅了櫻桃綠了芭蕉》、《人散後,一鈎新月天如水》等充滿生活情趣又耐人尋味的作品,確實是令人耳目一新,感到親切……


Subject: Comics & Cartoons
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Monday, June 18, 2012

Practically Green: Your Guide to Ecofriendly Decision-Making

Micaela Preston
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Creating a green and healthy home might seem like an overwhelming task at times. Practically Green takes the practical approach to mindful living: Start small and go from there. Author Micaela Preston takes the guesswork out of green living by helping you make smart.

(Excerpt from

共悟人間: 父女兩地書

劉再復, 劉劍梅
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即使你不認識兩位作者,看這本書也會樂在其中,因其中談及的是文學與人生,可以乾脆不把它當書信,而作為一般文章來看。 ——金庸



Monday, June 11, 2012

The New Korea: An Inside Look at South Korea's Economic Rise

Myung Oak Kim, Sam Jaffe
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In 1953, South Korea was rated by the U.N. as the poorest country in the world. Five decades later, it is the fifteenth largest economy. Now, South Korea's decisions on how to manage its society and its role as a modern democracy while also establishing its policy regarding reunification with North Korea will determine where the country will go in the next fifty years. The New Korea examines the political, economic, industrial, and societal aspects of Korea today. Will it continue to enjoy an economic boom through new industries while competing against low-wage countries like China and India? Will it return to its role as a stomping ground for other powers? And what should Westerners pay attention to in terms of investment and business opportunities? As South Korea enters the most critical phase of its journey, it is crucial that we understand the factors involving its decisions and evolution. The New Korea is a fascinating account of what is and may become the state of this important region.

(Excerpt from

半島唐風: 朝韓作家與中國文化

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Monday, June 4, 2012

The Beatles As Musicians: The Quarry Men through Rubber Soul

Walter Everett
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The Beatles as Musicians: The Quarry Men through Rubber Soul is a comprehensive, chronologically-ordered study of every aspect of the group's musical life--composition, performance, recording and reception histories--from its beginnings in 1956 through 1965. Richly authoritative interpretations from every available reliable musical document are interwoven through a documentary study of many thousands of audio, video, print, and multimedia sources. The text will enable general readers and musicians as well as educated music theorists to learn new levels of beauty in the music of the Beatles.

(Excerpt from

傷花怒放: 搖滾的被縛與抗爭

郝舫 著
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Genre: Pop and Rock
(An impressive array of Scandinavian rock and pop music, jazz, indie-pop and folk/accoustic pop)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Conceptual Revolutions in Twentieth-Century Art

From Picasso's Cubism and Duchamp's readymades to Warhol's silkscreens and Smithson's earthworks, the art of the twentieth century broke completely with earlier artistic traditions. A basic change in the market for advanced art produced a heightened demand for innovation, and young conceptual innovators - from Picasso and Duchamp to Rauschenberg and Warhol to Cindy Sherman and Damien Hirst - responded not only by creating dozens of new forms of art, but also by behaving in ways that would have been incomprehensible to their predecessors. Conceptual Revolutions in Twentieth-Century Art presents the first systematic analysis of the reasons for this discontinuity. David W. Galenson, whose earlier research has changed our understanding of creativity, combines social scientific methods with qualitative analysis to produce a fundamentally new interpretation of modern art that will give readers a far deeper appreciation of the art of the past century, and of today, than is available elsewhere.
(Excerpt from


周時奮 著
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Monday, May 21, 2012

Self-promotion for Introverts: The Quiet Guide to Getting Ahead

Nancy Ancowitz
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All too often, introverts get passed over for job offers and promotions while their more extroverted colleagues get all of the recognition. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
In Self-Promotion for Introverts, business communication coach and intrepid introvert Nancy Ancowitz helps introverts tap into their quiet strengths, articulate their accomplishments, and launch an action plan for gaining career advancement. You will learn how to:
• Promote yourself without bragging— when networking, on job interviews, and at work
• Use your quiet gifts (writing, researching, and listening) to your advantage
• Be a commanding presenter, despite your quieter nature
• Formulate your best plans, set goals, take action— and even find a better job
• Featuring exclusive advice from Warren Buffett, Bill Clinton, Hearst Magazines president Cathie Black, and marketing guru Seth Godin, Self-Promotion for Introverts helps you progress inward, outward, and onward.
(Excerpt from

烏合之眾: 大眾心理硏究 (The Crowd)

古斯塔夫. 勒龐 (Gustave Le Bon)
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Monday, May 14, 2012

Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Story

Jerry Weissman
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Thirty million presentations will be given today. Millions will fail. Millions more will be received with yawns. A rare few will establish the most profound connection, in which presenter and audience understand each other perfectly…discover common ground… and, together, decide to act.

In this fully updated edition, Jerry Weissman, the world’s #1 presentation consultant, shows how to connect with even the toughest, most high-level audiences...and move them to action! He teaches presenters of all kinds how to dump those PowerPoint templates once and for all and tell compelling stories that focus on what’s in it for the audience.

(Excerpt from

心理定向與成功 (Mindset: The New Psychology of Success)

卡羅爾.德韋克 (Carol S. Dweck)
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Monday, May 7, 2012

Innovating Women: Contributions to Technological Advancement

Edited by Pooran Wynarczyk, Susan Marlow
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This book focuses on the challenges facing women who seek to create innovative entrepreneurial ventures, whilst also celebrating their scientific activities and contribution to technological advancement, society and economic development as a whole. It investigates and demonstrates the innovative and inventive achievements of women in the knowledge based society. It is almost universally accepted that scientific activities and discoveries are the most important sources of productivity growth and increased material welfare. Throughout history, women have been making significant contributions to scientific discoveries, innovation and inventions. However, they do not feature prominently in the inventive and innovative literatures except as exceptional examples. Current literature on scientific activities and discoveries, various facets of R&D or the management of technological change and scientific activities tends to ignore the gender dimension. This book seeks to redress this balance and contribute to current research and debate.

(Excerpt from


龍應台 著
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Monday, April 30, 2012

Aptitude, Personality and Motivation Tests: Analyse Your Talents and Personality, and Plan Your Career

Jim Barrett
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More and more companies are using tests to vet job applicants and assess staff. To perform their best under test conditions, candidates need to practice their skills.

Prospective test-takers, as well as people looking for guidance on career choices, will find useful advice in the new edition of Aptitude, Personality and Motivation Tests. Filled with new and improved practice tests, it will help build a profile of the reader’s personality, skills, and abilities, helping readers prepare for the real tests, find their ideal career, plan a career change, or simply explore their potential.

(Excerpt from


高彥鳴 著
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…… 《「新生」十件要事》是透過十個具體的建議,來啟發大一同學們對大學生活作出適當的計劃和安排。而本書的內容,則注重年青人在成長的過程中經常面對的一些問題,如提昇自信心、培養時間管理及溝通能力等。因此,我希望這二十篇文章能夠激發所有的大學生和剛畢業不久的同學的深思和成長。

(摘錄自書中 “著作緣起”)

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Heart of Change: Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations

John P. Kotter, Dan S. Cohen
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For individuals in every walk of life and in every stage of change, this compact, no-nonsense book captures both the heart--and the "how"--of successful change. Organizations are forced to change faster and more radically than ever. How are companies faring in meeting these challenges--and what can we learn from their experiences? In this powerful follow-up book--organized around Leading Change's revolutionary eight-step change process--Kotter and co-author Dan Cohen reveal the results of their research in over 100 organizations in the midst of large-scale change. What they found may surprise you. Although most organizations believe change happens by making people think differently--Kotter and Cohen say the key lies more in making them feel differently. They introduce a new dynamic--"see-feel-change"--that sparks and fuels action by showing people potent reasons for change that charge their emotions. Through true stories from real people, the authors present a play-by-play of challenges encountered, mistakes made, and lessons learned through each of the eight steps of change--and offer tips and tools readers can apply within their own organizations.

(Excerpt from

中國人, 日本人, 韓國人= Chinese, Japanese, Korean

金文學 著; 金英蘭 譯
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Monday, April 16, 2012

The The Responsibility Revolution: How the Next Generation of Businesses Will Win

Jeffrey Hollender, Bill Breen
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How to create a company that not only sustains, but surpasses-that moves beyond the imperative to be "less bad" and embrace an ethos to be "all good" .

From the Inspired Protagonist and Chairman of Seventh Generation, the country's leading brand of household products and a pioneering "good company," comes a one-of-a-kind book for leaders, entrepreneurs, and change agents everywhere. The Responsibility Revolution reveals the smartest ways for companies to build a better future-and hold themselves accountable for the results. Thousands of companies have pledged to act responsibly; very few have proven that they know how. This book will guide them. The Responsibility Revolution presents fresh ideas and actionable strategies to commit your company to a genuine socially and environmentally responsible business and culture, one that not only competes but wins on values.

• Points the way for innovators and influencers to generate trust by becoming transparent, elicit people's passion and creativity, turn customers into collaborators, transform critics into allies, rewrite the rules and reinvent business

• Shows how to build a socially and environmentally responsible yet genuinely good company and an authentic brand

• Drawing on groundbreaking interviews with real-world change leaders, Hollender and Breen present lessons and insights from the "good company"' parts of big companies like IBM and eBay, trailblazers like Patagonia and Timberland, and emerging dynamos like Linden Lab and Etsy

The Responsibility Revolution equips people with the tactics, models, and mind-sets they need to compete in a world where consumers now demand that companies contribute to the greater good.

(Excerpt from


錢穆 著
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Monday, April 9, 2012

How to Write Dissertations and Project Reports

Kathleen McMillan and Jonathan Weyers
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How to write Dissertations & Project Reports provides all of the tips, tools and techniques that you need to choose, research, write and present successful dissertations and research projects, including:

• How to structure and plan your writing proposal
• How to undertake experimental work and field research
• How to read and analyse information, and take notes effectively
• How to interpret, analyse and present numerical and research data
• How to improve your academic writing style, use of conventions and vocabulary
• How to cite references and avoid plagiarism
• How to review, proof-read and present your dissertation or project for maximum impact & results

(Excerpt from

處世的頂尖智慧 (Dealing with People You Can't Stand)

里克.布林克曼(Rick Brinkman) , 里克.基爾希納(Rick Kirschner)
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Monday, April 2, 2012

The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs: Insanely Different: Principles for Breakthrough Success

Carmine Gallo
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…When it comes to innovation, Apple CEO Steve Jobs is legendary. His company slogan "Think Different" is more than a marketing tool. It's a way of life--a powerful, positive, game-changing approach to innovation that anyone can apply to any field of endeavor.

These are the Seven Principles of Innovation, inspired by the master himself:
1. Do What You Love.
Think differently about your career.
2. Put a Dent in the Universe.
Think differently about your vision.
3. Kick Start Your Brain.
Think differently about how you think.
4. Sell Dreams, Not Products.
Think differently about your customers.
5. Say No to 1,000 Things.
Think differently about design.
6. Create Insanely Great Experiences.
Think differently about your brand experience.
7. Master the Message.
Think differently about your story.

By following Steve Jobs's visionary example, you'll discover exciting new ways to unlock your creative potential and to foster an environment that encourages innovation and allows it to flourish. You'll learn how to match—and beat—the most powerful competitors, develop the most revolutionary products, attract the most loyal customers, and thrive in the most challenging times. Bestselling business journalist Carmine Gallo has interviewed hundreds of successful professionals--from CEOs, managers, and entrepreneurs to teachers, consultants, and stay-at-home moms—to get to the core of Steve Jobs's innovative philosophies. These are the simple, meaningful, and attainable principles that drive us all to "Think Different." These are The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs.

(Excerpt from


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Monday, March 26, 2012

Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Professional and Personal Life

Richard W. Paul, Linda Elder
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Critical Thinking is about becoming a better thinker in every aspect of your life: in your career, and as a consumer, citizen, friend, parent, and lover. Discover the core skills of effective thinking; then analyze your own thought processes, identify weaknesses, and overcome them. Learn how to translate more effective thinking into better decisions, less frustration, more wealth, and above all, greater confidence to pursue and achieve your most important goals in life.

(Excerpt from