Monday, March 4, 2024

Filterworld: How Algorithms Flattened Culture

Kyle Chayka
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A MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK From New Yorker staff writer and author of The Longing for Less Kyle Chayka comes a timely history and investigation of a world ruled by algorithms, which determine the shape of culture itself.

"[Filterworld] is about how algorithms changed culture…[Chayka asks] what is taste? What is a sense of aesthetics? And what happens to it when it collides with the homogenizing digital reality in which we now live."—Ezra Klein

From trendy restaurants to city grids, to TikTok and Netflix feeds the world round, algorithmic recommendations dictate our experiences and choices. The algorithm is present in the familiar neon signs and exposed brick of Internet cafes, be it in Nairobi or Portland, and the skeletal, modern furniture of Airbnbs in cities big and small. Over the last decade, this network of mathematically determined decisions has taken over, almost unnoticed—informing the songs we listen to, the friends with whom we stay in touch—as we’ve grown increasingly accustomed to our insipid new normal.

This ever-tightening web woven by algorithms is called “Filterworld.” Kyle Chayka shows us how online and offline spaces alike have been engineered for seamless consumption, becoming a source of pervasive anxiety in the process. Users of technology have been forced to contend with data-driven equations that try to anticipate their desires—and often get them wrong. What results is a state of docility that allows tech companies to curtail human experiences—human lives—for profit. But to have our tastes, behaviors, and emotions governed by computers, while convenient, does nothing short of call the very notion of free will into question.

In Filterworld, Chayka traces this creeping, machine-guided curation as it infiltrates the furthest reaches of our digital, physical, and psychological spaces. With algorithms increasingly influencing not just what culture we consume, but what culture is produced, urgent questions arise: What happens when shareability supersedes messiness, innovation, and creativity—the qualities that make us human? What does it mean to make a choice when the options have been so carefully arranged for us? Is personal freedom possible on the Internet?

To the last question, Filterworld argues yes—but to escape Filterworld, and even transcend it, we must first understand it.

(Excerpt from

消失的國界 : 戰火下的烏克蘭

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Monday, February 26, 2024

The Design Thinking Quick Start Guide: A 6-Step Process for Generating and Implementing Creative Solutions

Isabell Osann, Lena Mayer, Inga Wiele
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A brief, beautiful introduction to Design Thinking that inspires business creativity and innovative solutions

The Design Thinking Quick Start Guide: A 6-Step Process for Generating and Implementing Creative Solutions shows you how you and your team can become more creative. This book presents methods you can use to innovate playfully and enjoyably.

The Design Thinking Quick Start Guide is full of practical tools and activities, like the 6-3-5 method of brainstorming, to help you and your team get creative. For each of the six steps in the design thinking process, the authors offer two warm-ups that get teams ready to contribute and arrive at innovative solutions.

- Spur innovation with checklists for brainstorming and implementation
- Learn how to generate new ideas
- Lead your team in a proven process for doing creative work

Whether you’re new to design thinking or experienced, the clearly outlined steps in this guide will inspire you to create and implement great ideas.

(Excerpt from

AI世代與我們的未來:人工智慧如何改變生活,甚至是世界?(The Age of A.I. )

亨利.季辛吉 (Henry A. Kissinger), 艾力克.施密特 (Eric Schmidt), 丹尼爾.哈騰洛赫 (Daniel Huttenlocher)
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國前國務卿 ╳ Google前執行長 ╳ MIT首任計算學院院長




因此,當代三位跨領域的世界領導者提出,關於人工智慧最重要的議題是人類監督與適時干預的能力 ,並探討人工智慧的使用倫理是什麼?在龐大的益處背後潛伏著哪些危機,而我們又該如何面對日新月異的人工智慧?


Monday, February 19, 2024

Master of Change: How to Excel When Everything Is Changing – Including You

Brad Stulberg
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A revelatory book on rethinking change and creating a rugged and flexible mindset amidst life's intensifying flux, from expert on sustainable excellence, coach, and bestselling author of The Practice of Groundedness.

From social disruptions like economic recessions, pandemics, and new technologies to individual disruptions like getting married, career transitions, and becoming a parent, we undergo change and transformation—both good and bad—regularly. Change is not the exception, it’s the rule. Yet we endlessly fight it, often viewing it as a threat to our stability and sense of self.

Master of Change flips this script on its head and offers a path for embracing and even growing from life’s constant instability.

Brad Stulberg, sustainable excellence expert, coach, and bestselling author of The Practice of Groundedness, offers a new model that describes change as an ongoing cycle of order, disorder, and reorder—yes, we return to stability, but that stability is somewhere new. Drawing on modern science, ancient wisdom, and daily practice, Stulberg offers concrete principles for developing a mindset called rugged flexibility, along with habits and practices to implement it. Along the way, Stulberg reveals:

• How to be in conversation with change instead of it happening to you.
• The importance of expectations
• Why cultivating a rugged yet flexible sense of self is key to a strong identity.
• How to take productive action during a challenge.
• The paradox of both making meaning and moving forward.

In the end, Stulberg reshapes our entire perception of change and shows us how to grow in its midst—ultimately helping us move forward better, stronger, and wiser than we were before.

(Excerpt from

打造第二大腦:多一個數位大腦, 資訊超載時代的高效能知識管理術 (Building a Second Brain)

提亞戈.佛特 (Tiago Forte)
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