Monday, May 22, 2017

Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City

Matthew Desmond
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Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American CityWINNER OF THE 2017 PULITZER PRIZE FOR GENERAL NONFICTION

In Evicted, Harvard sociologist and MacArthur “Genius” Matthew Desmond follows eight families in Milwaukee as they struggle to keep a roof over their heads. Hailed as “wrenching and revelatory” (The Nation), “vivid and unsettling” (New York Review of Books), Evicted transforms our understanding of poverty and economic exploitation while providing fresh ideas for solving one of 21st-century America’s most devastating problems. Its unforgettable scenes of hope and loss remind us of the centrality of home, without which nothing else is possible.

(Excerpt from

為了活下去 : 脫北女孩朴研美 (In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl's Journey to Freedom)

朴研美 (Yeonmi Park) 著
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In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl's Journey to Freedom 一個長於北韓黑市世代的女孩,歷經苦難終於逃離家鄉, 卻在人口販子的掌控下,度過兩年生不如死的歲月。

在見到真正的脫北者之前,我讀了不少北韓相關的書,幾乎如出一轍地,會談論金氏領導人的權威,談到洗腦教育,談到飢餓,談到各種不堪,還有逃亡。或許因為如此,當那個清瘦束著頭髮的女孩說著自己的故事時,我有些心不在焉,因為我知道她簡短的談話裡會出現的詞彙、句子,也約莫猜得到逃亡路線:進中國,往中南半島逃,再到南韓。在這種南北韓交界區旅行,脫北者的故事分享與北韓罪惡的介紹影片,絕對是套裝行程之一,短短十分鐘,滿足大家獵奇的眼光 ......《為了活下去》作者朴研美或許是極少數願意以真名,且站在大眾面前訴說經歷的人。逃到南韓後,為了尋找姐姐,她上了電視,而後,到國外演講分享,被北韓當局視為眼中釘,公開抨擊她,並對付她在北韓的親人。但朴研美無所畏懼......


Monday, May 15, 2017

Lean In for Graduates

Sheryl Sandberg
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Lean In for GraduatesThe #1 best seller, expanded and updated exclusively for graduates entering the workforce

This extraordinary edition of Lean In, by Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook and coauthor of Option B, with Adam Grant, includes a letter to graduates from Sandberg and six additional chapters from experts offering advice on finding and getting the most out of a first job; résumé writing; best interviewing practices; negotiating your salary; listening to your inner voice; owning who you are; and leaning in for millennial men.

(Excerpt from

做自己的生命設計師 : 史丹佛最夯的生涯規畫課, 用「設計思考」重擬問題, 打造全新生命藍圖 (Designing Your Life)

比爾・柏內特 (Bill Burnett) , 戴夫・埃文斯 (Dave Evans)
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Designing Your Life本書作者比爾‧柏內特(Bill Burnett)與戴夫‧埃文斯(Dave Evans)讓我們瞭解,如何透過設計思考,創造出有意義又快樂的人生。不管是誰,身處何方,現在或先前的工作是什麼,目前多老或多年輕,都可以藉著那些帶來世上美妙科技、產品、空間的設計思考,打造專屬於自己的事業與生活,活出圓滿、有趣、創意無限、生產力十足、永遠有驚喜等在前方的人生。


Monday, May 8, 2017

My Name Is Lucy Barton: A Novel

Elizabeth Strout 
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The relationship between mother and daughter, in all its thorniness and intricacy, is at the heart of Elizabeth Strout’s new novel.

In the 1980s, Lucy, an aspiring writer, ends up spending nine weeks in hospital when she develops complications following what was supposed to be a routine operation. During this time, she is visited by the mother she hasn’t seen for many years and this short visit – five days out of both their lives – becomes the episode around which the rest of the story hangs.

My Name Is Lucy Barton encompasses Lucy’s marriage and her path to becoming a writer, but it is in the intimacy of these five days, with Lucy’s mother taking catnaps in the chair beside her bed, that we come to understand the nature of the bond between them ...

(Excerpt from

 “A short novel about love, particularly the complicated love between mothers and daughters, but also simpler, more sudden bonds . . . It evokes these connections in a style so spare, so pure and so profound the book almost seems to be a kind of scripture or sutra, if a very down-to-earth and unpretentious one.”—Marion Winik, Newsday

(Excerpt from


李碧華 主編
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