Monday, August 5, 2013

What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy

James Paul Gee
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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James Paul Gee writes, 'I want to talk about video games-yes, even violent video games-and say some positive things about them.' With this simple but explosive salvo, one of America's most well-respected professors of education looks seriously at the unexpected good that can come from playing video games. Gee is interested in the cognitive development that can occur when someone is trying to escape a maze, find a hidden treasure, or even blast away an enemy with a high-powered rifle. Talking about his own experience learning and using games as diverse as Tomb Raider and Arcanum, Gee looks at major specific cognitive activities including: -How individuals develop a sense of identity -How one grasps meaning -How one evaluates and follows a command -How one picks a role model -How one perceives the world. This is a groundbreaking book that illuminates and develops a new electronic method of education and shows the positive upside it has for learning.

(Excerpt from

視覺文化導論 (An Introduction to Visual Culture)

尼古拉斯・米爾佐夫著 (Nicholas Mirzoeff)
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《視覺文化導論》全面介紹了視覺文化這個令人興奮的跨學科研究領域。通過追溯從繪畫到萬維網的視覺文化的歷史和理論,本書追問:為何視覺媒介會在當代日常生活中佔據如此重要的位置。米爾佐夫提出,是視覺而非文本正在日益成為我們了解當代世界的主要方式。在這本令人耳目一新的導論性著作中,米爾佐夫探討了: 甚麼是視覺文化?視覺的基本要素,包括透視、色彩、線條和視力。

視覺媒體的廣泛領域,包括繪畫、雕塑、攝影、電視、電影、虛擬現實和互聯網等。“種族”和族群、性別和性以及身體在視覺文化中的重要性 ......


Monday, July 29, 2013

Global Culture/Individual Identity: Searching for Home in the Cultural Supermarket

Gordon Mathews
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Most people still think of themselves as belonging to a particular culture. Yet today, many of us who live in affluent societies choose aspects of our lives from a global cultural supermarket, whether in terms of food, the arts or spiritual beliefs. So if roots are becoming simply one more consumer choice, can we still claim to possess a fundamental cultural identity? Global Culture/Individual Identity focuses on three groups for whom the tension between a particular national culture and the global cultural supermarket is especially acute: Japanese artists, American religious seekers and Hong Kong intellectuals after the handover to China. These ethnographic case studies form the basis for a theory of culture which we can all see reflected in our own lives.

Gordon Mathews opens up the complex and debated topics of globalization, culture and identity in a clear and lively style.

(Excerpt from

巴黎文學地圖 (Paris)

邁克.杰拉德 (Mike Gerrard)
online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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Monday, July 22, 2013

The Go-getter: A Story that Tells You How to Be One

By Peter Bernard Kyne
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"The Go Getter" is the story of William Peck, a war veteran and amputee, who will not be refused what he wants. Peck not only fights to find employment, but continually proves himself more than competent at the many difficult tests that are thrown his way in the course of his early days with the Ricks Lumber Company. This volume also features Cappy Ricks, the protagonist of many Kyne stories.

(Excerpt from

不可征服:納爾遜.曼德拉治國傳奇 (Invictus)

約翰.卡林 (John Carlin)
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約翰‧卡林(John Carlin),從業近30年的資深記者,出生於倫敦,畢業自牛津大學,職業生涯足跡遍及美國、阿根廷、墨西哥、南非諸國,曾擔任英國《獨立報》駐南非、駐美國記者站負責人,為《紐約時報》、《星期日泰晤士報》、《每日電訊報》等多家權威媒體撰稿,現為西班牙著名大報《國家報》的資深國際撰稿人。
