Monday, August 6, 2012

What Painting Is: How to Think about Oil painting, Using the Language of Alchemy

James Elkins
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Unlike many books on painting that usually talk about art or painters, James Elkins’ compelling and original work focuses on alchemy, for like the alchemist, the painter seeks to transform and be transformed by the medium.

In What Painting Is, James Elkins communicates the experience of painting beyond the traditional vocabulary of art history. Alchemy provides a magical language to explore what it is a painter really does in her or his studio - the smells, the mess, the struggle to control the uncontrollable, the special knowledge only painters hold of how colours will mix, and how they will look.

Written from the perspective of a painter-turned-art historian, What Painting Is is like nothing you have ever read about art.

(Excerpt from

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莫奈: 印象派 (Monet)

戴維.史彭斯 (David Spence)



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Monday, July 30, 2012

In Pursuit of Excellence: How to Win in Sport and Life Through Mental Training

Terry Orlick
online access from EBSCOhost
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Written in an easy-to-understand, instructive style, this second edition of In Pursuit of Excellence is the supplemental text for courses that cover basic sport psychology techniques. It covers the psychological concepts of concentration, winning, losing, and competing successfully. This sport performance book by internationally recognised sport psychologist Terry Orlick has undergone a complete revitalization. Better organized for easier reading, the second edition includes dozens of new examples taken from Orlick's real-life experiences with champion athletes and their coaches.

(Excerpt from

倫敦的叫賣聲: 英國隨筆選譯

約瑟夫。阿狄生 (Joseph Addison) 等著;劉炳善譯
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十六篇英國散文作品 ,橫跨新古典時期至現代主義時期的14位名家,喜愛英美文學的讀者一定不感陌生。透過劉炳善的譯注與介紹,帶領讀者一起潛入文人內心世界。


本書特色 1.本書精選英國散文16篇,多是出自18-20世紀文學大師的佳作,從斯威夫特到吳爾夫的二百年間14位英國作家。 2.按英國文學分期來看,本書囊括了新古典、維多利亞與現代主義時期作品。 3.由專研英國文學劉炳善教授翻譯並專文介紹作者與其作品特色。 4.作品皆能反映出文人們豐富的情懷,或幽默略帶譏諷的語調,值得細細品味。


Monday, July 23, 2012

Surviving Your Serengeti: 7 Skills to Master Business and Life: A Fable of Self-discovery

Stefan Swanepoel
online access from Books24x7
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As a brutal business environment meets a soft economy, business leaders and managers are looking for sources of both inspiration and survival. This compelling new fable offers a riveting tale of life in Africa's Serengeti and what lessons it holds for today's beleaguered business people and struggling society.

The 1.5 million wildebeest rely on stubborn endurance and support from the herd to survive; the crocodile is opportunistic; the cheetah ruthlessly effective; the giraffe embodies grace, the lion a master strategist, the mongoose is a risk-taker, the elephant is an excellent communicator.

7 Questions This Book Tackles
1. Experiencing a challenge you wish to overcome?
2. Want to discover your hidden survival skills?
3. Still have a goal not yet achieved?
4. Interested to discover your instinctive strengths?
5. Can benefit from problem-solving thinking?
6. Know someone that has potential to excel?
7. Looking for a positive message to share?

(Excerpt from

笑忘錄 (The Book of Laughter and Forgetting)

米蘭・昆德拉 (Milan Kundera)
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