Monday, July 9, 2012

Bach, Beethoven and the Boys: Music History As It Ought to Be Taught

David W. Barber
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David W. Barber has delighted readers around the world with Accidentals on Purpose, When the Fat Lady Sings and other internationally bestselling books of musical humor. His bestselling Bach, Beethoven and the Boys chronicles the lives of the great (and not-so-great) composers as you’ve never read them before — exploring their sex lives, exposing their foibles and expanding on our understanding of these all-too-human creatures. Filled with information, interesting facts and trivia, this hilarious history covers music from Gregorian chant to the mess we’re in now. From Bach’s laundry lists to Beethoven’s bowel problems, from Gesualdo’s kinky fetishes to Cage’s mushroom madness, Barber tells tales out of school that ought to be put back there. (Think how much more fun it would be if they taught this stuff.)

As always, Dave Donald had provided witty and clever cartoon illustrations to accompany the text.
(Excerpt from


李歐梵 著
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Monday, July 2, 2012

Hong Kong Culture: Word and Image

Edited by Kam Louie
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This book contains thirteen essays on post-1997 Hong Kong culture by some of the world's best authorities on this topic today. The majority of the essays are on literature and film. As well as these two genres, some essays also explore new types of texts such as protest art.

(Excerpt from

香江法政縱橫: 香港基本法學緒論

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Monday, June 25, 2012

God of Comics: Osamu Tezuka and the Creation of Post-World War II Manga

Natsu Onoda Power
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Cartoonist Osamu Tezuka [手塚治虫] (1928-1989) is the single most important figure in Japanese post-World War II comics. During his four-decade career, Tezuka published more than 150,000 pages of comics, produced animation films, wrote essays and short fiction, and earned a Ph.D. in medicine. Along with creating the character Astro Boy (Mighty Atom in Japan), he is best known for establishing story comics as the mainstream genre in the Japanese comic book industry, creating narratives with cinematic flow and complex characters. This style influenced all subsequent Japanese output. God of Comics chronicles Tezuka's life and works, placing his creations both in the cultural climate and in the history of Japanese comics.

The book emphasizes Tezuka's use of intertextuality. His works are filled with quotations from other texts and cultural products, such as film, theater, opera, and literature. Often, these quoted texts and images bring with them a world of meanings, enriching the narrative. Tezuka also used stock characters and recurrent visual jokes as a way of creating a coherent world that encompasses all of his works.

God of Comics includes close analysis of Tezuka's lesser-known works, many of which have never been translated into English. It offers one of the first in-depth studies of Tezuka's oeuvre to be published in English.

(Excerpt from


畢克官 編
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《子愷漫畫》在二十年代所以受到社會的重視,主要在於它的獨特性。這些漫畫取材新穎,表現手法別致,在當時美術園地裡別開生面,獨樹一幟,開拓了新的天地。我們知道,一九二五年前後,新文學陣營與復古派和鴛鴦蝴蝶派之間進行着激烈的論戰。以上海為例,當時除了少數報刊發表時事畫和政治畫外,美術市場主要是美人畫和形形色色低級庸俗的東西。中國人物畫多畫是古人,西洋畫則是靜物、風景和模特兒寫生,都遠離社會生活。在這樣的狀況下,突然有那麼一位畫家向人們展示出像 《花生米不滿足》、《阿寶兩只腳》、《瞻瞻的車》這樣率真而生動的兒童漫畫;像《都市之春》、《買粽子》、《紅了櫻桃綠了芭蕉》、《人散後,一鈎新月天如水》等充滿生活情趣又耐人尋味的作品,確實是令人耳目一新,感到親切……


Subject: Comics & Cartoons
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