Monday, November 1, 2010

100 Ways to Boost Your Self-confidence : Believe in Yourself and Others Will Too

By Barton Goldsmith
online access from Books24x7
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100 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence is packed with practical wisdom that is easy to apply. Dr. Barton Goldsmith shows you how to believe in yourself and how to become the kind of person whom others are drawn to believe in. When you don’t believe in yourself, everything is more difficult …
100 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence will show you how to:
• Discover the essence of your personal power and belief in yourself.
• Create the life you want with practical feel good behaviors.
• Reduce your doubts, increase your self-worth and make your world a better place.
• Improve the quality of your relationships by changing the way you think about yourself and how others think about you.
• Become your best self by employing these easy-to-use techniques.
(Excerpt from

有效發揮大腦潛能 : 達致學業及事業上的成功

謝家安 著
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Monday, October 25, 2010

Discover True North : A 4-Week Approach to Ignite Your Passion and Activate Your Potential

By Anne Bruce
online access from EBSCOhost Ebooks
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Created by leading motivational speaker and corporate trainer Anne Bruce, this highly effective plan helps participants discover their own "true north" in order to find a focus for success. Throughout Discover True North are invaluable exercises, worksheets, and insights for personal growth developed from Bruce's work with thousands of workshop members and clients throughout the world--from Sprint and Ben & Jerry's to The American Red Cross and the London Institute of Management.
Unlike other goal-oriented processes that call for long-range three-to-five-year life plans, working through this unique four-week formula helps unlock potential immediately--today. Readers will learn how to:
• Activate and learn to rely on the inner compass to define life direction
• Create a Life Board of Directors
• Make the critical choices that move life forward
• Pinpoint their emotional and intellectual competencies
• Discover the "Einstein Approach" to bringing forth your own genius
(Excerpt from

自卑與超越 (What Life Should Mean to You)

A.阿德勒 (Alfred Adler)
online access from Apabi
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Monday, October 18, 2010

The Words of Peace: Selections from the Speeches of the Winners of the Nobel Peace Prize

Selected and edited by Irwin Abrams; foreword by President Jimmy Carter
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“In our private and individual lives, all of us have a need to seek for heroes. In our own personal ambitions and life—analysis of what opportunities present themselves to us, the talents that we have, the unpredictable future—we need those on whom we can depend as a pattern. How can we live an exemplary existence? The measurement of that, the pattern for it, the guide for our own lives, comes from our heroes. How can we justify our dreams? How can we confirm our beliefs? How can we prove to ourselves that what we have been taught as children is true? How can we alleviate our doubts? How can we, in our own often naturally dormant lives, be inspired to action, sometimes even at the sacrifice of our own immediate well-being? We derive those inspirations from heroes.” These are my considered thoughts about heroes, presented in a speech in 1986. The Nobel Peace Prize was established to honor the heroes of peace, and this small book presents a collection of well-chosen excerpts from their addresses at Oslo, drawn both from acceptance speeches and from the lectures which each prize winner is expected to deliver.
(Excerpt from the Foreword by Jimmy Carter, US ex-president and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate)

城市與狗 (The Time of the Hero)

馬里奧·巴爾加斯·略薩 (Mario Vargas Llosa)
online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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作者馬里奧·巴爾加斯·略薩 (Mario Vargas Llosa),1936年生於秘魯,2010年諾貝爾文學獎得主,他不僅是作家、詩人,有小說、劇本、散文隨筆、詩、文學評論、政論雜文等創作,也曾導演舞臺戲劇、電影和主持廣播電視節目及從政。

…… 小說《城市與狗》不只抨擊萊昂西歐·普拉多軍校對年輕軍校生施加的暴行,且從男性職責和扭曲的軍事教育下所產生的後果,正面挑戰對男性的錯誤觀念!……