Monday, April 5, 2010

The EQ Difference : A Powerful Plan for Putting Emotional Intelligence to Work

By Adele B. Lynn
online access from EBSCOhost Ebooks
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Emotional intelligence can make a huge difference in both our personal lives and our work satisfaction and performance. Emotional intelligence is the distinguishing factor that determines if we make lemonade when life hands us lemons or spend our life stuck in bitterness. It is the distinguishing factor that enables us to have wholesome, warm relationships rather than cold and distant contacts. EQ is the distinguishing factor between finding and living our life’s passions or just putting in time. EQ is the distinguishing factor that draws others to us or repels them. EQ is the distinguishing factor that enables us to work in concert and collaboration with others or to withdraw in dispute …
This book is not to change who you are, but to allow more of your ideal self to come through in daily living. The fact is everyone has gaps between their true intentions and reality. If, however, you are serious about bridging this gap and living your greatness, this book will not only inspire you to do so, it will provide a plan to examine and confront the very issues that are standing in the way …
(From the Preface: Your Inner Bird Dog)


胡斯琴 編著
online access from iRead eBook

...... 四大名著做為凝結中國傳統文化人生智慧的集大成者,無論其蘊涵的形而上、儒、釋、道思想,還是勾心鬥角、雞生蒜皮人生百態,抑或是指點江山、激揚文字的大智慧、大才華,義薄雲天、肝膽相照的氣魄胸襟,堅韌執著、義無反顧的拚搏精神,都是寶貴的精神財富,值得我們細細品味。

Monday, March 29, 2010

Easter : Its History, Celebration, Spirit, and Significance as Related in Prose and Verse

By Susan Tracy Rice; edited by Robert Haven Schauffler
online access to the title
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Of all the festivals of the Christian year, Easter is the most important and most joyful. From of old it has been known as “the happiest of days,” “the bright day,” “the Sunday of joy” and “the festival of festivals.” The early fathers used to speak of it as “the feast of feasts,” “the queen of days,” “the desirable festival of our salvation.” And Pope Leo I called it “the day alone great.”
The names Easter and Ostern, the English and German names for the feast of the resurrection, were once thought to be derived from Ostara (Eostre), an ancient teutonic goddess mentioned by the historian Bede in the seventh century. She was the personification of the Spring, of the rising sun, of all things new and fresh and full of hope. To her the month corresponding to our April, Eostur-monath, was supposed to be dedicated.
This is all very romantic and beautiful; but it is not true. Recent research has shown that Ostara, the goddess of the vernal equinox, originated nowhere but in the brain of the venerable Bede; …
(From the Introduction of the book)


張玉斌 編著
online access from iRead eBook


Monday, March 22, 2010

Influencer : The Power to Change Anything

By Kerry Patterson, et al.
online access from McGraw-Hill Education Ebook Collection (Chinese)
check holdings in CityU LibraryFind

• An INFLUENCER motivates others to change.
• An INFLUENCER replaces bad behaviors with powerful new skills.
• An INFLUENCER makes things happen.
This is what it takes to be an INFLUENCER.
Whether you're a CEO, a parent, or merely a person who wants to make a difference, you probably wish you had more influence with the people in your life. But most of us stop trying to make change happen because we believe it is too difficult, if not impossible. We develop complicated coping strategies when we should be learning the tools and techniques of the world's most influential people.
You'll learn how to:
• Identify a handful of high-leverage behaviors that lead to rapid and profound change.
• Apply strategies for changing both thoughts and actions.
• Marshall six sources of influence to make change inevitable.
Influencer takes you on a fascinating journey from San Francisco to Thailand where you'll see how seemingly “insignificant” people are making incredibly significant improvements in solving problems others would think impossible. You'll learn how savvy folks make change not only achievable and sustainable, but inevitable. You'll discover why some managers have increased productivity repeatedly and significantly-while others have failed miserably.
(From the Overview of the book)


孫天倫, 黃俊華 著
online access from Apabi
check holdings in CityU LibraryFind
