Carolyn M. Aldwin; foreword by Emmy E. Werner
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How do people cope with stressful experiences? What makes a coping strategy effective for a particular individual? This volume comprehensively examines the nature of psychosocial stress and the implications of different coping strategies for adaptation and health across the lifespan. Carolyn M. Aldwin synthesizes a vast body of knowledge within a conceptual framework that emphasizes the transactions between mind and body and between persons and environments. She analyzes different kinds of stressors and their psychological and physiological effects, both negative and positive. Ways in which coping is influenced by personality, relationships, situational factors, and culture are explored. The book also provides a methodological primer for stress and coping research, critically reviewing available measures and data analysis techniques.
(Excerpt from
Monday, December 13, 2010
打不死的樂觀 (Hard Optimism)
普賴斯.普里切特 (Price Pritchett) 著
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用打死不退的樂觀面對人生中的每一個挑戰。現在這個年頭,思考模式、思維、以及情緒決定了我們的工作績效。舉凡我們對事情的看法、對自身的感受都會造成影響。《打不死的樂觀》書中提供十二道經過實地驗證的有力實踐法則,說明怎樣剷除心中負面的想法,並效法勝利者的態度 — 評估契機、克服阻礙、並以正面的能量影響周遭的人。
• 掌握並剷除悲觀的想法
• 無論發生的事情是好是壞,都要秉持樂觀的態度來解讀
• 以「正向再評價」(positive reappraisal)來面對問題和處理失望的情緒
• 了解何時、怎樣可以利用負面的想法取得優勢
• 運用個人優勢(signature strength)
• 以感恩和諒解趕走負面的想法
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用打死不退的樂觀面對人生中的每一個挑戰。現在這個年頭,思考模式、思維、以及情緒決定了我們的工作績效。舉凡我們對事情的看法、對自身的感受都會造成影響。《打不死的樂觀》書中提供十二道經過實地驗證的有力實踐法則,說明怎樣剷除心中負面的想法,並效法勝利者的態度 — 評估契機、克服阻礙、並以正面的能量影響周遭的人。
• 掌握並剷除悲觀的想法
• 無論發生的事情是好是壞,都要秉持樂觀的態度來解讀
• 以「正向再評價」(positive reappraisal)來面對問題和處理失望的情緒
• 了解何時、怎樣可以利用負面的想法取得優勢
• 運用個人優勢(signature strength)
• 以感恩和諒解趕走負面的想法
Monday, December 6, 2010
Eat That Frog! : 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time
By Brian Tracy
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Every idea in this book is focused on increasing your overall levels of productivity, performance, and output and on making you more valuable in whatever you do. You can apply many of these ideas to your personal life as well. Each of these twenty one methods and techniques is complete in itself. All are necessary. One strategy might be effective in one situation and another might apply to another task. All together, these twenty one ideas represent a smorgasbord of personal effectiveness techniques that you can use at any time, in any order or sequence that makes sense to you at the moment. The key to success is action. These principles work to bring about fast, predictable improvements in performance and results. The faster you learn and apply them, the faster you will move ahead in your career guaranteed! There will be no limit to what you can accomplish when you learn how to Eat That Frog!
(Excerpt from
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Every idea in this book is focused on increasing your overall levels of productivity, performance, and output and on making you more valuable in whatever you do. You can apply many of these ideas to your personal life as well. Each of these twenty one methods and techniques is complete in itself. All are necessary. One strategy might be effective in one situation and another might apply to another task. All together, these twenty one ideas represent a smorgasbord of personal effectiveness techniques that you can use at any time, in any order or sequence that makes sense to you at the moment. The key to success is action. These principles work to bring about fast, predictable improvements in performance and results. The faster you learn and apply them, the faster you will move ahead in your career guaranteed! There will be no limit to what you can accomplish when you learn how to Eat That Frog!
(Excerpt from
張健鵬, 胡足靑 主編
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…… 因為職業的關係,多年來我先後採訪過多位成功人士,成功當然都意味著財富、地位。他們在追述自己成功的經歷時,大多會抖落出一兩個小故事,有自己親歷困境時的頓悟與體驗,更多的是別人的小故事,甚至是流傳已久的寓言,童話或民間故事。這些故事給予他們莫大的精神營養,他們從中汲取的信念與智慧對自己的成功有著很重要的作用。他們也經常把這些故事講給員工部屬及朋友們聽:這比講別的更直接,形象,生動,傳神。
有的小故事也許多年前曾聽過,有的乍一看覺得平淡無奇,但靜下心,帶著自己對生命與事業的體驗,細細品味,會有全新的感覺 ……
(摘錄自書中 “智慧在此隱藏—解開桎梏心靈的鎖鏈” — 總序,劍朋)
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…… 因為職業的關係,多年來我先後採訪過多位成功人士,成功當然都意味著財富、地位。他們在追述自己成功的經歷時,大多會抖落出一兩個小故事,有自己親歷困境時的頓悟與體驗,更多的是別人的小故事,甚至是流傳已久的寓言,童話或民間故事。這些故事給予他們莫大的精神營養,他們從中汲取的信念與智慧對自己的成功有著很重要的作用。他們也經常把這些故事講給員工部屬及朋友們聽:這比講別的更直接,形象,生動,傳神。
有的小故事也許多年前曾聽過,有的乍一看覺得平淡無奇,但靜下心,帶著自己對生命與事業的體驗,細細品味,會有全新的感覺 ……
(摘錄自書中 “智慧在此隱藏—解開桎梏心靈的鎖鏈” — 總序,劍朋)
Monday, November 29, 2010
The Student's Guide to Exam Success
By Eileen Tracy
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Exams frighten almost everyone. Fear of failure (and fear of success) can inhibit learning. Students will always perform better if they have the necessary emotional resources in the run-up to their exams ...
In addition to fundamental student skills such as timetabling, note-taking, memorising, research, use of the internet, essay-writing and exam technique, The Student's Guide to Exam Success offers ground-breaking advice on developing emotional strength in response to the increasingly heavy demands that are made on students in the modern world. It offers a variety of strategies which will help students to: develop self-awareness; find out how to stop procrastinating and worrying about results, and start to enjoy their work; learn about the dangers of swotting; develop the necessary confidence to handle reading lists, coursework, presentations and practicals; and learn to deal with tutors, lecturers and examiners.
(Excerpt from
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Exams frighten almost everyone. Fear of failure (and fear of success) can inhibit learning. Students will always perform better if they have the necessary emotional resources in the run-up to their exams ...
In addition to fundamental student skills such as timetabling, note-taking, memorising, research, use of the internet, essay-writing and exam technique, The Student's Guide to Exam Success offers ground-breaking advice on developing emotional strength in response to the increasingly heavy demands that are made on students in the modern world. It offers a variety of strategies which will help students to: develop self-awareness; find out how to stop procrastinating and worrying about results, and start to enjoy their work; learn about the dangers of swotting; develop the necessary confidence to handle reading lists, coursework, presentations and practicals; and learn to deal with tutors, lecturers and examiners.
(Excerpt from
愛‧生活與學習 (Living, Loving & Learning)
利奥‧巴士卡力 (Leo Buscaglia) 著
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…… 收集在本書中的,都是作者平時上課的講稿,以及公開演講的講文,共有十三章,包括了:愛是行為的潤滑劑、建立自我、光明的源處、是橋不是牆、明日之犢、知己、選擇人生等等。由於作者是教育及輔導教授,他的觀點也著重在人性的疏導及行為的教育上,但是他並未用教育的專有名詞來嚇唬一般讀者,他的文字極為口語化,而哲理也極為淺顯,讓人讀起來不覺枯燥乏味,茲節錄部分如下:
• 知識不是智慧,閉門造車也不是智慧,智慧來自於對知識的應用,智慧也來自於你自覺的渺小。
• 你只是一個開始,目前的你,只有你能見到的部分;未來的你,卻是無限而有待你去找尋和努力的。
• 愛,因為你能愛,而不是你必須去愛。給予,因為你願意奉獻。花開,不是因為解人間的愁。人活著,能愛,能生活,也就有了快樂。
• 忘記了昨日的是非,面對著來日的光明。
• 人生不是孤獨的旅程,人生是由許多人共同的經驗,互相的影響而累積成的「現在」時刻……
《愛‧生活與學習》以鼓勵個人行為的肯定及內心的信仰為主。我們不愛自己,如何能愛社會、國家呢?一個人不學習、不開懷,怎能有快樂的生活?教育學家馬斯羅(Abraham Maslow)曾把人類的學習過程分為四個階段──求溫飽,求安全,求相愛關懷,以及求內心的成就感。在今日的社會中,溫飽與安全已非難事,但是我們必須在人類彼此的關懷及內心的長進中,繼續努力。舒適的生活並不難追求,但是要生活得舒適而快樂,卻必須由內心的不斷充實和人類的相互關懷中獲得,而這種獲得,也就是人性中最大的成就感。
(摘錄自書中 “一本充滿愛與理性的書”— 譯者序, 簡宛, 1983)
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…… 收集在本書中的,都是作者平時上課的講稿,以及公開演講的講文,共有十三章,包括了:愛是行為的潤滑劑、建立自我、光明的源處、是橋不是牆、明日之犢、知己、選擇人生等等。由於作者是教育及輔導教授,他的觀點也著重在人性的疏導及行為的教育上,但是他並未用教育的專有名詞來嚇唬一般讀者,他的文字極為口語化,而哲理也極為淺顯,讓人讀起來不覺枯燥乏味,茲節錄部分如下:
• 知識不是智慧,閉門造車也不是智慧,智慧來自於對知識的應用,智慧也來自於你自覺的渺小。
• 你只是一個開始,目前的你,只有你能見到的部分;未來的你,卻是無限而有待你去找尋和努力的。
• 愛,因為你能愛,而不是你必須去愛。給予,因為你願意奉獻。花開,不是因為解人間的愁。人活著,能愛,能生活,也就有了快樂。
• 忘記了昨日的是非,面對著來日的光明。
• 人生不是孤獨的旅程,人生是由許多人共同的經驗,互相的影響而累積成的「現在」時刻……
《愛‧生活與學習》以鼓勵個人行為的肯定及內心的信仰為主。我們不愛自己,如何能愛社會、國家呢?一個人不學習、不開懷,怎能有快樂的生活?教育學家馬斯羅(Abraham Maslow)曾把人類的學習過程分為四個階段──求溫飽,求安全,求相愛關懷,以及求內心的成就感。在今日的社會中,溫飽與安全已非難事,但是我們必須在人類彼此的關懷及內心的長進中,繼續努力。舒適的生活並不難追求,但是要生活得舒適而快樂,卻必須由內心的不斷充實和人類的相互關懷中獲得,而這種獲得,也就是人性中最大的成就感。
(摘錄自書中 “一本充滿愛與理性的書”— 譯者序, 簡宛, 1983)
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