Monday, March 26, 2012


敦煌硏究院 主編
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1 再現敦煌

2 尊像畫卷
3 本生‧因緣故事畫卷
4 佛傳故事畫卷
5 阿彌陀經畫卷
6 彌勒經畫卷
7 法華經畫卷
8 塑像卷
9 報恩經畫卷
10 密教畫卷
11 楞伽經畫卷
12 佛教東傳故事畫卷

13 圖案卷 〈上〉
14 圖案卷 〈下〉
15 飛天畫卷
16 音樂畫卷
17 舞蹈畫卷
18 山水畫卷
19 動物畫卷
20 藏經洞珍品卷(非賣品)
21 石窟建築卷
22 建築畫卷

23 科學技術畫卷
24 服飾畫卷
25 民俗畫卷
26 交通畫卷


Monday, March 19, 2012

100 Ways to Motivate Yourself: Change Your Life Forever

Steve Chandler
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In this first-ever paperback edition of his long-time best-seller, motivational speaker Steve Chandler helps you create an action plan for living your vision in business and in life. It features 100 proven methods to positively change the way you think and act-methods based on feedback from the hundreds of thousands of corporate and public seminar attendees Chandler speaks to each year. 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself will help you break through the negative barriers and banish the pessimistic thoughts that are preventing you from fulfilling your lifelong goals and dreams. Whether you're self-employed, a manager, or a high-level executive, it's still easy to get stuck in the daily routines of life, fantasizing about what could have been. Steve Chandler helps you turn that way of thinking around and make what could have been into what can and will be.

(Excerpt from


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……北尾先生在這本書中所呈現給讀者的,是如何從中國的古代典籍中汲取精神營養,並且以其為指南,始終如一地運用於實踐所取得的成就和體會。篇幅雖然不長,但極富於哲理和人生經驗;所舉事例和論理,簡要而精闢,活潑而生動。我想任何人都會從閱讀此書受益,但我願特別推薦給我的同胞們 — 看一個日本的企業家是如何對待我們中國的傳統文化或者所謂國學的,得天獨厚的我們難道不該捫心自問,從而 — 借用一位偉人文章的標題 — 改造我們的學習嗎?



Monday, March 12, 2012

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life

Marshall B. Rosenberg
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Do you hunger for skills to improve the quality of your relationships, to deepen your sense of personal empowerment or to simply communicate more effectively? Unfortunately, for centuries our culture has taught us to think and speak in ways that can actually perpetuate conflict, internal pain and even violence. Nonviolent Communication partners practical skills with a powerful consciousness and vocabulary to help you get what you want peacefully.

In this internationally acclaimed text, Marshall Rosenberg offers insightful stories, anecdotes, practical exercises and role-plays that will dramatically change your approach to communication for the better. Discover how the language you use can strengthen your relationships, build trust, prevent conflicts and heal pain. Revolutionary, yet simple, Nonviolent Communication offers you the most effective tools to reduce violence and create peace in your life—one interaction at a time.

(Excerpt from

圖像中國建築史: 關於中國建築結構體系的發展及其形制演變的研究 (A Pictorial History of Chinese Architecture)

梁思成 英文原著;費慰梅 編;梁從誡 譯
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全書內容包括:中國建築結構體系的起源;明清保存下來的兩部中國古建築基本法規;佛教傳入以前的中國建築;石窟建築;從唐到清以來中國木建築的三個發展時期;中國佛塔(方形、多層式和密檐式) ……


Monday, March 5, 2012

101 Things I Learned in Architecture School

Matthew Frederick
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101 THINGS I LEARNED IN ARCHITECTURE SCHOOL is a book that students of architecture will want to keep in the design studio and in their backpacks. It is also a book they may want to keep out of view of their professors, for it expresses in clear and simple language the things they tend to make murky and abstruse. These 101 concise lessons in design, drawing, the creative process, and presentation--from the basics of how to draw a line to the complexities of color theory--provide a much-needed primer in architectural literacy and make concrete what too often is left nebulous and open-ended in the architecture curriculum.

…Written by an architect and instructor who well remembers the fog of his own student days, 101 THINGS I LEARNED IN ARCHITECTURE SCHOOL provides valuable guideposts for students navigating the architectural design studio and the rest of the architecture curriculum. Architecture graduates, from young designers to experienced practitioners, will turn to the book as well for inspiration and a guide back to basics when solving complex design problems.

(Excerpt from


王澍 著
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Monday, February 27, 2012

The 48 Laws of Power

Robert Greene
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Amoral, cunning, ruthless, and instructive, this piercing work distills three thousand years of the history of power in to forty-eight well explicated laws. As attention-grabbing in its design as it is in its content, this bold volume outlines the laws of power in their unvarnished essence, synthesizing the philosophies of Machiavelli, Sun-tzu, Carl von Clausewitz, and other great thinkers.

Some laws teach the need for prudence ("Law 1: Never Outshine the Master"), the virtue of stealth ("Law 3: Conceal Your Intentions"), and many demand the total absence of mercy ("Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally"), but like it or not, all have applications in real life.

Illustrated through the tactics of Queen Elizabeth I, Henry Kissinger, P. T. Barnum, and other famous figures who have wielded--or been victimized by--power, these laws will fascinate any reader interested in gaining, observing, or defending against ultimate control.

(Excerpt from

蘋果模式: 全世界都讚嘆的創新管理學(The Apply Way)

傑弗瑞・庫魯聖 (Jeffrey L. Cruikshank)
online access from McGraw-Hill Education
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Monday, February 20, 2012

I Moved Your Cheese: For Those Who Refuse to Live as Mice in Someone Else's Maze

Deepak Malhotra
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If you were a mouse trapped in a maze and someone kept moving the cheese, what would you do?

Over a decade ago the bestselling business fable Who Moved My Cheese? offered its answer to this question: accept that change is inevitable and beyond your control, don't waste your time wondering why things are the way they are, keep your head down and start looking for the cheese.

But success in the areas of innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity, leadership and business growth--as well as personal growth--depends on the ability to push the boundaries, reshape the environment, and play by a different set of rules: our own. With that in mind, Harvard Business School professor Deepak Malhotra offers a radically different answer to this question.

Malhotra tells an inspiring story about three unique and adventurous mice--Max, Big and Zed--who refuse to accept their reality as given. As we watch their lives unfold and intersect, we discover that instead of just blindly chasing after the cheese, each of us has the ability to escape the maze or even reconfigure it to our liking.

In the face of established practices, traditional ideas, scarce resources and the powerful demands or expectations of others, we often underestimate our ability to control our own destiny and overcome the constraints we face--or think we face. I Moved Your Cheese reminds us that we can create the new circumstances and realities we want, but first we must discard the often deeply ingrained notion that we are nothing more than mice in someone else's maze. As Zed explains, "You see, Max, the problem is not that the mouse is in the maze, but that the maze is in the mouse."

(Excerpt from

激蕩三十年: 中國企業 1978-2008

吳曉波 著
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Monday, February 13, 2012

Love & Revolution: A Novel about Song Qingling and Sun Yat-sen (行道天涯)

Ping Lu
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"Death is inevitably the end of a journey. Death also allows the journey to go back to the beginning."

In this bold novel, one of Taiwan's most celebrated authors reimagines the lives of a legendary couple: Sun Yat-sen, known as the "Father of the Chinese Revolution," and his wife, Song Qingling.

Born in 1866, Sun Yat-sen grew up an admirer of the rebels who tried to overthrow the ruling Manchu dynasty. He dreamed of strengthening China from within, but after a failed attempt at leading an insurrection in 1895, Sun was exiled to Japan. Only in 1916, after the dynasty fell and the new Chinese Republic was established, did he return to his country and assume the role of provisional president.

While in Japan, Sun met and married the beautiful Song Qingling. Twenty-six years her husband's junior, Song came from a wealthy, influential Chinese family (her sister married Chiang Kai-shek) and had received a college education in Macon, Georgia. Their tumultuous and politically charged relationship fuels this riveting novel. Weaving together three distinct voices—Sun's, Song's, and a young woman rumored to be the daughter of Song's illicit lover—Ping Lu's narrative experiments with invented memories and historical fact to explore the couple's many failings and desires. Touching on Sun Yat-sen's tormented political life and Song Qingling's rumored affairs and isolation after her husband's death, the novel follows the story all the way to 1981, recounting political upheavals Sun himself could never have imagined.

(Excerpt from


傅佩榮 著
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曾獲頒教育部教學特優獎、《民生報》評選校園熱門教授的傅佩榮教授自1986年以來,一直於台大開設「哲學與人生」的課程。其授課的內容從中國哲學到西方哲學,從蘇格拉底到孔子,從存在主義到道家的智慧,從神話悲劇到文化視野,深廣豐富、深入淺出,十七年來,座無虛席,深受莘莘學子的喜愛。 本課程更曾獲得台大學生票選為最佳的通識課程,迄今已帶領無數學生,沉浸在豐富精采的哲學世界中。



Monday, February 6, 2012

The Psychology of Happiness: A Good Human Life

Samuel S. Franklin
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When Thomas Jefferson placed "the pursuit of happiness" along with life and liberty in The Declaration of Independence, he was most likely referring to Aristotle's concept of happiness, or eudaimonia. Eudaimonia is not about good feelings but rather the fulfillment of human potentials. Fulfillment is made possible by virtue; the moderation of desire and emotion by reason. The Psychology of Happiness is the first book to bring together psychological, philosophical, and physiological theory and research in support of Aristotle's view. It examines the similarity between Aristotle's concept of virtue and modern cognitive theories of emotion. It discusses the discovery of human potentials, the development of virtue and its neurological basis, the mistaken idea that fulfillment is selfish, and several other issues related to the pursuit of a good human life.

(Excerpt from

悠悠心會: 名家筆下的友情世界

劉虹 選編
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……作為生活在社會中的個人,沒有人不嚮往和追求友情。友情是陽光,溫暖了我們的心靈,使生活變得美好溫馨。因此,《悠悠心會—名家筆下的友情世界》 一書,最能讓我們產生會心不遠的感受。在作家們的筆端,友情是相知既久形成的默契,摒棄了一切繁文縟節,直接走入對方心靈(葉聖陶《與佩弦》);是相互的關係,彼此的欣賞,發自內心而默默無語,有一種如水的平靜和深湛(馮驥才《愛在文章外》);它從來不受職業身份地位差別的限制,只聽從心靈的呼喚(舒婷《在澄澈明淨的天空下》);它又同日夕謀面厮守並無必然關聯,心靈尋找自己的朋友有其獨特的方式,儘管山遙水遠緣慳一面,但數載間的書信往還,已在兩顆心間結成一條堅韌的紐帶,這豈是浮泛的交往所能比及的(韓小蕙《悠悠心會》)! 這些篇章,是友情的記錄,更是心聲的寫照,它們滙合在一起,便奏出了一闋讚頌真摰友情的交響樂,在我們心靈的回音壁上激起宏大悠遠的回響,餘音裊裊,如縷不絕。


Monday, January 30, 2012

The Leader Phrase Book: 3000+ Powerful Phrases That Put You In Command

Patrick Alain
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The Leader Phrase Book contains more than 3,000 dynamic phrases that will enable you to prevail in virtually all of life's important situations. You will be in command of your words and always stay ahead of the game. With this passport to success, you will begin a new journey on which you are among the charismatic, the untouchable...the elite.

This easy-to-use reference book will give you a new image you can take pride in helping you to quickly reach your full leadership potential. You will have all the weapons to effectively succeed whenever vibrant, forceful language is required. It works like magic!

The Leader Phrase Book will teach you how to:
• Speak like a leader
• Master all conversations
• Attain a charismatic presence
• Gain the respect of others
• Achieve a lightning-fast rhetoric
• Find the right phrases instantly
• Argue effectively
• Be the envy of all you meet

The Leader Phrase Book is the culmination of ten years of Patrick's personal research on how leaders communicate. It is the summation of his efforts to share one of the most invaluable skills in life: "how to put yourself in command."

(Excerpt from

美的沉思: 中國藝術思想芻論

蔣勳 著
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Monday, January 23, 2012

Creating Personal Presence: Look, Talk, Think, and Act Like a Leader

Dianna Booher
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It may be difficult to define, but we all know presence when we encounter it. Someone walks into the room and people step aside. Heads turn. When those with presence speak, people listen. When they ask, people answer. When they lead, people follow. People with presence look confident and comfortable, speak persuasively, think clearly even under pressure, and act with intention and integrity. Presence is not something you have to be born with. It’s not about status symbols or position. It’s not about who you are but about how you are. And it’s something anyone can learn. Award-winning speaker and consultant Dianna Booher provides scores of practical tips on the physical qualities, communication techniques, thought processes, and attitudes that underlie powerful personal presence. This comprehensive guide will enable readers to become compelling leaders no matter what their current position. Booher shows how to master the dozens of small and significant things that work together to convey personal presence. She details how dress, body language, manners, and even your surroundings enhance credibility and build rapport. You’ll learn to use voice and language to demonstrate competence and deliver clear and memorable messages, think strategically and organize ideas coherently, and relate to others in ways that convey genuine interest, respect, good humor, and reliability. Personal presence can help you get a date, a mate, a job, or a sale. It can help you lead a meeting, a movement, an organization, or a nation. Presence can take you wherever you want to go. With Dianna Booher’s expert, entertaining advice, you can have the same kind of influence as the most successful CEOs, celebrities, and civic leaders.

(Excerpt from


韓廣澤, 李岩齡 著
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Monday, January 16, 2012

The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done About It

Paul Collier
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In the universally acclaimed and award-winning The Bottom Billion, Paul Collier reveals that fifty failed states--home to the poorest one billion people on Earth--pose the central challenge of the developing world in the twenty-first century. The book shines much-needed light on this group of small nations, largely unnoticed by the industrialized West, that are dropping further and further behind the majority of the world's people, often falling into an absolute decline in living standards. A struggle rages within each of these nations between reformers and corrupt leaders--and the corrupt are winning. Collier analyzes the causes of failure, pointing to a set of traps that ensnare these countries, including civil war, a dependence on the extraction and export of natural resources, and bad governance. Standard solutions do not work, he writes; aid is often ineffective, and globalization can actually make matters worse, driving development to more stable nations. What the bottom billion need, Collier argues, is a bold new plan supported by the Group of Eight industrialized nations. If failed states are ever to be helped, the G8 will have to adopt preferential trade policies, new laws against corruption, new international charters, and even conduct carefully calibrated military interventions. Collier has spent a lifetime working to end global poverty. In The Bottom Billion, he offers real hope for solving one of the great humanitarian crises facing the world today.

(Excerpt from

消費社會 (The Consumer Society )

波德里亞 (Jean Baudrillard)
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Monday, January 9, 2012

The Aquariums of Pyongyang : Ten Years in the North Korean Gulag

Kang Chol-hwan and Pierre Rigoulot; translated by Yair Reiner
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North Korea is today one of the last bastions of hard-line Communism. Its leaders have kept a tight grasp on their one-party regime, quashing any nascent opposition movements and sending all suspected dissidents to its brutal concentration camps for "re-education." Kang Chol-hwan is the first survivor of one of these camps to escape and tell his story to the world, documenting the extreme conditions in these gulags and providing a personal insight into life in North Korea. Part horror story, part historical document, part memoir, part political tract, this record of one man's suffering gives eyewitness proof to an ongoing sorrowful chapter of modern history.

(Excerpt from

昨日的世界:一個歐洲人的回憶 (Die Welt von Gestern)

斯蒂芬・茨威格 (Stefan Zweig)
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Monday, January 2, 2012

Future Minds : How the Digital Age is Changing Our Minds, Why This Matters, and What We Can Do About It

Richard Watson
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We are on the cusp of a revolution. Mobile phones, computers and iPods are commonplace in hundreds of millions of households worldwide, influencing how we think and shaping how we interact. In the future, smart machines will compete with clever people for employment and even human affection. We are shifting to a world where knowledge will be automated and people will be rewarded instead as conceptual and creative thinkers. Hence being able to think and act in ways that machines cannot will become vital. Ideas are the currency of this new economy and curiosity and imagination are among the key raw materials. But what happens to the rigour of our thinking in a world where we never really sit still or completely switch off? What are some of the unexpected consequences of digital information on the 100 billion cells and quadrillion connections inside our brains? Future Minds illustrates how to maximise the potential of digital technology and minimise its greatest downside, addressing the future of thinking and how we can ensure that we unleash the extraordinary potential of the human mind. In this absorbing new book, discover all about: the sex life of ideas; the rise of the screenager; generations, gender and geography; delving deep inside your head; how to clear a blocked brain; why clever people make dumb mistakes; why we are so afraid of doing nothing; what we can do to reclaim our brains.

(Excerpt from


錢理群, 溫儒敏, 吳福輝 著
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