Monday, May 14, 2018

The Written World: The Power of Stories to Shape People, History, Civilization

Martin Puchner
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The story of literature in sixteen acts—from Homer to Harry Potter, including The Tale of Genji, Don Quixote, The Communist Manifesto, and how they shaped world history

In this groundbreaking book, Martin Puchner leads us on a remarkable journey through time and around the globe to reveal the powerful role stories and literature have played in creating the world we have today. Through sixteen foundational texts selected from more than four thousand years of world literature, he reveals how writing has inspired the rise and fall of empires and nations, the spark of philosophical and political ideas, and the birth of religious beliefs.

We meet Murasaki, a lady from eleventh-century Japan who wrote the first novel, The Tale of Genji, and follow the adventures of Miguel de Cervantes as he battles pirates, both seafaring and literary. We watch Goethe discover world literature in Sicily, and follow the rise in influence of The Communist Manifesto. Puchner takes us to Troy, Pergamum, and China, speaks with Nobel laureates Derek Walcott in the Caribbean and Orhan Pamuk in Istanbul, as well as the wordsmiths of the oral epic Sunjata in West Africa. This delightful narrative also chronicles the inventions—writing technologies, the printing press, the book itself—that have shaped people, commerce, and history. In a book that Elaine Scarry has praised as “unique and spellbinding,” Puchner shows how literature turned our planet into a written world.

(Excerpt from

過於喧囂的孤獨 (Too Loud a Solitude)

赫拉.巴爾 (Hrabal, Bohumil)
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一九五四到一九五八年之間,赫拉巴爾曾於布拉格一處廢紙回收站當了四年打包工。據他自己說,他到這裏工作之後不久,便產生了要寫這麼一篇小說的想法,這個想法在他腦海裏醞釀了二十年之久。廢紙收購站的四年生活給他的感受如此之深,使他一直沒有放棄這個題材,而是不斷地對它加以補充,進行反覆的深刻思考。 故事主角是在廢紙收購站工作了三十五年的打包工漢嘉,他把珍貴的書從廢紙堆中挑出來,藏在家裡、藏在腦裡,他狂飲啤酒、啃噬著書本裡的思想和詞句,他從一無所知的青年變成滿腹詩書的老人,韓波的詩文、老子的《道德經》、萊布尼茨的情史,是他信手拈來的記憶,康德的話語是他感傷喃喃的聲音。





Monday, May 7, 2018

Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams

Matthew Walker
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A New York Times bestseller

The first sleep book by a leading scientific expert—Professor Matthew Walker, Director of UC Berkeley’s Sleep and Neuroimaging Lab—reveals his groundbreaking exploration of sleep, explaining how we can harness its transformative power to change our lives for the better.

Sleep is one of the most important but least understood aspects of our life, wellness, and longevity. Until very recently, science had no answer to the question of why we sleep, or what good it served, or why we suffer such devastating health consequences when we don't sleep. Compared to the other basic drives in life—eating, drinking, and reproducing—the purpose of sleep remained elusive.

An explosion of scientific discoveries in the last twenty years has shed new light on this fundamental aspect of our lives. Now, preeminent neuroscientist and sleep expert Matthew Walker gives us a new understanding of the vital importance of sleep and dreaming. Within the brain, sleep enriches our ability to learn, memorize, and make logical decisions. It recalibrates our emotions, restocks our immune system, fine-tunes our metabolism, and regulates our appetite. Dreaming mollifies painful memories and creates a virtual reality space in which the brain melds past and present knowledge to inspire creativity.

Walker answers important questions about sleep: how do caffeine and alcohol affect sleep? What really happens during REM sleep? Why do our sleep patterns change across a lifetime? How do common sleep aids affect us and can they do long-term damage? Charting cutting-edge scientific breakthroughs, and synthesizing decades of research and clinical practice, Walker explains how we can harness sleep to improve learning, mood, and energy levels; regulate hormones; prevent cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes; slow the effects of aging; increase longevity; enhance the education and lifespan of our children, and boost the efficiency, success, and productivity of our businesses. Clear-eyed, fascinating, and accessible, Why We Sleep is a crucial and illuminating book.

(Excerpt from

決斷的演算 : 預測、分析與好決定的11堂邏輯課 (Algorithms to Live By)

布萊恩‧克里斯汀 (Brian Christian), 湯姆‧葛瑞菲斯 (Tom Griffiths)
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Monday, April 30, 2018

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

David Allen
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In today's world, yesterday's methods just don't work. In Getting Things Done, veteran coach and management consultant David Allen shares the breakthrough methods for stress-free performance that he has introduced to tens of thousands of people across the country. Allen's premise is simple: our productivity is directly proportional to our ability to relax. Only when our minds are clear and our thoughts are organized can we achieve effective productivity and unleash our creative potential. In Getting Things Done Allen shows how to:

* Apply the "do it, delegate it, defer it, drop it" rule to get your in-box to empty
* Reassess goals and stay focused in changing situations
* Plan projects as well as get them unstuck
* Overcome feelings of confusion, anxiety, and being overwhelmed
* Feel fine about what you're not doing

From core principles to proven tricks, Getting Things Done can transform the way you work, showing you how to pick up the pace without wearing yourself down.

Based on the premise that productivity is directly proportional to one's ability to handle tasks in a relaxed manner, the author offers strategies for self-management that minimize stress and enhance one's focus and efficiency.

(Excerpt from

精準學習 : 「羅輯思維」最受歡迎的個人知識管理精進指南

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  • 買了很多書,下載了幾十G的電子書、音頻節目,但從沒真正打開來讀過?
  • 看了N多書、上了N多課,但回過頭來,卻發現似乎什麼也沒記住?
  • 越學越覺得要學的東西太多,不知從何入手,感到焦慮?
  • 學習很努力,但是進步卻很慢,沒找到「開竅」關鍵?

