Monday, December 12, 2011

Within the Frame: The Journey of Photographic Vision

David duChemin
online access from iRead eBook (Chinese)
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Within the Frame is a book about finding and expressing your photographic vision, specifically where people, places, and cultures are concerned. A personal book full of real-world wisdom and incredible images, author David duChemin (of shows you both the how and the why of finding, chasing, and expressing your vision with a camera to your eye. Vision leads to passion, and passion is a cornerstone of great photography. With it, photographs draw the eye in and create an emotional experience. Without it, a photograph is often not worth—and can’t capture—a viewer’s attention.

Both instructional and inspirational, Within the Frame helps you on your photographic journey to make better images of the places and people you love, whether they are around the world or in your own backyard. duChemin covers how to tell stories, and the technology and tools we have at our disposal in order to tell those narratives. Most importantly, he stresses the crucial theme of vision when it comes to photographing people, places, and cultures—and he helps you cultivate and find your own vision, and then fit it within the frame.

(Excerpt from

梵谷傳 (Lust for Life: The Story of Vincent Van Gogh)

伊爾文.史東 (Irving Stone) ; 余光中 譯
online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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史東藉由梵谷與弟弟西奧往來的三卷書信,考證藝術史,寫出藝術家的心靈吶喊。 並並勾勒出當時印象派與後期印象派的主要畫家:羅特列克、高敢、秀拉、賽尚、盧梭……等。畫家們的聚會熱鬧非凡:盧梭高興地報告收到畫迷小姐來信;塞拉又想到新理論,正把塞尚困在窗前;一會笑聽高敢講的黃色笑話;一會又陪盧梭猜他那女朋友是誰;一會又和羅特列爭論……而梵谷與高敢兩大畫家的故事,更令人動容:高敢個性外傾,自負而專橫,常挖苦梵谷。梵谷性情內向,不擅言詞,他把高敢當作師兄來請教,卻也堅持自己的信念,據理力爭。




Monday, December 5, 2011

Concerning the Spiritual in Art

By Wassily Kandinsky
online access from SuperStar Digital Library (Chinese)
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A pioneering work in the movement to free art from its traditional bonds to material reality, this book is one of the most important documents in the history of modern art. Written by the famous nonobjective painter Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944), it explains Kandinsky's own theory of painting and crystalizes the ideas that were influencing many other modern artists of the period. Along with his own ground-breaking paintings, this book had a tremendous impact on the development of modern art.

(Excerpt from

藝術的故事 (The Story of Art)

宮布利希 (E.H. Gombrich))
online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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Monday, November 28, 2011

Lift: Becoming a Positive Force in Any Situation

Ryan W. Quinn and Robert E. Quinn
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Just as the Wright Brothers combined science and practice to finally achieve the dream of flight, Ryan and Robert Quinn combine research and experience to demonstrate how we can elevate ourselves and the situations and people around us to greater heights of integrity, openness, and achievement to achieve the psychological equivalent of aerodynamic lift.

Solidly based in social science literature with a special focus on recent advances in the study of positive psychology and strengths based leadership, as well as Robert Quinn’s groundbreaking work on organizational effectiveness Lift identifies four mindsets that will enable us to become a consistently positive influence in every aspect of our lives: being purpose centered, internally directed, other focused, and externally open. Separate chapters explore each of these components in depth, analyzing the psychological and social factors that keep people from applying them and what we can do to overcome those obstacles.

Although exercises and tools are included throughout to help you understand and apply the authors’ lift framework as well as compelling stories of personal and professional applications of lift this is not a book about tactics. Instead, the Quinns challenge you to ask, “What can I do to be a positive influence, rather than simply try to wield influence in a positive way?”

(Excerpt from

駕馭時間的藝術 (How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life)

阿倫.萊肯 (Alan Lakein)
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