Monday, May 3, 2010


謝水南 著
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Monday, April 26, 2010

Learning Maps and Memory Skills

By Ingemar Svantesson
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Are you tired of wading through pages of notes to find the information you want?
Do you need to improve your creative thinking?
Do you find it difficult to decipher the notes you have taken during a meeting?
Learning maps could be the answer to your problems. They are an immensely valuable note-taking technique that can improve your memory, save you time and help with creative thinking. They are useful in all sorts of situations, such as:
• planning and problem solving;
• summarising notes;
• remembering facts and figures;
• brainstorming;
• remembering key points from a meeting.
(Excerpt from the back cover)


托尼・巴贊 (Tony Buzan)
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1. 全面提高閱讀速度;
2. 保持並改善理解能力;
3. 增加眼睛和大腦的理解功能,這樣,就可以在看書和研究時,或者是在個人事務和工作中,能更有效地利用這些功能;
4. 使詞彙量和普通知識都得以改善;
5. 節約時間;
6. 為你增加信心。


(摘錄自書中 “《快速閱讀》使用指南”)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Textual Dynamics of the Professions : Historical and Contemporary Studies of Writing in Professional Communities

Edited by Charles Bazerman and James Paradis
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How do discursive differences between legal professionals and jurors affect courtroom decisions? How does the DSM-III - the American Psychiatric Association's taxonomy of mental disorders - shape psychiatric practice? How can a narrative of social progress shape scientific theory? How do conflicting problem-solving strategies within a community contribute to technological disasters like Three Mile Island and the Shuttle Challenger? This book is a collection of 15 essays examining the real effects of texts on professional practice - in academic, scientific, and business settings. The authors describe textual dynamics as an interaction in which professional texts and discourses are constructed by, and in turn construct, social practices. This anthology treats a wide range of professional texts including case studies, student papers, medieval letters and product instructions.
(Excerpt from


付聞君 主编
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戴爾・卡耐基(Dale Carnegie 1888-1955)是美國傑出的成人教育家,也是譽滿全球的公關學家。他的著作影響了20世紀的幾代人,至今仍經久不衰。
卡耐基的成功學包括處世術,智力開發術,演講術,推銷術,人際關係術等。他創立的成人教育機構遍布世界各地,多達 2,000餘所。卡耐基成人教育機構裡有一套系統完整,操作起來既簡便易行,又能迅速成功的成人教育方法。這些方法都是他運用心理學的知識,對人類共同的心理特點進行探索和分析創造並發展起來的。全世界受惠於他的人達千百萬之多,其中有普通百姓,也有明星巨商,軍政要員等。卡耐基的成功就在於他幫助人們在處世上獲得自尊、自重、勇氣和信心,在事業上克服人性的弱點,發揮人性的優點,開發人類潛在智能,從而獲得人生的快樂 ……

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Handbook of Academic Writing: A Fresh Approach

By Rowena Murray and Sarah Moore
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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The Handbook of Academic Writing offers practical advice to busy academics who want, and are often required, to integrate writing into their working lives. It defines what academic writing is, and the process of getting started through to completion, covering topics such as:
• Gaining momentum
• Reviewing and revising
• Self-discipline
• Writing regularly
• Writers' groups and retreats
Academic writing is one of the most demanding tasks that all academics and researchers face. In some disciplines there is guidance on what is needed to be productive, successful writers; but in other disciplines there is no training, support or mentoring of any kind. This book helps those in both groups not only to improve their writing skills and strategies, but, equally importantly, to find satisfaction in engaging in regular and productive writing.
Underpinned by a diverse range of literature, this book addresses the different dimensions of writing. The fresh approach that Murray and Moore explore in this book includes developing rhetorical knowledge, focusing on writing behaviours and understanding writing contexts.
This book will help writers in academic contexts to develop a productive writing strategy, not only for research monitoring exercises, but also for the long term.
(From the Publisher’s description)