Monday, September 2, 2024

Peak Performance: Success in College and Beyond

Sharon Ferrett
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With a major focus on building better habits, Peak Performance, 11e, teaches students to identify triggers for their habits, how to create a productive behavior routine and a reward that leads to a cycle of success. Through the power of grit, perseverance and resiliency, students learn to practice a positive, open mindset that focuses on growth, learning, and effort. The author also provides students practical advice about getting involved in clubs and campus events, connecting with students, tutors, advisers, and instructors to avoid feeling overwhelmed during their new start in college.

Peak Performance delivers the essential tools for managing time and resources by showing students how to:
• Empower themselves to feel that they belong in college and that the tools for success are all around them
• Learn how habits work and how to replace counter-productive habits with positive habits that will help them in college and beyond
• Learn to integrate all learning styles for maximum success
• Learn how to seek out support and resources on campus for challenges new students face, and remain persistent in pursuit of their goals
• Relate what they are exploring now to future success on the job
• Strive to cultivate the qualities, habits, and skills of peak performers

(Excerpt from

實戰圖解麥肯錫金字塔原理 : 120個圖解+21個表達場景,職場必勝四力一學就會,思考力.寫作力.演說力.問題解決力

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Monday, August 26, 2024

Learned Excellence: Mental Disciplines for Leading and Winning from the World’s Top Performers

Eric Potterat, Alan Eagle
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Learn how to perform at your very best, from the psychologist who has advised elite military operators, Olympic medalists, big wave surfers, neurosurgeons, cliff divers, first responders, Cirque du Soleil acrobats, professional athletes and coaches, Fortune 500 business executives, and CIA analysts.

Learned Excellence is a comprehensive and practical guide to the mental disciplines of high performance, from the expert who developed the US Navy SEALs mental toughness curriculum and has worked with thousands of top athletes, elite military personnel, business executives, and first responders.

These stars perform across a wide variety of fields, but they all have something in common: when they are at work they know how to think clearly, stay focused, and shrug off setbacks under very high levels of stress. They may have superb physical and intellectual traits, but it is the stuff going on above the neck and between the ears that makes them excellent. The difference between settling and achieving, between good and great, between contentment and fulfillment, is based entirely on their mental approach.

This approach isn’t innate; it is 100% learned. The world’s top performers aren’t born that way, they learn excellence. So can everyone else, and Dr. Eric Potterat can teach us.

One of the world’s leading performance psychologists and a retired US Navy Commander, Dr. Potterat has spent over three decades helping thousands of top performers from the military, sports, first responder, and business worlds improve. He served as the lead psychologist for the US Navy SEALs and the Los Angeles Dodgers, and has consulted with the US Women’s National Soccer team, the Miami Heat, Red Bull athletes, NASA astronauts, and dozens of Olympic medalists.

In Learned Excellence, Eric distills the insights he’s learned into five mental disciplines for high performance—Values & Goals, Mindset, Process, Adversity Tolerance, and Balance & Recovery. Illustrated with numerous stories and quotes, Learned Excellence features clear principles and practices that anyone can use to raise their game.

(Excerpt from

與成功有約 : 高效能人士的七個習慣 (30週年全新增訂版)(The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)

史蒂芬‧柯維 (Sean Covey)
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30年卓越經典 全球暢銷4,000萬冊
成功學大師史蒂芬.柯維 歷久彌新的人生經營策略


各位閱讀時可以感覺到,他現身於字裡行間,肯定你的價值和潛力,教導你如何在工作中、家庭裡,做個更有效能的人。 ──西恩.柯維




  1 主動積極 → 擴大影響力
  2 以終為始 → 釐清人生定位
  3 要事第一 → 找到目標與方法
  4 雙贏思維 → 創造最大價值
  5 知彼解己 → 維繫人際和諧
  6 統合綜效 → 化解衝突、找到出路
  7 不斷更新 → 改變自己與他人的人生


Monday, August 19, 2024

I Respectfully Disagree: How to Have Difficult Conversations in a Divided World

Justin Jones-Fosu
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Start building bridges instead of barriers! This essential guide offers a simple 5-part framework that will help you have honest and enlightening conversations despite deep and fundamental disagreements.

Divisions are on the rise around the world, and 2024 may well be a peak year. We’re losing the ability to disagree without dehumanizing. There is a deep need for this practical and accessible guide to having challenging conversations in any situation, from the workplace to the classroom to the dinner table.

It’s not about saying the right words at the right time but something vastly deeper. In this book, you’ll discover the 5 pillars of respectfully disagreeing:
● Challenge your perspective
● Be the student
● Cultivate your curiosity
● Seek the gray
● Agree to respect

But this is not a weighty tome. Each chapter features a cartoon, and Justin Jones-Fosu tackles this serious subject with a playful and compassionate tone. For example, he writes “I have become more and more intentional in my desire to respectfully disagree with others (except those who think putting ketchup on eggs is wrong…there is no hope for respect there).”

With a wide range of examples and exercises throughout, this is a timely and reader-friendly handbook to disagreeing with someone’s ideology while passionately pursuing their humanity.

(Excerpt from

習慣紅利 : 從工作管理到人生管理, 從微小改變到人生蛻變

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