Paul Kleinman
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A hands-on approach to exploring the human mind
Too often, textbooks turn the noteworthy theories, principles, and experiments of psychology into tedious discourse that even Freud would want to repress. Psych 101 cuts out the boring details and statistics, and instead, gives you a lesson in psychology that keeps you engaged - and your synapses firing.
From personality quizzes and the Rorschach Blot Test to B.F. Skinner and the stages of development, this primer for human behavior is packed with hundreds of entertaining psychology basics and quizzes you can't get anywhere else.
So whether you're looking to unravel the intricacies of the mind, or just want to find out what makes your friends tick, Psych 101 has all the answers - even the ones you didn't know you were looking for.
(Excerpt from
Monday, June 3, 2019
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Monday, May 27, 2019
Soulware: The American Way in China's Higher Education
Way Kuo
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This book is a critical account of the history, evolution and challenges of higher education in mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, with important reflections on other systems, notably those in the US, UK, Korea and Japan. In addition to hardware and software, it introduces the concept of "software" in global higher education and analyses its importance for internationalization and the pursuit of excellence. In an age where robots and artificial intelligence are impacting our jobs and our daily lives, its critical analysis and insightful reflections provide considerable value for a range of global stakeholders interested in higher education reform to nurture talent and promote innovation to prepare students for an unpredictable future.
"Professor Kuo’s perspective provides considerable value for a range of global stakeholders both in the east and the west. As American universities awake to the realization that the demand for higher education is an increasingly global phenomena, his contribution could not be more timely."
--Mike Crow, PhD President, Arizona State University
"Way Kuo advances a powerful historical argument for the means to achieve excellence in Asian universities. His recipe is bold leadership, combining excellence in teaching and research, and embracing the lessons of western university successes and failures. A superb combination of history and forward thinking."
--Michael Kotlikoff, VMD, PhD Provost, Cornell University
"Way’s book is not just about the past or the present. Rather, it offers useful insights into the future. In an age where robots and artificial intelligence are impacting our jobs and our daily lives, he introduces the concept of “soulware” and analyzes its importance for higher education."
--G. P. “Bud” Peterson, PhD President, Georgia Institute of Technology
"Differing from their Western counterparts, Chinese universities will demonstrate their own cultural characteristics. In this regard, Professor Kuo’s book offers us many valuable insights."
--Yong Qiu, PhD President, Tsinghua University, Beijing
"Wisdom is the ultimate goal of higher education. It is the illumination of that wisdom among audiences, English-speaking or Chinese-speaking, to which Way Kuo’s book hopes to kindle a spark."
--Frank H. Shu, PhD President, 2002-06, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, and University Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley and San Diego
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"Professor Kuo’s perspective provides considerable value for a range of global stakeholders both in the east and the west. As American universities awake to the realization that the demand for higher education is an increasingly global phenomena, his contribution could not be more timely."
--Mike Crow, PhD President, Arizona State University
"Way Kuo advances a powerful historical argument for the means to achieve excellence in Asian universities. His recipe is bold leadership, combining excellence in teaching and research, and embracing the lessons of western university successes and failures. A superb combination of history and forward thinking."
--Michael Kotlikoff, VMD, PhD Provost, Cornell University
"Way’s book is not just about the past or the present. Rather, it offers useful insights into the future. In an age where robots and artificial intelligence are impacting our jobs and our daily lives, he introduces the concept of “soulware” and analyzes its importance for higher education."
--G. P. “Bud” Peterson, PhD President, Georgia Institute of Technology
"Differing from their Western counterparts, Chinese universities will demonstrate their own cultural characteristics. In this regard, Professor Kuo’s book offers us many valuable insights."
--Yong Qiu, PhD President, Tsinghua University, Beijing
"Wisdom is the ultimate goal of higher education. It is the illumination of that wisdom among audiences, English-speaking or Chinese-speaking, to which Way Kuo’s book hopes to kindle a spark."
--Frank H. Shu, PhD President, 2002-06, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, and University Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley and San Diego
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在故宮, 尋找蘇東坡
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在故宮藏品中, 尋找蘇東坡的生命印跡。
◎本書從十個側面——入仕、求生、書法、繪畫、文學、交友、文人集團、家庭、為政、嶺南, 書寫了蘇東坡一生的生命經歷。在作者筆下,蘇東坡是屬於人間的。他是石,是竹,也是塵,是土,是他《寒食帖》所寫的“泥汙燕支雪”。他的文學藝術,牽動著人世間最凡俗的欲念,同時又代表著中國文化最堅定的價值。蘇東坡既是草根的,又是精英的。
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◎本書從十個側面——入仕、求生、書法、繪畫、文學、交友、文人集團、家庭、為政、嶺南, 書寫了蘇東坡一生的生命經歷。在作者筆下,蘇東坡是屬於人間的。他是石,是竹,也是塵,是土,是他《寒食帖》所寫的“泥汙燕支雪”。他的文學藝術,牽動著人世間最凡俗的欲念,同時又代表著中國文化最堅定的價值。蘇東坡既是草根的,又是精英的。
Monday, May 20, 2019
The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure
Grant Cardone
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Achieve "Massive Action" results and accomplish your business dreams!
While most people operate with only three degrees of action-no action, retreat, or normal action-if you're after big goals, you don't want to settle for the ordinary. To reach the next level, you must understand the coveted 4th degree of action. This 4th degree, also know as the 10 X Rule, is that level of action that guarantees companies and individuals realize their goals and dreams.
The 10 X Rule unveils the principle of "Massive Action," allowing you to blast through business cliches and risk-aversion while taking concrete steps to reach your dreams. It also demonstrates why people get stuck in the first three actions and how to move into making the 10X Rule a discipline. Find out exactly where to start, what to do, and how to follow up each action you take with more action to achieve Massive Action results.
.Learn the "Estimation of Effort" calculation to ensure you exceed your targets
.Make the Fourth Degree a way of life and defy mediocrity
.Discover the time management myth
.Get the exact reasons why people fail and others succeed
.Know the exact formula to solve problems
Extreme success is by definition outside the realm of normal action. Instead of behaving like everybody else and settling for average results, take Massive Action with The 10 X Rule, remove luck and chance from your business equation, and lock in massive success.
(Excerpt from
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While most people operate with only three degrees of action-no action, retreat, or normal action-if you're after big goals, you don't want to settle for the ordinary. To reach the next level, you must understand the coveted 4th degree of action. This 4th degree, also know as the 10 X Rule, is that level of action that guarantees companies and individuals realize their goals and dreams.
The 10 X Rule unveils the principle of "Massive Action," allowing you to blast through business cliches and risk-aversion while taking concrete steps to reach your dreams. It also demonstrates why people get stuck in the first three actions and how to move into making the 10X Rule a discipline. Find out exactly where to start, what to do, and how to follow up each action you take with more action to achieve Massive Action results.
.Learn the "Estimation of Effort" calculation to ensure you exceed your targets
.Make the Fourth Degree a way of life and defy mediocrity
.Discover the time management myth
.Get the exact reasons why people fail and others succeed
.Know the exact formula to solve problems
Extreme success is by definition outside the realm of normal action. Instead of behaving like everybody else and settling for average results, take Massive Action with The 10 X Rule, remove luck and chance from your business equation, and lock in massive success.
(Excerpt from
貝聿銘全集 (I.M. Pei: Complete Works)
菲力浦.裘蒂狄歐 (Philip Jodidio), 珍妮特.亞當斯.斯特朗 (Janet Adams Strong)
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貝聿銘(1917年4月26日-2019年5月16日)是世界著名的華人建築大師,在1983年獲得有建築諾貝爾獎之稱的普里茲克獎(Pritzker Architecture Prize)時,評委會對他的評價是:他“帶來了本世紀最美麗的內部空間和外部形式”。貝聿銘先生的作品為現代主義建築,被譽為“最後一位現代主義建築大師”和“美國歷史上前所未有的最優秀的建築家”,善用鋼材、混凝土、玻璃與石材。
《貝聿銘全集》按時間順序彙編了貝聿銘先生的作品 … 書中一共收錄了50多個建築作品和300多幅插圖,也包括其最新的建築作品。每個建築作品都有詳細的背景資料、專案描述和評價。作者用設計草圖、設計圖、效果圖結合文字對每一個專案做了全面的分析。這些專案來自中國、美國、日本、德國等世界各地,其中包括美國波士頓的甘迺迪圖書館、美國華盛頓特區的國家美術館東館、法國巴黎的盧浮宮擴建工程、香山飯店、香港中銀大廈、蘇州博物館等,近期作品有卡達杜哈伊斯蘭藝術博物館等,幾乎包括了貝聿銘先生的所有建築作品。文前有貝聿銘先生自己為全集寫的《建築是藝術和歷史的融合》。
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《貝聿銘全集》按時間順序彙編了貝聿銘先生的作品 … 書中一共收錄了50多個建築作品和300多幅插圖,也包括其最新的建築作品。每個建築作品都有詳細的背景資料、專案描述和評價。作者用設計草圖、設計圖、效果圖結合文字對每一個專案做了全面的分析。這些專案來自中國、美國、日本、德國等世界各地,其中包括美國波士頓的甘迺迪圖書館、美國華盛頓特區的國家美術館東館、法國巴黎的盧浮宮擴建工程、香山飯店、香港中銀大廈、蘇州博物館等,近期作品有卡達杜哈伊斯蘭藝術博物館等,幾乎包括了貝聿銘先生的所有建築作品。文前有貝聿銘先生自己為全集寫的《建築是藝術和歷史的融合》。
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