Monday, April 16, 2018

生涯探索與規劃 : 我的生涯手册 (Career Exploration and Planning: My Career Manual)

吳芝儀 著
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Monday, April 9, 2018

The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage

Mel Robbins
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National Bestseller!
How to enrich your life and destroy doubt in 5 seconds.

Throughout your life, you've had parents, coaches, teachers, friends and mentors who have pushed you to be better than your excuses and bigger than your fears. What if the secret to having the confidence and courage to enrich your life and work is simply knowing how to push yourself?

Using the science of habits, riveting stories and surprising facts from some of the most famous moments in history, art and business, Mel Robbins will explain the power of a “push moment.” Then, she’ll give you one simple tool you can use to become your greatest self.

It takes just five seconds to use this tool, and every time you do you’ll be in great company. More than 8 million people have watched Mel’s TEDx Talk, and executives inside of the world’s largest brands are using the tool to increase productivity, collaboration, and engagement.

In The 5 Second Rule, you’ll discover it takes just five seconds to:
  • Become confident
  • Break the habit of procrastination and self-doubt
  • Beat fear and uncertainty
  • Stop worrying and feel happier
  • Share your ideas with courage
The 5 Second Rule is a simple, one-size-fits-all solution for the one problem we all face—we hold ourselves back.

The secret isn’t knowing what to do—it’s knowing how to make yourself do it.

(Excerpt from

區塊鏈革命 : 比特幣技術如何影響貨幣、商業和世界運作 (Blockchain Revolution)

唐.泰普史考特 (Don Tapscott) , 亞力士.泰普史考特 (Alex Tapscott)
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• 你是躍躍欲試的創業家,想要找到新平台大展身手。
• 你熱愛音樂,希望創作者不被層層剝削,確實靠自己的作品謀生。
• 你關心食安,想知道超市商品的真正來源。
• 你有定期投資的習慣,但微薄的投資利潤,總是被交易手續費吃掉。
• 你是Airbnb的房客,除了租金,還得多付6%~12%的服務費。


「區塊鏈是資訊科學史上最具決定性的關鍵發明之一,閱讀本書,將可以讓你了解它影響力深遠的運用方式。」──馬克.安德森(Marc Andreessen),網景共同創辦人

「泰普史考特父子的這本書,揭露了如何在下一波科技推動的巨變中求生與發展,很有機會成為我們這個世代最具代表性的作品之一。」──克雷頓.克里斯汀生(Clayton Christensen),《創新的兩難》作者

「只要是思慮周密的人,都試圖了解這項革命性的科技,以及它對於世界的影響,而泰普史考特父子卻已經站上時代的浪頭,為我們帶來這期盼已久的一部作品。」──丹.舒爾曼(Dan Schulman),PayPal執行長


Monday, April 2, 2018

Bit by Bit : Social Research in the Digital Age

Matthew J. Salganik
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An innovative and accessible guide to doing social research in the digital age

In just the past several years, we have witnessed the birth and rapid spread of social media, mobile phones, and numerous other digital marvels. In addition to changing how we live, these tools enable us to collect and process data about human behavior on a scale never before imaginable, offering entirely new approaches to core questions about social behavior. Bit by Bit is the key to unlocking these powerful methods―a landmark book that will fundamentally change how the next generation of social scientists and data scientists explores the world around us.

Bit by Bit is the essential guide to mastering the key principles of doing social research in this fast-evolving digital age. In this comprehensive yet accessible book, Matthew Salganik explains how the digital revolution is transforming how social scientists observe behavior, ask questions, run experiments, and engage in mass collaborations. He provides a wealth of real-world examples throughout and also lays out a principles-based approach to handling ethical challenges.

(Excerpt from

你該殺死那個胖子嗎? 為了多數人幸福而犧牲少數人權益是對的嗎? 我們今日該如何看待道德哲學的經典難題 (Would You Kill the Fat Man?)

大衛‧愛德蒙茲 (David Edmonds)
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榮獲美國專業與學術傑出哲學出版獎(The PROSE awards)




Monday, March 26, 2018

Travelling to Infinity : My Life with Stephen

Jane Hawking
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Professor Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous and remarkable scientists of our age and author of the scientific bestseller "A Brief History of Time", which sold over 25 million copies across the world and will be adapted as a children's book in the Autumn of next year. In this compelling memoir his first wife, Jane Hawking, relates the inside story of their extraordinary marriage. As Stephen's academic renown soared, his body was collapsing under the assaults of motor neurone disease, and Jane's candid account of trying to balance his 24-hour care with the needs of their growing family will be inspirational to anyone dealing with family illness. The inner-strength of the author, and the self-evident character and achievements of her husband, make for an incredible tale that is always presented with unflinching honesty; the author's candour is no less evident when the marriage finally ends in a high-profile meltdown, with Stephen leaving Jane for one of his nurses, while Jane goes on to marry an old family friend. In this exceptionally open, moving and often funny memoir, Jane Hawking confronts not only the acutely complicated and painful dilemmas of her first marriage, but also the faultlines exposed in a relationship by the pervasive effects of fame and wealth. The result is a book about optimism, love and change that will resonate with readers everywhere.

(Excerpt from

Related Post:

時間簡史 : 從大爆炸到黑洞 (A Brief History of Time)