Monday, September 23, 2013


傅雷 著
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Monday, September 16, 2013

How to Write a Thesis

Rowena Murray
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"This book has become a trusted resource for students from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds. Not only does it take you through the steps and stages of thesis writing, but more importantly, it offers rich advice and support that helps build confidence, sets up effective writing habits and generates a positive orientation towards the complex task of thesis writing." —Professor Sarah Moore, Associate Vice President Academic, University of Limerick, Ireland

Providing down-to-earth guidance to help students shape their theses, Rowena Murray offers valuable advice and practical tips and techniques. Useful summaries and checklists help students to stay on track or regain their way.

Moving beyond the basics of thesis writing, the book introduces practical writing techniques such as freewriting, generative writing and binge writing. Issues such as working out the criteria for your thesis, writer's block, writing a literature review and making notes into a draft are also covered.

New to this edition:
• New introduction by students - 'How I used this book'
• Update on doctoral skills set and Training Needs Analysis
• Extended treatment of plagiarism - and how to avoid it
• Expanded section on students' well-being
• Learning outcomes for each chapter

(Excerpt from


陳向明 著
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《質的研究方法與社會科學研究》是國內第一部系統評介“質的研究方法”(qualitative research)的專著,對目前國際社會科學界提出的有關理論問題以及新近發展出來的操作手段進行了深入的探討,並結合有關西方學者以及作者自己的研究實例對其進行了生動的展示和說明。“質的研究方法”目前在社會科學研究領域是與“量的研究方法”相提並論、交相輝映的一種研究方法,它要求研究者深入社會現象,通過親身體驗了解研究對象的存在方式和意義解釋,在原始資料的基礎之上建立相關理論。


Monday, September 9, 2013

Reading, Writing and Reasoning: A Guide for Students

Gavin J. Fairbairn and Christopher Winch
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"A concise and useful guide, which provides an overview of the skills necessary to good reviewing ... Dealing clearly with traditional sources such as books and journals alongside recent developments such as wikis, blogs, and other online material, this handbook provides students with not only the basics, but guidance on the evolving issues in research dissemination and literature reviewing."
Daniel Zahra, Student, University of Plymouth, UK

What do you have to do to achieve success in your university studies?

Many students find the 'step up' from school or college work to university study a challenge. The same is frequently true for those returning to study after time spent in the workplace. If you find yourself in either of these situations then this is the book for you. Straightforward and sympathetic, this accessible handbook will help you to develop the essential skills in three of the core aspects of university study: reading, writing and reasoning.

Drawing on a wealth of experience of working with students in a variety of settings, Gavin Fairbairn and Christopher Winch have completely revised and updated this best selling text. It is packed with practical advice, examples and exercises that will be invaluable for all students and assist in developing effective reading practices, high quality academic writing and critical thinking skills.

The new edition contains:
• Expanded coverage on plagiarism and how to avoid it
• Additional guidance on structuring writing
• Suggestions for overcoming writer’s block
• Tasks designed to reflect on key issues and practice skills
• Guidance for tutors on how to help students

(Excerpt from

金字塔原理: 思考, 寫作和解決問題的邏輯 (The Minto Pyramid Principle)

明托 (Barbara Minto)
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本書作者芭芭拉.明托(Barbara Minto),為麥肯錫等世界各大顧問公司開設過寫作課程。《金字塔原理》自1973年出版以來,經過多次修訂,建立了不朽的名聲,成為顧問界乃至學術界的必讀書籍。大前研一《思考的技術》書中所提到的金字塔結構思考法,也源於此書。本書提供讀者最完整、最經典的關於思考與表達技巧的重要觀念。透過學習金字塔結構,對於提升寫作、思考、解決問題的專業能力,必將大有幫助。




Monday, September 2, 2013

Mindhacker: 60 Tips, Tricks, and Games to Take Your Mind to the Next Level

Ron Hale-Evans, Marty Hale-Evans
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Compelling tips and tricks to improve your mental skills

Don't you wish you were just a little smarter? Ron and Marty Hale-Evans can help with a vast array of witty, practical techniques that tune your brain to peak performance. Founded in current research, Mindhacker features 60 tips, tricks, and games to develop your mental potential. This accessible compilation helps improve memory, accelerate learning, manage time, spark creativity, hone math and logic skills, communicate better, think more clearly, and keep your mind strong and flexible.

(Excerpt from