Monday, February 14, 2011

A General Theory of Love

By Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini and Richard Lannon
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What is love, and why are some people unable to find it? What is loneliness, and why does it hurt? What are relationships, and how and why do they work the way they do?
Answering these questions, laying bare the heart's deepest secrets, is this book's aim. Since the dawn of our species, human beings in every time and place have contended with an unruly emotional core that behaves in unpredicted and confusing ways. Science has been unable to help them. The Western world's first physician, Hippocrates, proposed in 450 B.C. that emotions emanate from the brain. He was rightbut for the next twenty-five hundred years, medicine could offer nothing further about the details of emotional life. Matters of the heart were matters only for the artsliterature, song, poetry, painting, sculpture, dance. Until now …
(Excerpt from the Preface of the book)

生命中不能承受之輕 (The Unbearable Lightness of Being)

米蘭・昆德拉(Milan Kundera)
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究竟,什麼樣的特質最符合人類境況(condition humaine)?是『重』,還是『輕』?嚴肅要到何處才會讓位給輕浮?輕浮又要到何處才會讓位給嚴肅?昆德拉以悖論的手法透過小說提出了這些問題。

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Forest and the Trees : Sociology as Life, Practice, and Promise

By Allan G. Johnson
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Practicing sociology is a way to observe the world and to think about and make sense of it. It is also a way to be in the world and of the world, to play a meaningful role in the life of our species as it shapes and reshapes itself into the mystery of what’s going on and what it’s got to do with us …
This book is one practicing sociologist’s answer to the hypothetical, the core insight with the greatest potential and promise to transform how we see the world and ourselves in it. This book is about what that core view is and why it matters that we understand it, use it, live it, and pass it on.
(Excerpt from the “Introduction: Life, Practice, and Promise” of the book)

If sociology could teach everyone just one thing, what would it be? The Forest and the Trees is one sociologist's response to the hypothetical - the core insight with the greatest potential to change how people see the world and themselves in relation to it. This revised and updated edition features: a new chapter that brings together the various aspects of the sociological model described in previous chapters with a detailed application to the origins of racism; a discussion of how individuals can participate in social change by stepping off paths of least resistance; and, the addition of graphics to illustrate the sociological model of systems and individuals.
(Excerpt from


張德芬 著
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吳淡如、莊淑芬、陳藹玲、李欣頻、王尚智 誠摯推薦


Monday, January 31, 2011

Encyclopedia of Modern China

David Pong, editor in chief
online access from Gale Virtual Reference Library
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The book received a prestigious American Library Association RUSA award as one of ten outstanding reference sources for 2010.

Encyclopedia of Modern China provides critical information on the most populous country and most dynamic trade market in the world: the people, politics, economics, religion, philosophy, traditions, art, and literature of this ancient and enduring civilization is explored from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the present day.
Given China's increasing role in world affairs, its modern history and culture are of great interest to many, and this work is designed to bring reliable and accessible facts and analysis to students, professionals, and others who study and interact with China and her people.
• Commissioned contributors from colleges and universities in China and around the world provide authoritative content and fresh scholarly analysis
• Scores of tables, charts, graphs, and maps illustrate key points
• A glossary appendix listing transliteration of unique names, terms, and expressions
• A cumulative index, cross references, and lists of related topics
• All articles end with bibliographies and sources for reference and further reading
• A chronology of Chinese history since 1800
• An appendix of primary sources
• Thematic outline of contents
(Excerpt from

為什麼過節 : 中國節日文化之精神

孫秉山 编著
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中國傳統的所有節日,有著一個共同的主旨。也就是說中國傳統的節日,共同追尋著一個深層的終極目的,那就是,這所有的節日都各自在適當的時間、適宜的場合,運用節日中的各項活動,來適時地調節和協調人與人、人與天地萬物的關係;也就是協調著 “天、地、人三才”的關係,以期達到人人和諧的社會與“天人合一”的境界。