弗洛倫斯.妮蒂雅 (Florence Littauer) 著
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在你認識了自己和別人的性格之後,了解到人和人之間不同的性格類型存在着許多差異,而不再強求別人認同自己或者讓自己刻意扭曲去迎合他人,特別是婚姻關係和家庭關係以及上司和下屬的關係。在這個基礎上,你才能與他人建立真實、自然、和諧的關係,才能夠與這個世界上最重要的人建立最融洽、最祥和的關係,這個人就是你自己! ……
(摘錄自書中“譯者序”, 江雅苓,1998)
Monday, August 30, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Decision Making and Problem Solving Strategies
by John Adair
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There are three forms of applied thinking that everyone needs: decision making, problem solving, and creative thinking. Decision Making and Problem Solving will help readers master the processes of practical thinking that lie behind effective decision making, problem solving, and creative thinking. Using checklists, exercises, and case studies, this book enables anyone to understand key concepts such as: how the mind works, the principles of effective thinking, how to develop a framework for decision making, how to use a simple model for making decisions and solving problems, how to sharpen up creative thinking skills, and how to develop your thinking skills in the future. An expert on management thinking, John Adair will help managers and leaders of all levels ensure that the best decisions are taken, that problems are solved in the optimum way, and that the creative ideas and innovations so necessary for tomorrow's business flow freely.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
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There are three forms of applied thinking that everyone needs: decision making, problem solving, and creative thinking. Decision Making and Problem Solving will help readers master the processes of practical thinking that lie behind effective decision making, problem solving, and creative thinking. Using checklists, exercises, and case studies, this book enables anyone to understand key concepts such as: how the mind works, the principles of effective thinking, how to develop a framework for decision making, how to use a simple model for making decisions and solving problems, how to sharpen up creative thinking skills, and how to develop your thinking skills in the future. An expert on management thinking, John Adair will help managers and leaders of all levels ensure that the best decisions are taken, that problems are solved in the optimum way, and that the creative ideas and innovations so necessary for tomorrow's business flow freely.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
AQ逆境商数 (Adversity Quotient)
保羅・史托兹 (Paul G. Stoltz) 著
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(摘錄自書中“原出版者的話”, 1998)
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在這本劃時代的、碩果累累的書中,史托茲博士將告訴您如何評估自己的逆境商,同時為您不斷增強成功的能力提供了許多工具。……(摘錄自書中“原出版者的話”, 1998)
Monday, August 16, 2010
你的誤區 (Your Erroneous Zones)
威勒・德爾(Wayne W. Dyer) 著
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這本書概述了一種獲得幸福的引人入勝的方法。這種方法依賴於你自己的責任和義務,加上你對生活的熱愛,以及你當時選擇的目標理想。……這本書的每一章都像是一個討論會。……每章都考察了一種特定的心理誤區或一種自我毀滅的行為。…… 本書的要旨在於幫助你了解你陷入這種自我毀滅行為誤區的原因。本書 也詳細敍述了陷入這種誤區的各種不同的行為表現。……又考察了執迷於這些並不能給你帶來幸福的行為原因。……每一章的結尾都附有根除自我貶損行為的對策。……貫穿本書的是兩個中心主題。第一個主題主要論述你對自己情緒的選擇能力。……第二個主題也就是好好地把握你的現在。……
(摘錄自書中序言, 2001)
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這本書概述了一種獲得幸福的引人入勝的方法。這種方法依賴於你自己的責任和義務,加上你對生活的熱愛,以及你當時選擇的目標理想。……這本書的每一章都像是一個討論會。……每章都考察了一種特定的心理誤區或一種自我毀滅的行為。…… 本書的要旨在於幫助你了解你陷入這種自我毀滅行為誤區的原因。本書 也詳細敍述了陷入這種誤區的各種不同的行為表現。……又考察了執迷於這些並不能給你帶來幸福的行為原因。……每一章的結尾都附有根除自我貶損行為的對策。……貫穿本書的是兩個中心主題。第一個主題主要論述你對自己情緒的選擇能力。……第二個主題也就是好好地把握你的現在。……
(摘錄自書中序言, 2001)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Dealing with Difficult People
By Roy Lilley
online access from ProQuest One Business
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online access from ProQuest One Business
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Workplaces are filled with all types of people, and some of them can be very difficult to get along with. By understanding difficult people and their behaviors, a savvy individual can resolve the awkward and problematic situations created by difficult people. Dealing with Difficult People looks at difficult behavior – what drives it and how to cope with it. Issues Roy Lilley discusses include: recognizing the seven types of difficult person, handling aggressive people, handling conflict, motivating lazy colleagues, dealing with difficult customers, and handling complaints.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
吳淡如 著
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有些話像一記悶棍,不經意地敲了你的腦袋一下;有些話像突來的陣雨,洗清了生活中久積的泥垢;有些話輕輕一敷,治療你心靈裡又癢又痛的皮膚病;被忘記的理性或感性忽然間甦醒了,你的人生腳步因而微微地調整了方向。簡單的一句話,使我們忽然懂得成長。 現代人面臨著人心徬徨、生命無常,為事業擔心、為家庭煩憂的種種困境,不知該如何面對未來,也不懂如何讓自己活得聰明,挫折與壓力讓我們過得一點都不輕鬆自在……。
林白夫人說:一個良好的關係就像雙人舞一樣,在舞蹈中,如果抓住舞伴不放,勢必使舞步僵硬。愛因斯坦說:我沒有特別的天分,只是好奇心十分強烈而已。 短短的一句話,你的人生會有什麼樣的想法?…… 45句富有啟發性的智慧名言,加上吳淡如真性情、真感覺的心情抒發,你不再恐懼生命、你知道看重現在;你會選擇勇敢、你明白愛情不需要代言人;你就是你!(摘錄自誠品網路書店)
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