Edited by Daniel Franklin, John Andrews
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In 2050 there will be 9.3 billion people alive - compared with 7 billion today - and the number will still be rising. The population aged over sixty-five will have more than doubled, to more than 16 per cent; China's GDP will be 80 per cent more than America's; and the number of cars on India's roads will have increased by 3,880 per cent. And, in 2050 it should be clear whether we are alone in the universe. What other megachanges can we expect - and what will their impact be? This comprehensive and compelling book will cover the most significant trends that are shaping the coming decades, with each of its twenty chapters elegantly and authoritatively outlined by Economist contributors, and rich in supporting facts and figures. It will chart the rise and fall of fertility rates across continents; how energy resources will change in light of new technology, and how different nations will deal with major developments in science and warfare. Megachange is essential reading for anyone who wants to know what the next four decades hold in store.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
Monday, December 30, 2013
栽培自己 = Wake Up the Giant Within
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• 成功需要的是:百分之百的熱忱,全心投入的努力,接受挫折的勇氣。
• 讓別人認識並且記得你,是你的責任,而不是對方的義務。
• 容許自己不快樂,是釋放壓力的方式之一。心情不好的時候,不妨發個呆,少做點事,等情緒調整過來,重新出發。
• 重要的事都已事先處置妥當,就不會經常發生緊急的事。
• 眼界的提昇,可用想像的;技巧的增加必須不斷的實驗、練習。你要調整「眼高」和「手低」的距離。
• 偷懶,總有藉口;上進,沒有理由。
• 溝通品質不受口才好壞影響,關鍵在於能否體貼對方。
• 有時候,克制自己不做什麼,比放任自己愛做什麼,要來得積極。
• 打開行動力的關鍵,在於決心。
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• 成功需要的是:百分之百的熱忱,全心投入的努力,接受挫折的勇氣。
• 讓別人認識並且記得你,是你的責任,而不是對方的義務。
• 容許自己不快樂,是釋放壓力的方式之一。心情不好的時候,不妨發個呆,少做點事,等情緒調整過來,重新出發。
• 重要的事都已事先處置妥當,就不會經常發生緊急的事。
• 眼界的提昇,可用想像的;技巧的增加必須不斷的實驗、練習。你要調整「眼高」和「手低」的距離。
• 偷懶,總有藉口;上進,沒有理由。
• 溝通品質不受口才好壞影響,關鍵在於能否體貼對方。
• 有時候,克制自己不做什麼,比放任自己愛做什麼,要來得積極。
• 打開行動力的關鍵,在於決心。
Monday, December 23, 2013
After Modern Art 1945-2000
David Hopkins
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Modern and contemporary art can be both baffling and beautiful; it can also be innovative, political, and disturbing. This book sets out to provide the first concise interpretation of the period as a whole, clarifying the artists and their works along the way. Closely informed by new critical approaches, it concentrates on the relationship between American and European art from the end of the Second World War to the eve of the new millennium.
Jackson Pollock, Jasper Johns, Yves Klein, Andy Warhol, Louise Bourgeois, Cindy Sherman, and Damien Hirst are among many artists discussed, with careful attention being given to the political and cultural worlds they inhabited. Moving along a clear timeline, the author highlights key movements such as Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Minimalism, Conceptualism, Postmodernism, and performance art to explain the theoretical and issue-based debates that have provided the engine for the art of this period.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Modern and contemporary art can be both baffling and beautiful; it can also be innovative, political, and disturbing. This book sets out to provide the first concise interpretation of the period as a whole, clarifying the artists and their works along the way. Closely informed by new critical approaches, it concentrates on the relationship between American and European art from the end of the Second World War to the eve of the new millennium.
Jackson Pollock, Jasper Johns, Yves Klein, Andy Warhol, Louise Bourgeois, Cindy Sherman, and Damien Hirst are among many artists discussed, with careful attention being given to the political and cultural worlds they inhabited. Moving along a clear timeline, the author highlights key movements such as Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Minimalism, Conceptualism, Postmodernism, and performance art to explain the theoretical and issue-based debates that have provided the engine for the art of this period.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
Contemporary Art (Larry Qualls Archive)
New Museum of Contemporary Art Collection
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
The Museum of Modern Art: Painting and Sculpture
[Accessible on Campus Only]
Contemporary Art (Larry Qualls Archive)
New Museum of Contemporary Art Collection
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
The Museum of Modern Art: Painting and Sculpture
[Accessible on Campus Only]
《世界名畫中的聖經故事》編輯部 編著
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online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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Monday, December 16, 2013
The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy
Jon Gordon
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The Energy Bus, an international best seller by Jon Gordon, takes readers on an enlightening and inspiring ride that reveals 10 secrets for approaching life and work with the kind of positive, forward thinking that leads to true accomplishment - at work and at home. Jon infuses this engaging story with keen insights as he provides a powerful roadmap to overcome adversity and bring out the best in yourself and your team. When you get on The Energy Bus you’ll enjoy the ride of your life!
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
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The Energy Bus, an international best seller by Jon Gordon, takes readers on an enlightening and inspiring ride that reveals 10 secrets for approaching life and work with the kind of positive, forward thinking that leads to true accomplishment - at work and at home. Jon infuses this engaging story with keen insights as he provides a powerful roadmap to overcome adversity and bring out the best in yourself and your team. When you get on The Energy Bus you’ll enjoy the ride of your life!
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
陳光中 著
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走讀魯迅:一代文學巨擘的十一個生命印記,……在那些老屋舊舍之中,隱藏著多少讓人唏噓感歎的故事啊!只有走進去、讀過去,才能品味魯迅那五味雜陳的內心世界。 紹興、人生之始、無可留連的故鄉、北京、“魯迅”誕生、兄弟失和、兩個“老虎尾巴”、“祝福”為誰而作、“魯迅師”與“廣平兄”、廈門、飛鴻遙繫兩地心、太陽、黑夜與月亮、廣州、大鐘樓上的孤獨宿客、奇怪的“官司”、哪一扇窗戶是他的家?上海、最後的歲月。
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走讀魯迅:一代文學巨擘的十一個生命印記,……在那些老屋舊舍之中,隱藏著多少讓人唏噓感歎的故事啊!只有走進去、讀過去,才能品味魯迅那五味雜陳的內心世界。 紹興、人生之始、無可留連的故鄉、北京、“魯迅”誕生、兄弟失和、兩個“老虎尾巴”、“祝福”為誰而作、“魯迅師”與“廣平兄”、廈門、飛鴻遙繫兩地心、太陽、黑夜與月亮、廣州、大鐘樓上的孤獨宿客、奇怪的“官司”、哪一扇窗戶是他的家?上海、最後的歲月。
Monday, December 9, 2013
Innovation is Everybody's Business: How to Make Yourself Indispensable in Today's Hypercompetitive World
Robert B. Tucker
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Innovation isn't something you do after you get your work done. It's how you do your work.
Organizations all over the world are shedding jobs in record numbers. Yet today, they are desperately in need of people with the abilities and skills to think ahead of the curve, delight customers, motivate colleagues, slash costs, and achieve unconventional results.
In this practical road map to becoming irreplaceable, global innovation guru and bestselling author Robert B. Tucker reveals why honing your I-Skills (Innovation Skills) may be the smartest career move you'll make. Based on interviews with forty-three innovation-adept managers and individual contributors, Innovation Is Everybody's Business guides you in:
• Mastering the seven essential I-Skills you need to become indispensable
• Unleashing the “mindset, skillset, and toolset of the innovator” that enable you to anticipate and rise to the challenges your organization faces in a hypercompetitive era
• Developing your Personal Innovation Strategy to address the critical components of becoming irreplaceable
• Assaulting your assumptions at the personal, organizational, and industry levels
• Building tools for work-life balance and creating your own job satisfaction
If you're ready to stop talking about innovation and start adding value today – in your job, department or organization – you're ready to read and benefit from the powerful message of Innovation is Everybody's Business.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Innovation isn't something you do after you get your work done. It's how you do your work.
Organizations all over the world are shedding jobs in record numbers. Yet today, they are desperately in need of people with the abilities and skills to think ahead of the curve, delight customers, motivate colleagues, slash costs, and achieve unconventional results.
In this practical road map to becoming irreplaceable, global innovation guru and bestselling author Robert B. Tucker reveals why honing your I-Skills (Innovation Skills) may be the smartest career move you'll make. Based on interviews with forty-three innovation-adept managers and individual contributors, Innovation Is Everybody's Business guides you in:
• Mastering the seven essential I-Skills you need to become indispensable
• Unleashing the “mindset, skillset, and toolset of the innovator” that enable you to anticipate and rise to the challenges your organization faces in a hypercompetitive era
• Developing your Personal Innovation Strategy to address the critical components of becoming irreplaceable
• Assaulting your assumptions at the personal, organizational, and industry levels
• Building tools for work-life balance and creating your own job satisfaction
If you're ready to stop talking about innovation and start adding value today – in your job, department or organization – you're ready to read and benefit from the powerful message of Innovation is Everybody's Business.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Monday, December 2, 2013
Divided by a Common Language: A Guide to British and American English
Christopher Davies
online access from Credo Reference
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Puzzled by signs warning you to “mind the gap” in the London Underground? Wondering what will be on your plate if you order “toad in the hole” in a London café? In Divided by a Common Language, Christopher Davies explains these expressions and discusses the many differences in pronunciation, spelling, and vocabulary between British and American English. He compares the customs, manners, and practical details of daily life in the United Kingdom and the United States, and American readers will enjoy his account of American culture as seen through an Englishman’s eyes. Davies tops it off with an amusing list of expressions that sound innocent enough in one country but make quite the opposite impression in the other. Two large glossaries help travelers translate from one variety of English to the other, and additional lists explain the distinctive words of Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Divided by a Common Language is the ideal travel companion for both British visitors to the U.S. and American visitors to the U.K. It is also the perfect book for Britons interested in American culture and Americans enjoying British novels, movies, and television at home.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
online access from Credo Reference
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Puzzled by signs warning you to “mind the gap” in the London Underground? Wondering what will be on your plate if you order “toad in the hole” in a London café? In Divided by a Common Language, Christopher Davies explains these expressions and discusses the many differences in pronunciation, spelling, and vocabulary between British and American English. He compares the customs, manners, and practical details of daily life in the United Kingdom and the United States, and American readers will enjoy his account of American culture as seen through an Englishman’s eyes. Davies tops it off with an amusing list of expressions that sound innocent enough in one country but make quite the opposite impression in the other. Two large glossaries help travelers translate from one variety of English to the other, and additional lists explain the distinctive words of Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Divided by a Common Language is the ideal travel companion for both British visitors to the U.S. and American visitors to the U.K. It is also the perfect book for Britons interested in American culture and Americans enjoying British novels, movies, and television at home.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
北島 著
online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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Monday, November 25, 2013
The Power of Infographics: Using Pictures to Communicate and Connect With Your Audiences
Mark Smiciklas
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Need to overcome information overload and get your message across? Infographics are your secret weapon. Using them, you can deliver knowledge and ideas visually, so your audiences can understand them quickly - and take action. In The Power of Infographics, Mark Smiciklas helps you understand how to leverage the use of powerful infographics: visual representations capable of transforming complex data or concepts into intuitive, instant knowledge. Writing from a business perspective, Smiciklas reveals how to use infographics both inside and outside the organization: to build brands, make sales, serve clients, align teams behind new strategies, and more. This straightforward, visual, common-sense based book explains:
* What infographics are, and why they work so well
* How to visualize statistical data, business processes, time, geography, lists, relationships, and concepts
* How to communicate the "personal" through infographics
* Best practices for observation, processing ideas, creating highly effective infographics, and publishing them
* How to plan for and measure the ROI of infographics
* And much more...
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
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Need to overcome information overload and get your message across? Infographics are your secret weapon. Using them, you can deliver knowledge and ideas visually, so your audiences can understand them quickly - and take action. In The Power of Infographics, Mark Smiciklas helps you understand how to leverage the use of powerful infographics: visual representations capable of transforming complex data or concepts into intuitive, instant knowledge. Writing from a business perspective, Smiciklas reveals how to use infographics both inside and outside the organization: to build brands, make sales, serve clients, align teams behind new strategies, and more. This straightforward, visual, common-sense based book explains:
* What infographics are, and why they work so well
* How to visualize statistical data, business processes, time, geography, lists, relationships, and concepts
* How to communicate the "personal" through infographics
* Best practices for observation, processing ideas, creating highly effective infographics, and publishing them
* How to plan for and measure the ROI of infographics
* And much more...
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
曾偉禎 著
online access from iRead eBook
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online access from iRead eBook
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Monday, November 18, 2013
The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research
Marian Petre and Gordon Rugg
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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"I feel grateful to have found this book only a year into my PhD. It has opened my eyes to the world of academia. There is more to a PhD than just research in the sense of working on a problem, getting some results and publishing your findings. This book has allowed me to open my eyes and see all the other things I should be doing to fully succeed at my endeavour of becoming a researcher myself."
Dominic Hosler, University of Sheffield
This bestselling book on the process of PhD research provides readers with engaging discussion and comprehensive guidance on aspects that other books don't usually mention.
Covering all the key topics of the previous edition, including what a PhD is really about, how to do one well, how to decipher what your supervisor actually means by terms like 'good referencing' and 'clean research question', and how to design, report and defend your research, the authors continue to offer an accessible, down-to-earth, and insightful account of the whole PhD process. Their advice addresses how to avoid some of the pitfalls en route to a successful submission.
Updated throughout, the new edition includes new material on:
• Critical thinking
• Research skills
• The route to research independence
• Different models of study
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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"I feel grateful to have found this book only a year into my PhD. It has opened my eyes to the world of academia. There is more to a PhD than just research in the sense of working on a problem, getting some results and publishing your findings. This book has allowed me to open my eyes and see all the other things I should be doing to fully succeed at my endeavour of becoming a researcher myself."
Dominic Hosler, University of Sheffield
This bestselling book on the process of PhD research provides readers with engaging discussion and comprehensive guidance on aspects that other books don't usually mention.
Covering all the key topics of the previous edition, including what a PhD is really about, how to do one well, how to decipher what your supervisor actually means by terms like 'good referencing' and 'clean research question', and how to design, report and defend your research, the authors continue to offer an accessible, down-to-earth, and insightful account of the whole PhD process. Their advice addresses how to avoid some of the pitfalls en route to a successful submission.
Updated throughout, the new edition includes new material on:
• Critical thinking
• Research skills
• The route to research independence
• Different models of study
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
漢字王國 : 講述中國人和他們的漢字的故事
林西莉 著
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online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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Monday, November 11, 2013
The Flaw of Averages: Why We Underestimate Risk in the Face of Uncertainty
Sam L. Savage
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A must-read for anyone who makes business decisions that have a major financial impact.
... In The Flaw of Averages, Sam Savage─known for his creative exposition of difficult subjects─describes common avoidable mistakes in assessing risk in the face of uncertainty. Along the way, he shows why plans based on average assumptions are wrong, on average, in areas as diverse as healthcare, accounting, the War on Terror, and climate change. In his chapter on Sex and the Central Limit Theorem, he bravely grasps the literary third rail of gender differences.
Instead of statistical jargon, Savage presents complex concepts in plain English. In addition, a tightly integrated web site contains numerous animations and simulations to further connect the seat of the reader’s intellect to the seat of their pants.
The Flaw of Averages typically results when someone plugs a single number into a spreadsheet to represent an uncertain future quantity. Savage finishes the book with a discussion of the emerging field of Probability Management, which cures this problem though a new technology that can pack thousands of numbers into a single spreadsheet cell.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
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A must-read for anyone who makes business decisions that have a major financial impact.
... In The Flaw of Averages, Sam Savage─known for his creative exposition of difficult subjects─describes common avoidable mistakes in assessing risk in the face of uncertainty. Along the way, he shows why plans based on average assumptions are wrong, on average, in areas as diverse as healthcare, accounting, the War on Terror, and climate change. In his chapter on Sex and the Central Limit Theorem, he bravely grasps the literary third rail of gender differences.
Instead of statistical jargon, Savage presents complex concepts in plain English. In addition, a tightly integrated web site contains numerous animations and simulations to further connect the seat of the reader’s intellect to the seat of their pants.
The Flaw of Averages typically results when someone plugs a single number into a spreadsheet to represent an uncertain future quantity. Savage finishes the book with a discussion of the emerging field of Probability Management, which cures this problem though a new technology that can pack thousands of numbers into a single spreadsheet cell.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
淳子 作
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online access from iRead eBook
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Monday, November 4, 2013
Picture Perfect Practice: A Self-Training Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Taking World-Class Photographs
Roberto Valenzuela
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Translating the chaos of the real world into a breathtakingly simple, beautiful photograph can often seem like an impossible task. With busy, cluttered backgrounds and subjects who don’t know how to pose, how can you take control and get a great shot no matter the situation? In Picture Perfect Practice, photographer Roberto Valenzuela breaks down the craft of photography into three key elements–locations, poses, and execution–that you can use to unlock the photographic opportunities lying beneath every challenging situation.
Valenzuela stresses the need for photographers to actively practice their craft every day–just like you would practice a musical instrument–in order to master the art of making great images. With chapters that offer practice exercises to strengthen your photographic abilities, you’ll learn how to approach a scene, break it down, and see your way to a great photograph. The Location section features chapters that cover symmetry, balance, framing, color elements, textures, and much more. The Posing section includes the Five Key Posing Techniques that Valenzuela uses every time he’s shooting people, as well as a complete list of poses and how to achieve, customize, and perfect them. The Execution portion, with sections like “Lighting through Direction” and “Simplicity through Subtraction,” reveals Valenzuela’s overall approach to getting the shot. The book also includes an inspiring and helpful chapter on deliberate practice techniques, where Valenzuela describes his system for practicing and analyzing his work, which leads to constant improvement as a photographer.
If you’ve been frustrated and overwhelmed by the challenges of real-world locations, posing your subjects, or executing a great image–or if you simply want to become a better shooter but don’t know where to start–Picture Perfect Practice gives you the tools and information you need to finally become the kind of photographer you’ve always wanted to be: the kind who can confidently walk into any location, under any lighting condition, with any subject, and know that you can create astonishing photographs that have a timeless impact.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
onlinecheck holdings in CityU LibraryFind
Translating the chaos of the real world into a breathtakingly simple, beautiful photograph can often seem like an impossible task. With busy, cluttered backgrounds and subjects who don’t know how to pose, how can you take control and get a great shot no matter the situation? In Picture Perfect Practice, photographer Roberto Valenzuela breaks down the craft of photography into three key elements–locations, poses, and execution–that you can use to unlock the photographic opportunities lying beneath every challenging situation.
Valenzuela stresses the need for photographers to actively practice their craft every day–just like you would practice a musical instrument–in order to master the art of making great images. With chapters that offer practice exercises to strengthen your photographic abilities, you’ll learn how to approach a scene, break it down, and see your way to a great photograph. The Location section features chapters that cover symmetry, balance, framing, color elements, textures, and much more. The Posing section includes the Five Key Posing Techniques that Valenzuela uses every time he’s shooting people, as well as a complete list of poses and how to achieve, customize, and perfect them. The Execution portion, with sections like “Lighting through Direction” and “Simplicity through Subtraction,” reveals Valenzuela’s overall approach to getting the shot. The book also includes an inspiring and helpful chapter on deliberate practice techniques, where Valenzuela describes his system for practicing and analyzing his work, which leads to constant improvement as a photographer.
If you’ve been frustrated and overwhelmed by the challenges of real-world locations, posing your subjects, or executing a great image–or if you simply want to become a better shooter but don’t know where to start–Picture Perfect Practice gives you the tools and information you need to finally become the kind of photographer you’ve always wanted to be: the kind who can confidently walk into any location, under any lighting condition, with any subject, and know that you can create astonishing photographs that have a timeless impact.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
攝影眼 : 視覺語言的字彙與文法 (Photographically Speaking)
David DuChemin 著
online access from iRead eBook
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影像框架中的所有內容都有其意義,而 duChemin 主張,攝影師必須有意識地、謹慎地選擇要將哪些元素框入畫面,並決定畫面的結構與呈現方式。在本書後半部,duChemin 更進一步將這套方法應用在他自己的作品上,帶領你探索 20 張影像作品中的視覺語言,並討論那些刻意挑選的元素與決策,是如何進入了影像的創作之中,並為其成功帶來貢獻。
online access from iRead eBook
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影像框架中的所有內容都有其意義,而 duChemin 主張,攝影師必須有意識地、謹慎地選擇要將哪些元素框入畫面,並決定畫面的結構與呈現方式。在本書後半部,duChemin 更進一步將這套方法應用在他自己的作品上,帶領你探索 20 張影像作品中的視覺語言,並討論那些刻意挑選的元素與決策,是如何進入了影像的創作之中,並為其成功帶來貢獻。
Featured Group: Photography
(Works by significant photographers from the late 19th century to the present, chronicling people, events, and places of our time, as well as images documenting the development of landmark processes and technologies, from early daguerreotypes to contemporary prints.)
[Accessible on Campus Only]
(Works by significant photographers from the late 19th century to the present, chronicling people, events, and places of our time, as well as images documenting the development of landmark processes and technologies, from early daguerreotypes to contemporary prints.)
[Accessible on Campus Only]
Monday, October 28, 2013
Say Anything to Anyone, Anywhere: 5 Keys To Successful Cross-Cultural Communication
Gayle Cotton
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Say Anything to Anyone, Anywhere gives readers five simple key guidelines to create rapport and organize strategies for success across different cultures. This book teaches to be proactive, not reactive, in your cross-cultural communications and shows how to use simple rapport tools to create trust with the cultures you work with or travel to. Learn how to organize productive interactions in person, on the phone, and by email. Discover interpersonal communication skills and virtual strategies that build strong relationships.
• Offers quick, accessible examples and clear guidelines about how to create an understanding between cultures
• Gives tips and strategies on how to communicate without offending
• Author Gayle Cotton is a Emmy Award Winner and a distinguished, highly sought after speaker, corporate trainer, and executive coach.
This step-by-step guide to cross-cultural business will help you build strong relationships and manage successfully, no matter the cultural differences.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Say Anything to Anyone, Anywhere gives readers five simple key guidelines to create rapport and organize strategies for success across different cultures. This book teaches to be proactive, not reactive, in your cross-cultural communications and shows how to use simple rapport tools to create trust with the cultures you work with or travel to. Learn how to organize productive interactions in person, on the phone, and by email. Discover interpersonal communication skills and virtual strategies that build strong relationships.
• Offers quick, accessible examples and clear guidelines about how to create an understanding between cultures
• Gives tips and strategies on how to communicate without offending
• Author Gayle Cotton is a Emmy Award Winner and a distinguished, highly sought after speaker, corporate trainer, and executive coach.
This step-by-step guide to cross-cultural business will help you build strong relationships and manage successfully, no matter the cultural differences.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
Monday, October 21, 2013
A Companion to Television
Edited by Janet Wasko
online access from Blackwell Reference Online
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A Companion to Television is a magisterial collection of original essays that chart the history of television from its inception to the present day. Over thirty leading scholars across the humanities and social sciences look at television scholarship as it responded to technological, institutional, and aesthetic changes around the world.
The essays cover a myriad of topics and theories that have led to television's current incarnation, and predict its likely future. From technology and aesthetics, television's relationship to the state, televisual commerce, texts, representation, genre, internationalism, and audience reception and effects, A Companion to Television is an invaluable reference for understanding the significance of television in the modern and postmodern world.
online access from Blackwell Reference Online
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The essays cover a myriad of topics and theories that have led to television's current incarnation, and predict its likely future. From technology and aesthetics, television's relationship to the state, televisual commerce, texts, representation, genre, internationalism, and audience reception and effects, A Companion to Television is an invaluable reference for understanding the significance of television in the modern and postmodern world.
(From the Publisher’s description)
香港新浪潮電影 = Hong Kong New Wave Cinema
卓伯棠 著
online access from Apabi - China digital library
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online access from Apabi - China digital library
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Monday, October 14, 2013
Designing Qualitative Research
Uwe Flick
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Providing a comprehensive guide to devising an effective research design, Uwe Flick discusses each stage of the process of designing qualitative research in detail, including formulating a research design, selecting an appropriate strategy, conceptual framework and data source, and collecting and analyzing data.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
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(Excerpt from amazon.com)
敘事硏究 : 閱讀, 分析和詮釋 (Narrative Research)
艾米婭. 利布裡奇 (Amia Lieblich) , 裡弗卡. 圖沃-瑪沙奇 (Rivka Tuval-Mashiach) , 塔瑪. 奇爾波 (Tamar Zilber) 著
online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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Monday, October 7, 2013
Case Study Method: Key Issues, Key Texts
Edited by Roger Gomm, Martyn Hammersley and Peter Foster
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This is the most comprehensive guide to the current uses and importance of case study methods in social research. The editors bring together key contributions from the field which reflect different interpretations of the purpose and capacity of case study research. The address issues such as: the problem of generalizing from study of a small number of cases; and the role of case study in developing and testing theories.
The editors offer in-depth assessments of the main arguments. An annotated bibliography of the literature dealing with case study research makes this an exhaustive and indispensable guide.
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(Excerpt from amazon.com)
實用數據再分析法 (Practical Meta-analysis)
馬克. W. 利普西 (Mark W. Lipsey) , 戴維. B. 威爾遜 (David B. Wilson) 著
online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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Monday, September 30, 2013
Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High
Kerry Patterson
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“[Crucial Conversations] draws our attention to those defining moments that literally shape our lives, our relationships, and our world. . . . This book deserves to take its place as one of the key thought leadership contributions of our time.” —from the Foreword by Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
“The quality of your life comes out of the quality of your dialogues and conversations. Here’s how to instantly uplift your crucial conversations.” —Mark Victor Hansen, cocreator of the #1 New York Times bestselling series Chicken Soup for the Soul®
The first edition of Crucial Conversations exploded onto the scene and revolutionized the way millions of people communicate when stakes are high. This new edition gives you the tools to:
• Prepare for high-stakes situations
• Transform anger and hurt feelings into powerful dialogue
• Make it safe to talk about almost anything
• Be persuasive, not abrasive
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
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“[Crucial Conversations] draws our attention to those defining moments that literally shape our lives, our relationships, and our world. . . . This book deserves to take its place as one of the key thought leadership contributions of our time.” —from the Foreword by Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
“The quality of your life comes out of the quality of your dialogues and conversations. Here’s how to instantly uplift your crucial conversations.” —Mark Victor Hansen, cocreator of the #1 New York Times bestselling series Chicken Soup for the Soul®
The first edition of Crucial Conversations exploded onto the scene and revolutionized the way millions of people communicate when stakes are high. This new edition gives you the tools to:
• Prepare for high-stakes situations
• Transform anger and hurt feelings into powerful dialogue
• Make it safe to talk about almost anything
• Be persuasive, not abrasive
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
關鍵溝通 : 讓你在職場脫穎而出的 16 大成功說話技巧 (Talk Your Way to the Top)
凱文・戴雷 (Kevin Daley) , 蘿拉・戴雷卡拉維拉 (Laura Daley-Caravella) 原著
online access from McGraw-Hill Education
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這是本商業溝通技巧的入門佳作,它對說話者與觀眾的互動--不管對象是潛在客戶、商業午餐會的與會者,或是在和下屬與同事的會議中,都充滿著使人耳目一新的見解。無論你是緊張的菜鳥,還是經驗老道的企業主管,都會覺得這本節奏緊湊的書是學習有效領導藝術中,最實用且充滿敏銳觀察的指南。--雷夫.歐哈爾(Rev. Joseph A. O’Hare)福德罕大學校長
……身為美林證券最年輕的部門總經理,我得在1979年對公司的執委會作一場重要的簡報。我知道這場簡報非同小可,所以找了戴雷與他的團隊來幫我策劃這場簡報,結果相當成功。在我任職於美林證券的三十年職業生涯中,人們總是對我說,我最大的財富之一,就是我在所有場合的有效溝通能力。凱文.戴雷與蘿拉.戴雷卡拉維拉的演說技巧對我的溝通能力貢獻很大,我極力向大家推薦本書。 --溫托普.史密斯(Winthrop H. Smith)美林證券國際公司的前任董事長
在一場重要會議中,老闆忽然轉頭問你對這件事有什麼看法,你該怎麼回答,才能讓老闆對你印象深刻?如果你不同意老闆的看法,而你確信自己是對的,你該如何跟老闆有效溝通,同時還避免老闆惱羞成怒怪罪於你?如果大老闆忽然要求你向他簡報執行某項專案的可能性,你該如何準備?如果你必須宣布一個壞消息,該怎麼說才適當?可以透過電子郵件宣布嗎?還是當面說比較好?……在這樣的關鍵時刻你該怎麼說?…… 掌握關鍵時刻的溝通力,你就掌握了職場競爭力!
online access from McGraw-Hill Education
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……身為美林證券最年輕的部門總經理,我得在1979年對公司的執委會作一場重要的簡報。我知道這場簡報非同小可,所以找了戴雷與他的團隊來幫我策劃這場簡報,結果相當成功。在我任職於美林證券的三十年職業生涯中,人們總是對我說,我最大的財富之一,就是我在所有場合的有效溝通能力。凱文.戴雷與蘿拉.戴雷卡拉維拉的演說技巧對我的溝通能力貢獻很大,我極力向大家推薦本書。 --溫托普.史密斯(Winthrop H. Smith)美林證券國際公司的前任董事長
在一場重要會議中,老闆忽然轉頭問你對這件事有什麼看法,你該怎麼回答,才能讓老闆對你印象深刻?如果你不同意老闆的看法,而你確信自己是對的,你該如何跟老闆有效溝通,同時還避免老闆惱羞成怒怪罪於你?如果大老闆忽然要求你向他簡報執行某項專案的可能性,你該如何準備?如果你必須宣布一個壞消息,該怎麼說才適當?可以透過電子郵件宣布嗎?還是當面說比較好?……在這樣的關鍵時刻你該怎麼說?…… 掌握關鍵時刻的溝通力,你就掌握了職場競爭力!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Cross-cultural Issues in Art: Frames for Understanding
Steven M. Leuthold
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Cross-Cultural Issues in Art provides an engaging introduction to aesthetic concepts, expanding the discussion beyond the usual Western theorists and Western examples.
Steven Leuthold discusses both contemporary and historical issues and examples, incorporating a range of detailed case studies from African, Asian, European, Latin American, Middle Eastern and Native American art. Individual chapters address broad intercultural issues in art, including Art and Culture, Primitivism and Otherness, Colonialism, Nationalism, Art and Religion, Symbolism and Interpretation, Style and Ethnicity, A Sense of Place, Art and Social Order, Gender, and the Self, considering these themes as constructs that frame our understanding of art.
Cross-Cultural Issues in Art draws upon ideas and case studies from cultural and critical studies, art history, ethno-aesthetics and area studies, visual anthropology, and philosophy, and will be useful for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in these fields.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Steven Leuthold discusses both contemporary and historical issues and examples, incorporating a range of detailed case studies from African, Asian, European, Latin American, Middle Eastern and Native American art. Individual chapters address broad intercultural issues in art, including Art and Culture, Primitivism and Otherness, Colonialism, Nationalism, Art and Religion, Symbolism and Interpretation, Style and Ethnicity, A Sense of Place, Art and Social Order, Gender, and the Self, considering these themes as constructs that frame our understanding of art.
Cross-Cultural Issues in Art draws upon ideas and case studies from cultural and critical studies, art history, ethno-aesthetics and area studies, visual anthropology, and philosophy, and will be useful for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in these fields.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
Modern Latin American Art (Jacqueline Barnitz, Art and Art History Department, University of Texas,Austin)
African Art, Architecture, and Culture (Herbert Cole, University of California, SantaBarbara)
Islamic Art and Architecture Collection (Sheila Blair, Jonathan Bloom, Walter Denny)
[Accessible on Campus Only]
African Art, Architecture, and Culture (Herbert Cole, University of California, SantaBarbara)
Islamic Art and Architecture Collection (Sheila Blair, Jonathan Bloom, Walter Denny)
[Accessible on Campus Only]
傅雷 著
online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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Giotto di Bondone
Leonardo da Vinci
Michelangelo Buonarroti
Raphael Urbino
Rembrandt van Rijn
Jean-Antoine Watteau
[Accessible on Campus Only]
Giotto di Bondone
Leonardo da Vinci
Michelangelo Buonarroti
Raphael Urbino
Rembrandt van Rijn
Jean-Antoine Watteau
[Accessible on Campus Only]
Monday, September 16, 2013
How to Write a Thesis
Rowena Murray
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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"This book has become a trusted resource for students from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds. Not only does it take you through the steps and stages of thesis writing, but more importantly, it offers rich advice and support that helps build confidence, sets up effective writing habits and generates a positive orientation towards the complex task of thesis writing."
—Professor Sarah Moore, Associate Vice President Academic, University of Limerick, Ireland
Providing down-to-earth guidance to help students shape their theses, Rowena Murray offers valuable advice and practical tips and techniques. Useful summaries and checklists help students to stay on track or regain their way.
Moving beyond the basics of thesis writing, the book introduces practical writing techniques such as freewriting, generative writing and binge writing. Issues such as working out the criteria for your thesis, writer's block, writing a literature review and making notes into a draft are also covered.
New to this edition:
• New introduction by students - 'How I used this book'
• Update on doctoral skills set and Training Needs Analysis
• Extended treatment of plagiarism - and how to avoid it
• Expanded section on students' well-being
• Learning outcomes for each chapter
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
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Providing down-to-earth guidance to help students shape their theses, Rowena Murray offers valuable advice and practical tips and techniques. Useful summaries and checklists help students to stay on track or regain their way.
Moving beyond the basics of thesis writing, the book introduces practical writing techniques such as freewriting, generative writing and binge writing. Issues such as working out the criteria for your thesis, writer's block, writing a literature review and making notes into a draft are also covered.
New to this edition:
• New introduction by students - 'How I used this book'
• Update on doctoral skills set and Training Needs Analysis
• Extended treatment of plagiarism - and how to avoid it
• Expanded section on students' well-being
• Learning outcomes for each chapter
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
陳向明 著
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《質的研究方法與社會科學研究》是國內第一部系統評介“質的研究方法”(qualitative research)的專著,對目前國際社會科學界提出的有關理論問題以及新近發展出來的操作手段進行了深入的探討,並結合有關西方學者以及作者自己的研究實例對其進行了生動的展示和說明。“質的研究方法”目前在社會科學研究領域是與“量的研究方法”相提並論、交相輝映的一種研究方法,它要求研究者深入社會現象,通過親身體驗了解研究對象的存在方式和意義解釋,在原始資料的基礎之上建立相關理論。
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Monday, September 9, 2013
Reading, Writing and Reasoning: A Guide for Students
Gavin J. Fairbairn and Christopher Winch
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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"A concise and useful guide, which provides an overview of the skills necessary to good reviewing ... Dealing clearly with traditional sources such as books and journals alongside recent developments such as wikis, blogs, and other online material, this handbook provides students with not only the basics, but guidance on the evolving issues in research dissemination and literature reviewing."
Daniel Zahra, Student, University of Plymouth, UK
What do you have to do to achieve success in your university studies?
Many students find the 'step up' from school or college work to university study a challenge. The same is frequently true for those returning to study after time spent in the workplace. If you find yourself in either of these situations then this is the book for you. Straightforward and sympathetic, this accessible handbook will help you to develop the essential skills in three of the core aspects of university study: reading, writing and reasoning.
Drawing on a wealth of experience of working with students in a variety of settings, Gavin Fairbairn and Christopher Winch have completely revised and updated this best selling text. It is packed with practical advice, examples and exercises that will be invaluable for all students and assist in developing effective reading practices, high quality academic writing and critical thinking skills.
The new edition contains:
• Expanded coverage on plagiarism and how to avoid it
• Additional guidance on structuring writing
• Suggestions for overcoming writer’s block
• Tasks designed to reflect on key issues and practice skills
• Guidance for tutors on how to help students
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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"A concise and useful guide, which provides an overview of the skills necessary to good reviewing ... Dealing clearly with traditional sources such as books and journals alongside recent developments such as wikis, blogs, and other online material, this handbook provides students with not only the basics, but guidance on the evolving issues in research dissemination and literature reviewing."
Daniel Zahra, Student, University of Plymouth, UK
What do you have to do to achieve success in your university studies?
Many students find the 'step up' from school or college work to university study a challenge. The same is frequently true for those returning to study after time spent in the workplace. If you find yourself in either of these situations then this is the book for you. Straightforward and sympathetic, this accessible handbook will help you to develop the essential skills in three of the core aspects of university study: reading, writing and reasoning.
Drawing on a wealth of experience of working with students in a variety of settings, Gavin Fairbairn and Christopher Winch have completely revised and updated this best selling text. It is packed with practical advice, examples and exercises that will be invaluable for all students and assist in developing effective reading practices, high quality academic writing and critical thinking skills.
The new edition contains:
• Expanded coverage on plagiarism and how to avoid it
• Additional guidance on structuring writing
• Suggestions for overcoming writer’s block
• Tasks designed to reflect on key issues and practice skills
• Guidance for tutors on how to help students
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
金字塔原理: 思考, 寫作和解決問題的邏輯 (The Minto Pyramid Principle)
明托 (Barbara Minto) 著
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本書作者芭芭拉.明托(Barbara Minto),為麥肯錫等世界各大顧問公司開設過寫作課程。《金字塔原理》自1973年出版以來,經過多次修訂,建立了不朽的名聲,成為顧問界乃至學術界的必讀書籍。大前研一《思考的技術》書中所提到的金字塔結構思考法,也源於此書。本書提供讀者最完整、最經典的關於思考與表達技巧的重要觀念。透過學習金字塔結構,對於提升寫作、思考、解決問題的專業能力,必將大有幫助。
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本書作者芭芭拉.明托(Barbara Minto),為麥肯錫等世界各大顧問公司開設過寫作課程。《金字塔原理》自1973年出版以來,經過多次修訂,建立了不朽的名聲,成為顧問界乃至學術界的必讀書籍。大前研一《思考的技術》書中所提到的金字塔結構思考法,也源於此書。本書提供讀者最完整、最經典的關於思考與表達技巧的重要觀念。透過學習金字塔結構,對於提升寫作、思考、解決問題的專業能力,必將大有幫助。
Monday, September 2, 2013
Mindhacker: 60 Tips, Tricks, and Games to Take Your Mind to the Next Level
Ron Hale-Evans, Marty Hale-Evans
online access from Books24x7
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Compelling tips and tricks to improve your mental skills
Don't you wish you were just a little smarter? Ron and Marty Hale-Evans can help with a vast array of witty, practical techniques that tune your brain to peak performance. Founded in current research, Mindhacker features 60 tips, tricks, and games to develop your mental potential. This accessible compilation helps improve memory, accelerate learning, manage time, spark creativity, hone math and logic skills, communicate better, think more clearly, and keep your mind strong and flexible.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
online access from Books24x7
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Don't you wish you were just a little smarter? Ron and Marty Hale-Evans can help with a vast array of witty, practical techniques that tune your brain to peak performance. Founded in current research, Mindhacker features 60 tips, tricks, and games to develop your mental potential. This accessible compilation helps improve memory, accelerate learning, manage time, spark creativity, hone math and logic skills, communicate better, think more clearly, and keep your mind strong and flexible.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
積極生活的力量:激勵自我、改變命運的心理控制術 (The Power of Positive Living)
道格拉斯•勒爾頓(Dougas Lurcon)
online access from Apabi - China digital library
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online access from Apabi - China digital library
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Monday, August 26, 2013
The Smarter Student: Skills and Strategies for Success at University
Kathleen McMillan and Jonathan Weyers
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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...The Smarter Student is an essential manual, written by experts and road-tested on students. It will guide every student with confidence throughout their university career, helping them focus their efforts, trouble-shoot problems and thrive in their studies. The Smarter Student covers the entire university experience from Freshers' Week to Graduation, taking individual tasks chapter by chapter ideal for busy students to dip in and out, gleaning the advice and inspiration they need as they encounter every new experience throughout their university career. Whether they're a new student, they want to hone their skills, or are simply up against an assessment crunch-point and don't know where to start, The Smarter Student is every student's personal coach to achieving the most from their university life.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
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(Excerpt from amazon.com)
人生的真諦 (Man's Search for Meaning)
維克托. E. 弗蘭克爾 (Viktor E. Frankl) 著
online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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Monday, August 19, 2013
For The Love of Music: Invitations to Listening
Michael Steinberg and Larry Rothe
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The power of music, the way it works on the mind and heart, remains an enticing mystery. Now two noted writers on classical music, Michael Steinberg and Larry Rothe, explore the allure of this melodious art--not in the clinical terms of social scientists--but through stories drawn from their own experience. In For the Love of Music, Steinberg and Rothe draw on a lifetime of listening to, living with, and writing about music, sharing the delights and revelatory encounters they have had with Mozart, Brahms, Stravinsky, and a host of other great (and almost-great) composers. At once highly personal and immediately accessible, their writings shed light on those who make music and those who listen to it--drawing readers into the beautiful and dangerous terrain that has meant so much to the authors. In recounting how they themselves came to love music, Steinberg and Rothe offer keys for listening. You will meet the man who created the sound of Hollywood's Golden Age and you will learn how composers have addressed issues as contemporary as AIDS and the terrorist attacks of September 11.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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The power of music, the way it works on the mind and heart, remains an enticing mystery. Now two noted writers on classical music, Michael Steinberg and Larry Rothe, explore the allure of this melodious art--not in the clinical terms of social scientists--but through stories drawn from their own experience. In For the Love of Music, Steinberg and Rothe draw on a lifetime of listening to, living with, and writing about music, sharing the delights and revelatory encounters they have had with Mozart, Brahms, Stravinsky, and a host of other great (and almost-great) composers. At once highly personal and immediately accessible, their writings shed light on those who make music and those who listen to it--drawing readers into the beautiful and dangerous terrain that has meant so much to the authors. In recounting how they themselves came to love music, Steinberg and Rothe offer keys for listening. You will meet the man who created the sound of Hollywood's Golden Age and you will learn how composers have addressed issues as contemporary as AIDS and the terrorist attacks of September 11.
(Excerpt from amazon.com)
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