Monday, August 21, 2017

The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History

Elizabeth Kolbert
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A major book about the future of the world, blending intellectual and natural history and field reporting into a powerful account of the mass extinction unfolding before our eyes

Over the last half-billion years, there have been Five mass extinctions, when the diversity of life on earth suddenly and dramatically contracted. Scientists around the world are currently monitoring the sixth extinction, predicted to be the most devastating extinction event since the asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs. This time around, the cataclysm is us. In prose that is at once frank, entertaining, and deeply informed, New Yorker writer Elizabeth Kolbert tells us why and how human beings have altered life on the planet in a way no species has before. Interweaving research in half a dozen disciplines, descriptions of the fascinating species that have already been lost, and the history of extinction as a concept, Kolbert provides a moving and comprehensive account of the disappearances occurring before our very eyes. She shows that the sixth extinction is likely to be mankind's most lasting legacy, compelling us to rethink the fundamental question of what it means to be human.

(Excerpt from

真希望我 20 歲就懂的事 : 史丹佛大學的創新 x 創意 x 創業震撼課程 (What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20)

婷娜.希莉格 (Tina Seelig)
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Monday, August 14, 2017

Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results

Stephen Guise
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What's A Mini Habit?

A mini habit is a very small positive behavior that you force yourself to do every day; its "too small to fail" nature makes it weightless, deceptively powerful, and a superior habit-building strategy. You will have no choice but to believe in yourself when you're always moving forward. The barrier to the first step is so low that even depressed or "stuck" people can find early success and begin to reverse their lives right away. And if you think one push-up a day is too small to matter, I've got one heck of a story for you!

Mini Habits is a strategy to create permanent healthy habits. Some categories include: exercise, writing, reading, thinking positively, meditating, drinking water, eating healthy foods, etc.

Mini Habits combines Stephen's life-changing experience above with science, logic, and humor. It rejects common self-help and habit formation advice in favor of smarter strategies that work with a modern, hectic lifestyle. Having mini habits enables you to move forward consistently, even on your worst days.

(Excerpt from

坐看雲起時 : 一本香港人的教協史 = A People's History of the Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union

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香港電台第十屆 「香港書獎」獲獎書籍 



• 卷一戰後的香港與教協崛興的背景:從二戰說起,探討戰後香港的政治、社會、教育發展與變遷,闡述促使教協成立的因由;

• 卷二爭取教師權益與教育改進:詳述教協成立後,對香港教育界, 包括學校、教師、學生等所作出的貢獻;

• 卷三教協與公民社會的形成和互動:闡釋在社會、政治及教育的巨變下,教協多年來參與的社會活動,並推動公民社會的發展。



Monday, August 7, 2017

Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? (正義 : 一場思辨之旅)

Sandel, Michael J.
online access from EBSCOhost (audiobook)
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International Youth Day 2017 (12 August) is dedicated to celebrating young people’s contributions to conflict prevention and transformation as well as inclusion, social justice, and sustainable peace.

 "For Michael Sandel, justice is not a spectator sport," The Nation's reviewer of Justice remarked. In his acclaimed book―based on his legendary Harvard course―Sandel offers a rare education in thinking through the complicated issues and controversies we face in public life today. It has emerged as a most lucid and engaging guide for those who yearn for a more robust and thoughtful public discourse. "In terms we can all understand," wrote Jonathan Rauch in The New York Times, Justice "confronts us with the concepts that lurk . . . beneath our conflicts."

Affirmative action, same-sex marriage, physician-assisted suicide, abortion, national service, the moral limits of markets―Sandel relates the big questions of political philosophy to the most vexing issues of the day, and shows how a surer grasp of philosophy can help us make sense of politics, morality, and our own convictions as well.

Justice is lively, thought-provoking, and wise―an essential new addition to the small shelf of books that speak convincingly to the hard questions of our civic life.

(Excerpt from

第3選擇 : 解決人生所有難題的關鍵思維 (The 3rd Alternative: Solving Life's Most Difficult Problems)

史蒂芬.柯維 (Stephen R. Covey)
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面對任何問題,大家慣用的第1選擇就是照「我」的方式,第2選擇就是照「你」的方式來進行。衝突點往往就在於,到底是你的選項比較好,還是我的。因此,不論選擇哪一方,都會有人覺得受傷或犧牲。柯維指出,這時不妨考慮第3選擇:超越你的或我的方式,設法找到更高明、更好的方法,讓雙方都能從衝突中找到一條出路,稱之為「第3選擇」(The 3rd Alternative),而這正是解決人類所有問題的鑰匙。


Monday, July 31, 2017

SuperBetter: A Revolutionary Approach to Getting Stronger, Happier, Braver and More Resilient

Jane McGoniga
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A remarkable life plan based on the game the author herself and hundreds of thousands of others have used to leap from trauma and setbacks to recovery and personal growth

You are stronger than you know. You are surrounded by potential allies. You are a hero to others. These three qualities are all it takes to become more resilient in the face of any challenge. SuperBetter will show you that accessing this power is as easy as playing a game.

In 2009, game designer and author Jane McGonigal got a bad concussion that wouldn't heal. She became anxious and depressed, even suicidal--a common symptom for concussion sufferers. But rather than let herself sink further, she decided to get better by doing what she does best: she turned her recovery process into a game. The game became a blog. The blog became a digital game, then an online portal and a major research study, then a TED talk with 4.5 million views. Today more than 250,000 people have played SuperBetter.

But the ideas behind SuperBetter are much bigger than the game: we can cultivate the same powers of recovery and resilience simply by applying its core concepts in everyday life, by being "gameful" in the face of stress. Being gameful means bringing the psychological strengths you naturally display when you play games--such as optimism, creativity, courage, and determination--to real world situations.

SuperBetter the book integrates seven basic rules into challenges the reader can undertake while reading, and explains the science behind the benefits. Playing by the seven rules begins to yield life-changing benefits in a matter of days, and eventually they become an ingrained skillset.

As inspiring as it is down-to-earth, SuperBetter is self-help for the rest of us. Grounded in rigorous research and powered by game design, it is nothing less than an accessible, real-time guide to living a better life.

(Excerpt from


游珮芸 著
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Monday, July 24, 2017

Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers

Tim Ferriss
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The latest groundbreaking tome from Tim Ferriss, the #1 New York Times best-selling author of The 4-Hour Workweek.

"Tools of the perfect read for obsessives wanting to boost their new year productivity." —Financial Times

 "A Poor Richard's Almanack for the 21st century, Tools of Titans is a practical and inspiring guide to being your best." —BookPage


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Monday, July 17, 2017

Dear Life : Stories

Alice Munro
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A New York Times Notable Book 
A Washington Post Notable Work of Fiction 
A Best Book of the Year: The Atlantic, NPR, San Francisco Chronicle, Vogue, AV Club 

In story after story in this brilliant new collection, Alice Munro pinpoints the moment a person is forever altered by a chance encounter, an action not taken, or a simple twist of fate. Her characters are flawed and fully human: a soldier returning from war and avoiding his fiancée, a wealthy woman deciding whether to confront a blackmailer, an adulterous mother and her neglected children, a guilt-ridden father, a young teacher jilted by her employer. Illumined by Munro’s unflinching insight, these lives draw us in with their quiet depth and surprise us with unexpected turns. And while most are set in her signature territory around Lake Huron, some strike even closer to home: an astonishing suite of four autobiographical tales offers an unprecedented glimpse into Munro’s own childhood. Exalted by her clarity of vision and her unparalleled gift for storytelling, Dear Life shows how strange, perilous, and extraordinary ordinary life can be.

(Excerpt from

生活在廢墟 : 你所不知道的考古學家與他們的一百種生活 (Lives in Ruins)

瑪莉蓮・強森 (Marilyn Johnson)
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Monday, July 10, 2017

The Risk of Reading: How Literature Helps Us to Understand Ourselves and the World

Robert Waxler
online access from Bloomsbury
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The Risk of Reading is a defense of the idea that deep and close readings of literature can help us to understand ourselves and the world around us. It explores some of the meaning and implications of modern life through the deep reading of significant books. Waxler argues that we need "fiction" to give our so-called "real life" meaning and that reading narrative fiction remains crucial to the making of a humane and democratic society.

Beginning by exploring the implications of thinking about the importance of story in terms of "real life", The Risk of Reading focuses on the importance of human language, especially language shaped into narrative, and how that language is central to the human quest for identity. Waxler argues that we are "linguistic beings," and that reading literary narrative is a significant way to enrich and preserve the traditional sense of human identity and knowledge. This is especially true in the midst of a culture which too often celebrates visual images, spectacle, electronic devices, and celebrity. Reading narrative, in other words, should be considered a counter-cultural activity crucial on the quest to "know thyself." Reading literature is one of the best opportunities we have today to maintain a coherent human identity and remain self-reflective individuals in a world that seems particularly chaotic and confusing.

Each chapter takes up a well-known work of nineteenth- or twentieth-century literature in order to discuss more fully these issues, exploring, in particular, the notion of life as a journey or quest and the crucial relationship between language and our contingent everyday existence. Of particular interest along the way is the question of what literary narrative can teach us about our mortality and how stories offer opportunities to reflect on the ambivalent and profound meaning of mortal knowledge.

(Excerpt from

香港的抒情史 (Hong Kong in Its History of Lyricism)

陳國球 著
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香港就是文學:從海上孤島到世界都會,從帝國殖民地到社會主義特區,香港經驗比傳奇更傳奇。從駐節香港的殖民地大員,到心繫勞工大眾的左翼文學家;從求全責備的香港文學大系,到活潑精要的各式選本;從先鋒的現代詩、人間小說與話題電影,到蒼涼南音和悲情粵劇;從彌敦道上的詠嘆,到維多利亞港邊的回想……無數的香港故事,如何說? 作者為我們述說文學香港的前世今生,揭示香港對整個華人文化圈的意義,思考香港的未來。地區、中國、政治、殖民、現代性等等這些看起來如「三尺青鋒」般冷硬的議題,經作者娓娓道來,化為寫給香港的一部抒情史。


Monday, July 3, 2017

The Abundance: Narrative Essays Old and New

Annie Dillard ; foreword by Geoff Dyer
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A landmark collection of prose from pulitzer prize winner Annie Dillard, including her most beloved pieces and some rarely seen work

The Abundance includes the best of Annie Dillard’s essays, delivered in her fierce and muscular prose. Intense, vivid, and fearless, her work endows the true and seemingly ordinary aspects of life with beauty and irony. These essays invite readers into sweeping landscapes, to join her in exploring the complexities of time and death, often with wry humor. On one page, an eagle falls from the sky with a weasel attached to its throat; on another, a man walks into a bar.

Marking the vigor of this powerful writer, The Abundance highlights Annie Dillard’s elegance of mind.

(Excerpt from


陳舜儀 編
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Monday, June 26, 2017

Alternative Movie Posters II: More Film Art from the Underground

Matthew Chojnacki
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This second volume of cinematic eye candy further documents the quickly burgeoning underground film poster movement, a group of artists who challenge Hollywood's marketing machine by bringing clever artwork and design back to movie posters. 

Nearly 100 emerging artists, with a dozen returning favorites, present their newly produced images.  Cinematic visual masters Jason Edmiston, Gary Pullin, Akiko Stehrenberger, Randy Ortiz, Brandon Schaefer, Gabz, Dave Perillo, Chris Garofalo, Anthony Petrie, Godmachine, Tracie Ching, Clark Orr, Orlando Arocena, Steve Dressler, Paul Shipper, Tom Hodge, Luke Insect, and more additionally provide commentary and behind-the-scenes information. 

Movies illustrated include classics like Vertigo, Rosemary's Baby, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, more recent hits such as Her and Drive, cult favorites Dazed and Confused and Donnie Darko, and childhood staples Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, and Labyrinth.

(Excerpt from

Chinese Cultural Artifacts Exhibition – Curated Items from the Library Special Collection” is being staged at Run Run Shaw Library of City University of Hong Kong until 30 July 2017. The exhibition showcases a selection of rare items from three categories: Chinese Shadow Puppets, Nuo Masks, and Movie Posters 1950s-1980s.

Film Posters
[Accessible on Campus Only]

中國文化傳統的六個面向 (Six Facets of Chinese Cultural Tradition)

李歐梵 著
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