Monday, February 8, 2016

The Complete Novels of Jane Austen

By Jane Austen
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Comprises the complete text of: "Sense and Sensibility", "Pride and Prejudice", "Mansfield Park", "Emma", "Northanger Abbey",  and "Persuasion".

Jane Austen is without question, one of England's most enduring and skilled novelists. With her wit, social precision, and unerring ability to create some of literature's most charismatic and believable heroines, she mesmerises her readers as much today as when her novels were first published.

Whether it is her sharp, ironic gaze at the Gothic genre invoked by the adventures of Catherine Morland in Northanger Abbey; the diffident and much put-upon Fanny Price struggling to cope with her emotions in Mansfield Park; her delightfully paced comedy of manners and the machinations of the sisters Elinor and Marianne in Sense and Sensibility; the quiet strength of Anne Elliot in Persuasion succeeding in a world designed to subjugate her very existence; and Emma - 'a heroine whom no one but myself will like' teased Austen - yet another irresistible character on fire with imagination and foresight. Indeed not unlike her renowned creator.

Jane Austen is as sure-footed in her steps through society's whirlpools of convention and prosaic mores as she is in her sometimes restrained but ever precise and enduring prose.

(Excerpt from

單身愛之語 (The Five Love Languages for Singles)

蓋瑞.查普曼 (Gary Chapman)
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暢銷作家蓋瑞.查普曼博士認為,愛與被愛是人們的基本需求,每個人都有自己主要愛的語言,依個人的成長經驗和需求,可分為:肯定的言詞、接受禮物、服務的行動、精心的時刻,及身體的接觸五種。 因此,用對愛的語言,才能正確表達和接收愛,這也是心靈滿足與否 的關鍵。 



Monday, February 1, 2016

The Great Gatsby

by F. Scott Fitzgerald
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The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s third book, stands as the supreme achievement of his career. This exemplary novel of the Jazz Age has been acclaimed by generations of readers. The story of the fabulously wealthy Jay Gatsby and his love for the beautiful Daisy Buchanan, of lavish parties on Long Island at a time when The New York Times noted “gin was the national drink and sex the national obsession,” it is an exquisitely crafted tale of America in the 1920s.

The Great Gatsby is one of the great classics of twentieth-century literature.

(Excerpt from


姚郁卉 编著
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在我國古代第一部詩歌總集《詩經》當中,就有許多詩篇描述人們歲暮載歌載舞慶豐收的熱鬧場景。 “朋酒斯饗,目殺羔羊,躋彼公堂,稱彼兕觥 萬壽無疆”。《詩經》里的這段描述大概是說古代臘祭時,人們宴飲美酒,宰殺羔羊,相互祝福,歡慶新年的隆重慶祝活動,表達了人們獲得豐收後的喜悅心情。今天的春節源于古代的臘祭,因此在傳統年俗保存相對完好的鄉村,人們通常認為“過了臘八便是年”。在臘八這一天,家家煮粥,不僅自己食用,而且還贈送親友,”今朝佛粥交相饋,更覺江村節物新”。從陸游的詩句可以看出當時過臘八節的盛況。也有人認為,臘月二十三祭灶以後才真正奏響了新年的序曲。範成大的《祭灶詞》中有“男兒酌獻女兒避,酹酒燒錢灶君喜”,從古時祭灶的年俗由此可窺一斑。過年總要有一個煥然一新的環境,清代蔡雲有“茅舍春回事事歡,屋塵收拾號除殘”的詩句,描寫了民間高高興興“掃年”迎新春的習俗。婦女則忙著“巧裁幡勝試新羅”,這樣才能保證新年“小大易新衣”,以嶄新的面貌迎接新年。對于欠債的人來說,過年卻如過”關”,因為民間有“舊賬還潔在此宵,不能再討待明朝”的年俗。“東鄰叩廣西鄰急,若個聞聲膽不消”,這首題為《討年賬》的詩就是對除夕討債躲債情景的生動描述。


Monday, January 25, 2016

The Islamic State: A Brief Introduction

Charles R. Lister
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An authoritative guide to the rise of the Islamic State and its senior leadership.

How did the Islamic State grow from regional terrorist group to a brutal multinational bureaucratic machine? What are its goals? How can it be stopped?

In 2014 the Islamic State seemingly appeared out of nowhere, routing Iraqi forces, conquering Iraq's second-largest city, boldly announcing the establishment of a caliphate, and declaring itself the Islamic State (IS). Today, IS controls thousands of square miles and is attempting to govern millions of people.

In this definitive guide to the Islamic State and its senior leadership, Charles R. Lister traces its roots from the release of its notorious father figure, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, from a Jordanian prison and the group's formation in Afghanistan in the late-1990s, and finally to its stunning maturation in Iraq and Syria.

The West knows IS through its unrelenting propaganda war, with its deft use of social media and videos of horrific acts. Lister shares details of IS's sophisticated revenue machine, attempts at governing, and its formidable military.

With IS knocking on the doors of Lebanon, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, Lister's portrait helps us understand what to expect next and recommends a course of action to defeat IS, extinguish extremism, and encourage a tolerant Islam across the Middle East.

This book includes a Who's Who in the Islamic State's senior leadership.

From the foreword by Ahmed Rashid
"The Islamic State is the best basic understanding available of the ISIS phenomena and how to deal with it."

(Excerpt from


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