Monday, January 2, 2012

Future Minds : How the Digital Age is Changing Our Minds, Why This Matters, and What We Can Do About It

Richard Watson
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We are on the cusp of a revolution. Mobile phones, computers and iPods are commonplace in hundreds of millions of households worldwide, influencing how we think and shaping how we interact. In the future, smart machines will compete with clever people for employment and even human affection. We are shifting to a world where knowledge will be automated and people will be rewarded instead as conceptual and creative thinkers. Hence being able to think and act in ways that machines cannot will become vital. Ideas are the currency of this new economy and curiosity and imagination are among the key raw materials. But what happens to the rigour of our thinking in a world where we never really sit still or completely switch off? What are some of the unexpected consequences of digital information on the 100 billion cells and quadrillion connections inside our brains? Future Minds illustrates how to maximise the potential of digital technology and minimise its greatest downside, addressing the future of thinking and how we can ensure that we unleash the extraordinary potential of the human mind. In this absorbing new book, discover all about: the sex life of ideas; the rise of the screenager; generations, gender and geography; delving deep inside your head; how to clear a blocked brain; why clever people make dumb mistakes; why we are so afraid of doing nothing; what we can do to reclaim our brains.

(Excerpt from


錢理群, 溫儒敏, 吳福輝 著
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Monday, December 26, 2011

A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Books

Charles Dickens; edited with an introduction and notes by Robert Douglas-Fairhurst
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
online access from SuperStar Digital Library (Chinese)
check holdings in CityU LibraryFind

A Christmas Carol has gripped the public imagination since it was first published in 1843, and it is now as much a part of the holiday season as is mistletoe or Santa's reindeer. Ebenezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim, the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future--it is impossible to go anywhere during the month of December and not hear these names, time and again.

Now comes a wonderful new collection of Dickens' Christmas stories, graced with many of the original drawings that appeared in the first edition. Pride of place goes to A Christmas Carol, of course, but the book also includes four other marvelous tales: The Chimes, The Cricket on the Hearth, The Battle of Life, and The Haunted Man. All five stories show Dickens at his unpredictable best, jumbling together comedy and melodrama, genial romance and urgent social satire, in pursuit of his aim "to awaken some loving and forbearing thoughts, never out of season in a Christian land." The volume also features an excellent introduction by Robert Douglas-Fairhurst, who offers invaluable background to the Christmas stories, illuminating the social questions they set out to address, outlining their reception and the enduring popularity of A Christmas Carol, and highlighting how their style and themes resonate in more complex ways in his major fictions. In addition, the book includes two appendices containing Dickens's article, "What Christmas Is As We Grow Older," and facsimile pages from Dickens's reading version of A Christmas Carol.

(Excerpt from


熊秉元 著
online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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Monday, December 19, 2011

Making the Good Life Last: Four Keys to Sustainable Living

Michael A. Schuler
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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The Sustainable Life Is the Good Life

In our materialist culture, the idea of "the good life"--fancy cars, designer clothes, once-in-a-lifetime vacations--leaves even those few who can afford it feeling anxious, empty, and dissatisfied. Michael Schuler deconstructs the assumption that consumption and constant stimulation equal happiness. He shows how, by applying the principles of sustainability to our personal lives, we can discover treasures of perennial value: a beautiful and healthy earth home, enduring relationships, strong communities, work that contributes to the common good, and play that restores our bodies and lifts our souls.

(Excerpt from

我負丹靑: 吳冠中自傳

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全書分三部份:第一部份是〈生命之流〉;主要記載畫家思想感情的成長、發展、 轉變和興衰,「這生命之流如繪了一幅《清明上河圖》,著力於長河的全貌與主要轉折,而許多局部細節須用放大鏡觀察。」第二部份〈此情此景〉;便是局部放大圖,這裡包括有關生活的、文藝觀的,其中還有不少引起過強烈反響和爭議的文章。第三部份是畫家親定的年表。


