Monday, February 19, 2024

Master of Change: How to Excel When Everything Is Changing – Including You

Brad Stulberg
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A revelatory book on rethinking change and creating a rugged and flexible mindset amidst life's intensifying flux, from expert on sustainable excellence, coach, and bestselling author of The Practice of Groundedness.

From social disruptions like economic recessions, pandemics, and new technologies to individual disruptions like getting married, career transitions, and becoming a parent, we undergo change and transformation—both good and bad—regularly. Change is not the exception, it’s the rule. Yet we endlessly fight it, often viewing it as a threat to our stability and sense of self.

Master of Change flips this script on its head and offers a path for embracing and even growing from life’s constant instability.

Brad Stulberg, sustainable excellence expert, coach, and bestselling author of The Practice of Groundedness, offers a new model that describes change as an ongoing cycle of order, disorder, and reorder—yes, we return to stability, but that stability is somewhere new. Drawing on modern science, ancient wisdom, and daily practice, Stulberg offers concrete principles for developing a mindset called rugged flexibility, along with habits and practices to implement it. Along the way, Stulberg reveals:

• How to be in conversation with change instead of it happening to you.
• The importance of expectations
• Why cultivating a rugged yet flexible sense of self is key to a strong identity.
• How to take productive action during a challenge.
• The paradox of both making meaning and moving forward.

In the end, Stulberg reshapes our entire perception of change and shows us how to grow in its midst—ultimately helping us move forward better, stronger, and wiser than we were before.

(Excerpt from

打造第二大腦:多一個數位大腦, 資訊超載時代的高效能知識管理術 (Building a Second Brain)

提亞戈.佛特 (Tiago Forte)
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Monday, February 12, 2024

Advance: The Ultimate How-To Guide For Your Career

Gary Burnison
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The how-to guide for your career

Advance is extremely timely and topical in today's do-it-yourself career development world. Average job tenure has fallen to about four years on average and often only one or two years for younger professionals. These "career nomads" simply aren't around long enough to access career development from their employers. On the other end of the workplace spectrum, many employees find themselves stuck in one job without a promotion, without any raise to speak of, and with no opportunities to learn and grow.

In Advance, Burnison lays out a mosaic of "how-to" advice that applies every day and at every level―the skills and behaviors that help people navigate their careers and stand out among the crowd. He takes on a "Top 20" of career must-haves: managing for the first time, engaging in the "money conversation" with your boss, dealing with difficult bosses (without quitting), coping with coworkers (without losing your mind), making presentations (that don't put people to sleep), mastering digital communication (and avoiding emails that will get you fired), thinking globally (without leaving your office), taking an overseas assignment, meeting senior leaders for the first time (without putting your foot in your mouth), navigating political waters (without sinking your career), reading and fitting in with the culture, and more.

• Wisdom on taking your career to the next level
• Career development tips
• Guidance on being seen and heard
• Written by the CEO of one of the world’s largest management consulting firms

Whether you’re just starting your career, high up on the ladder, or “stuck” anywhere in between, Advance gives you the know-how to get on a path to where you want to go.

(Excerpt from


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Monday, February 5, 2024

Sounds Wild and Broken: Sonic Marvels, Evolution's Creativity, and the Crisis of Sensory Extinction

David George Haskell
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Finalist for the 2023 Pulitzer Prize in General Nonfiction and the 2023 PEN/E.O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award

Winner of the Acoustical Society of America's 2023 Science Communication Award

“[A] glorious guide to the miracle of life’s sound.” —The New York Times Book Review

A lyrical exploration of the diverse sounds of our planet, the creative processes that produced these marvels, and the perils that sonic diversity now faces

We live on a planet alive with song, music, and speech. David Haskell explores how these wonders came to be. In rain forests shimmering with insect sound and swamps pulsing with frog calls we learn about evolution’s creative powers. From birds in the Rocky Mountains and on the streets of Paris, we discover how animals learn their songs and adapt to new environments. Below the waves, we hear our kinship to beings as different as snapping shrimp, toadfish, and whales. In the startlingly divergent sonic vibes of the animals of different continents, we experience the legacies of plate tectonics, the deep history of animal groups and their movements around the world, and the quirks of aesthetic evolution.

Starting with the origins of animal song and traversing the whole arc of Earth history, Haskell illuminates and celebrates the emergence of the varied sounds of our world. In mammoth ivory flutes from Paleolithic caves, violins in modern concert halls, and electronic music in earbuds, we learn that human music and language belong within this story of ecology and evolution. Yet we are also destroyers, now silencing or smothering many of the sounds of the living Earth. Haskell takes us to threatened forests, noise-filled oceans, and loud city streets, and shows that sonic crises are not mere losses of sensory ornament. Sound is a generative force, and so the erasure of sonic diversity makes the world less creative, just, and beautiful. The appreciation of the beauty and brokenness of sound is therefore an important guide in today’s convulsions and crises of change and inequity.

Sounds Wild and Broken is an invitation to listen, wonder, belong, and act.

(Excerpt from

看不見的山徑 : 香港可持續山徑之初探

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