Monday, August 22, 2022

樹木教我的人生課 : 遇到困難時, 我總是在不知不覺間, 向樹木尋找答案

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你知道嗎?小杉樹要長得跟其他大樹一般,需要經歷百年的漫長歲月。但它們並未放棄,仍然在漆黑的土地中生根發芽,因為它們知道唯有等待並厚實根部的力量,才能有長高的事實。 ——如果是人類,也許有人早已放棄,但也有人如同小杉樹般,為了獲得成就,在別人不知道的幾千個日夜中努力。






Monday, August 15, 2022

Barbarians at the Wall: The First Nomadic Empire and the Making of China

John Man
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The people of the first nomadic empire left no written records, but from 200 BC they dominated the heart of Asia for 400 years. They changed the world. The Mongols, today’s descendants of Genghis Khan, see them as ancestors. Their rise cemented Chinese unity and inspired the first Great Wall. Their heirs under Attila the Hun helped destroy the Roman Empire.

We don’t know what language they spoke, but they became known as Xiongnu, or Hunnu, a term passed down the centuries and across Eurasia, enduring today in shortened form as ‘Hun’. Outside Asia precious little is known of their rich history, but new evidence reframes our understanding of the indelible mark they left on a vast region stretching from Europe and sweeping right across Central Asia deep into China.

Based on meticulous research and new archaeological evidence, Barbarians at the Wall traces their epic story, and shows how the nomadic cultures of the steppes gave birth to a ‘barbarian empire’ with the wealth and power to threaten the civilised order of the ancient world.

(Excerpt from

The “Hunters, Warriors, Spirits: Nomadic Art of North China” exhibition presented by the City University of Hong Kong tells the story of the nomads through the diverse lenses of archaeology, art history, and anthropology. It features over 250 artworks from the early 1st millennium B.C.E. to the “golden age” between the 10th and 13th centuries C.E. These include everyday objects and weapons from the early nomads of northern China, such as the Orochen, Xiongnu, Xianbei, and Rouran, presenting not only the ideal relationship between humans and nature but also the nomads’ superb arts and artisanship. READ MORE

“Hunters, Warriors, Spirits: Nomadic Art of North China” Exhibition:
Date: 23 July – 23 October 2022 (Open daily, except Mondays)
Time: 10am to 7pm
Venue: Indra and Harry Banga Gallery at City University of Hong Kong , 18/F, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building
Admission: Free of charge, prior booking is required

草原王權的誕生: 斯基泰與匈奴,早期遊牧國家的文明

online access from HyRead ebook
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日期: 2022年7月23日至10月23日 (逢星期一休館)
時間: 上午10時 – 下午7時
地點: 香港城市大學劉鳴偉學術大樓十八樓般哥展覽館
費用: 免費入場,需預先登記

Monday, August 8, 2022

Personality Isn't Permanent: Break Free from Self-Limiting Beliefs and Rewrite Your Story

Benjamin Hardy
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Psychologist and best-selling author Benjamin Hardy, PhD, debunks the pervasive myths about personality that prevent us from learning - and provides bold strategies for personal transformation.

In Personality Isn’t Permanent, Dr. Benjamin Hardy draws on psychological research to demolish the popular misconception that personality - a person’s consistent attitudes and behaviors - is innate and unchanging. Hardy liberates us from the limiting belief that our “true selves” are to be discovered and shows how we can intentionally create our desired selves and achieve amazing goals instead. He offers practical, science-based advice to for personal-reinvention, including:

-Why personality tests such as Myers-Briggs and Enneagram are not only psychologically destructive, but are no more scientific than horoscopes
-Why you should never be the “former” anything - because defining yourself by your past successes is just as damaging to growth as being haunted by past failures
-How to design your current identity based on your desired future self and make decisions here and now through your new identity
-How to reframe traumatic and painful experiences into a fresh narrative supporting your future success
-How to become confident enough to define your own life’s purpose
-How to create a network of “empathetic witnesses” who actively encourage you through the highs and lows of extreme growth
-How to enhance your subconscious to overcome addictions and limiting patterns
-How redesign your environment to pull you toward your future, rather than keep you stuck in the past
-How to tap into what psychologists call “pull motivation” by narrowing your focus on a single, definable, and compelling outcome

Filled with strategies for reframing your past and designing your future, Personality Isn’t Permanent is a guide to breaking free from the past and becoming the person you want to be.

(Excerpt from


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Monday, August 1, 2022

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High

Joseph Grenny, Kerry Patterson, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler, Emily Gregory
online access from McGraw-Hill's AccessEngineering
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This New York Times bestseller and business classic has been fully updated for a world where skilled communication is more important than ever.

The book that revolutionized business communications has been updated for today’s workplace. Crucial Conversations provides powerful skills to ensure every conversation―especially difficult ones―leads to the results you want. Written in an engaging and witty style, it teaches readers how to be persuasive rather than abrasive, how to get back to productive dialogue when others blow up or clam up, and it offers powerful skills for mastering high-stakes conversations, regardless of the topic or person.

This new edition addresses issues that have arisen in recent years. You’ll learn how to:
Respond when someone initiates a Crucial Conversation with you
Identify and address the lag time between identifying a problem and discussing it
Communicate more effectively across digital mediums

When stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong, you have three choices: Avoid a crucial conversation and suffer the consequences; handle the conversation poorly and suffer the consequences; or apply the lessons and strategies of Crucial Conversations and improve relationships and results.

Whether they take place at work or at home, with your coworkers or your spouse, Crucial Conversations have a profound impact on your career, your happiness, and your future. With the skills you learn in this book, you'll never have to worry about the outcome of a Crucial Conversation again.

(Excerpt from