Monday, January 7, 2019

規模的規律和祕密:老鼠、小鳥、雞、大象,和我們居住的城市,隱藏規模縮放的規律, 掌握其中驚奇的祕密,也同時掌握企業和地球的未來 (Scale)

傑弗里‧魏斯特 (Geoffrey West)
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•如果某隻動物的體重減半,需要的食物是不是也只要一半? ......


Monday, December 31, 2018

Brief Answers to the Big Questions

by Stephen Hawking
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The world-famous cosmologist and author of A Brief History of Time leaves us with his final thoughts on the biggest questions facing humankind.


Stephen Hawking was the most renowned scientist since Einstein, known both for his groundbreaking work in physics and cosmology and for his mischievous sense of humor. He educated millions of readers about the origins of the universe and the nature of black holes, and inspired millions more by defying a terrifying early prognosis of ALS, which originally gave him only two years to live. In later life he could communicate only by using a few facial muscles, but he continued to advance his field and serve as a revered voice on social and humanitarian issues.

Hawking not only unraveled some of the universe’s greatest mysteries but also believed science plays a critical role in fixing problems here on Earth. Now, as we face immense challenges on our planet—including climate change, the threat of nuclear war, and the development of artificial intelligence—he turns his attention to the most urgent issues facing us.

Will humanity survive? Should we colonize space? Does God exist? ​​These are just a few of the questions Hawking addresses in this wide-ranging, passionately argued final book from one of the greatest minds in history.

(Excerpt from

巨科技 : 解碼未來三十年的科技社會大趨勢 = Megatech : Technology in 2050

富蘭克林 (Daniel Franklin)
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《經濟學人》雜誌推出的《巨科技》這本書, 集結了二十位第一流的專家,就各自專長的領域, 對未來三十年的科技走向與社會變遷,做出大膽的預言。 從未來科技的物理學基石、摩爾定律的極限、生物科技的應許……

這一些巨科技發展的基礎條件出發, 擴展到巨科技在各領域的發展趨向,包括工業新材料、農業新型態、 醫療新科技、潔淨能源、尖端軍力、人機一體等等, 最後則探討了人工智慧、機器人、大數據興起後, 所引發的倫理道德問題與社會衝擊。 每一篇專論都充滿洞察力和啟發性。


Monday, December 24, 2018

The Politics of English in Hong Kong: Attitudes, Identity, and Use

Jette G. Hansen Edwards
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The focus of this book is on the impact of politics on language and identity in Hong Kong. The book is the first study to track real time language attitude changes against a divisive political landscape. It is also the most comprehensive study of language attitudes in Hong Kong to date, taking place over four years with over 1,600 participants. Through both survey and interview data, a multifaceted portrait of language change in progress is presented, providing a more nuanced and complex view of language and identity than has previously been presented.

The book examines the status of Hong Kong English in the light of attitudes towards Cantonese, English, and Putonghua, providing a deeper analysis of the linguistic complexity of Hong Kong; it can be argued that one cannot understand attitudes towards Hong Kong English without fully understanding the status and use of English in Hong Kong today. The book also presents a complex examination of language attitudes in Hong Kong by focusing not only on the what of language attitudes, but also the question of for whom, through an analysis of language attitudes by gender, age, identity, and speaking HKE.

(Excerpt from

生活在廢墟 : 你所不知道的考古學家與他們的一百種生活 (Lives in Ruins)

瑪莉蓮.強森 (Marilyn Johnson)
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Monday, December 17, 2018

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

by Jordan B. Peterson
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What does everyone in the modern world need to know? Renowned psychologist Jordan B. Peterson's answer to this most difficult of questions uniquely combines the hard-won truths of ancient tradition with the stunning revelations of cutting-edge scientific research.

Humorous, surprising and informative, Dr. Peterson tells us why skateboarding boys and girls must be left alone, what terrible fate awaits those who criticize too easily, and why you should always pet a cat when you meet one on the street.

What does the nervous system of the lowly lobster have to tell us about standing up straight (with our shoulders back) and about success in life? Why did ancient Egyptians worship the capacity to pay careful attention as the highest of gods? What dreadful paths do people tread when they become resentful, arrogant and vengeful? Dr. Peterson journeys broadly, discussing discipline, freedom, adventure and responsibility, distilling the world's wisdom into 12 practical and profound rules for life. 12 Rules for Life shatters the modern commonplaces of science, faith and human nature, while transforming and ennobling the mind and spirit of its readers.

(Excerpt from