Monday, April 27, 2015

Young People and Housing: Transitions, Trajectories and Generational Fractures

Edited by Ray Forrest and Ngai Ming Yip 
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Young People and Housing brings together new research exploring the economic, social, and cultural challenges that face young people in search of permanent housing. Featuring international case studies from Asia, Europe, and Australia, Young People and Housing is a collection of groundbreaking work from leading scholars in housing policy.

Younger generations across a wide range of societies face increasing difficulties in gaining access to housing. Housing occupies a pivotal position in the transition from parental dependence to adult independence. Delayed independence has significant implications for marriage and family formation, fertility, inter and intra generational tensions, social mobility and social inequalities.

The social and cultural dimensions are, of course, enormously varied with strong contrasts between Asian and Western societies in terms of intergenerational norms and practices in relation to housing. Nevertheless, younger households in China (including Hong Kong), Japan, the USA, Australasia and Europe face very similar challenges in the housing sphere. Moreover, concerns about the housing future for younger generations are gaining greater policy and popular prominence in many countries.

(Excerpt from

成功可以走直線 (Strategic Acceleration)

托尼.杰瑞 (Tony Jeary)
online access from Apabi - China digital library
online access from Ebook Central Academic Complete
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Monday, April 20, 2015

The Digital Mystique: How the Culture of Connectivity Can Empower Your Life—Online and Off

Sarah Granger 
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In The Digital Mystique, Sarah Granger—a nationally recognized expert on online culture and social technology—shows us how digital media is shaping our lives in real time. Whether it's how we raise our children, communicate in love and partnerships, support causes, or establish friendships and trust, Granger pinpoints the best ways to seize digital opportunities to make our lives richer and fuller.

While the Internet era is one that is frequently criticized as undermining our health, privacy, concentration, and ability to sustain real-world relationships, Granger takes a more optimistic and empowering view. She shares real-life stories and surprising facts about our lives—both online and off—to shed new and fascinating light on the positive effects of the digital media revolution, showing us how we can personally learn, grow, and thrive by engaging in our digitized world.

The Digital Mystique includes the following chapters:

Connecting Is Just the Beginning
Friending Is Trending
Love in the Time of Messaging
The Kids Are Online
The Senior Moment
The Passion of the Web
There’s No Business Like E-Business
Community Is the Key
The Difference a Tweet Makes
What We Leave Behind
A Stitch in Digital Time

(Excerpt from


王淑俐 著
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Monday, April 13, 2015

Clearer Skies Over China: Reconciling Air Quality, Climate, and Economic Goals

Edited by Chris P. Nielsen and Mun S. Ho 
online access from EBSCOhost
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China's carbon dioxide emissions now outstrip those of other countries and its domestic air quality is severely degraded, especially in urban areas. Its sheer size and its growing, fossil-fuel-powered economy mean that China's economic and environmental policy choices will have an outsized effect on the global environmental future. Over the last decade, China has pursued policies that target both fossil fuel use and atmospheric emissions, but these efforts have been substantially overwhelmed by the country's increasing energy demands. With a billion citizens still living on less than $4,000 per year, China's energy and environmental policies must be reconciled with the goals of maintaining economic growth and raising living standards.

This book, a U.S.--Chinese collaboration of experts from Harvard and Tsinghua University, offers a groundbreaking integrated analysis of China's economy, emissions, air quality, public health, and agriculture. It first offers essential scientific context and accessible summaries of the book's policy findings; it then provides the underlying scientific and economic research. These studies suggest that China's recent sulfur controls achieved enormous environmental health benefits at unexpectedly low costs. They also indicate that judicious implementation of carbon taxes could reduce not only China's carbon emissions but also its air pollution more comprehensively than current single-pollutant policies, all at little cost to economic growth.

(Excerpt from

用我一輩子去忘記 : 夜色温柔的故事

柴靜著 晏文娟編
online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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這本書面世時,我已25歲。人生正在緊要關口,大的決斷呼之欲出。離開電台之後的這兩年,命運暗涌幾近詭異。現在的我,定居在北京,做了電視主持人,剪髮,化妝,在各城市間飛來飛去訪問名流。兼職給多家報紙雜誌供稿。其餘三分之二的生活是穿過塵土飛揚的大街去買菜……和開電梯的人聊天……響應居委會的滅蟑運動……故人,舊事大多沒有下落,也無意再問。直到有天出版社的晏文娟來找我,帶了一大束菊,和一本書的約稿信。她說,“這本書,不是因為你,是為了我們。” 我明白。當年她給我寫信時,17歲。一顆顆斜斜的字,是一個人仰面向天時的困惑。我也不過是社會小角色。一份微薄的薪水,與世無交的天真與乖僻,很多人信裡的迷惘也是我的。於是在電台裡,原封不動,讀出他們的文字,算是我的心聲。回答人家熱線裡的問題也不過是幾個字:“是,有人在,聽到了,懂得。” 19歲的人,能勝任的,也不過是這些。當日的聽眾今天都四散於各地,他們的電台年代早過去了,生命的微妙與悲喜也已明白了大半,忘不了的,大概是那一段青蔥歲月吧? ——洗完臉什麼也不塗的年紀……初夏躲不過的茉莉花香……為一個人臉紅心跳的時刻……一大群人笑笑說說在江邊喝啤酒的夜——滿江的漁火……早春三月滿天空輕搖的細小葉子。最淺最淺的,呵,看久了心裡會疼。還有,深夜聽廣播時對聲音背後那個人的擬想,那支抵死纏綿的歌,和那些不明白為什麼會掉下的眼淚。是不是?我坐在漫山遍野的雨裡,寫完《用我一輩子去忘記》。很私人,盡到我最大的誠懇。個人的悲歡本不足道,但聽了你們這些年的故事,這一個,也算我在夜深如海的時候,鼓足勇氣講出來的私房話吧。其他的都是舊作,從各色人物專訪中可以看到我這兩年與世交接的痕跡。還有就是文娟從她收集到的三四十本錄音帶上一點一點編選下來的內容。11月4號,她寄來書的大樣,我坐在床沿上,翻到《尺素寸心》,看著那些失散了多年的信,歲月滾滾而來。……怎麼說呢?我的心情。是的,那些暗夜裡的音樂,喃喃的人聲,從唇齒間流過的一粒粒潔淨的字,在一個年青女子身上留下的氣息,終生不滅。謝謝文娟,謝謝大家。 

