Monday, May 5, 2014

Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty

Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo 
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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Why do the poor borrow to save? Why do they miss out on free life-saving immunizations, but pay for unnecessary drugs? In Poor Economics, Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo, two practical visionaries working toward ending world poverty, answer these questions from the ground. In a book the Wall Street Journal called “marvelous, rewarding,” the authors tell how the stress of living on less than 99 cents per day encourages the poor to make questionable decisions that feed—not fight—poverty. The result is a radical rethinking of the economics of poverty that offers a ringside view of the lives of the world’s poorest, and shows that creating a world without poverty begins with understanding the daily decisions facing the poor.

(Excerpt from

感悟母愛: 震撼億萬心靈的親情故事

online access from Apabi - China digital library
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《感悟母愛: 震撼億萬心靈的親情故事》記載了數十個不一樣的母愛故事,但一樣的是閱讀時的感動。讀完這一篇篇感人的文章,請你輕輕地拭去眼角的淚吧。生命是如此短暫,希望藉由這些故事帶給你的心靈震撼,能讓你領悟到如何珍重自己的人生,珍重那個深深愛著你的母親。震撼心靈的故事感動一生的親情!母愛是一部震撼心靈的巨著,讀懂了它,你也就讀懂了整個人生。總有一個人,默默將我們支撐;總有一種愛,讓我們淚流滿面。這個人就是母親,這種愛就是母愛。常常,我們感動於“春蠶到死絲方盡”的無私和“蠟炬成灰淚始乾”的奉獻。但人世間沒有任何一種無私和奉獻能與母愛相提並論。即使再冷酷無情和鐵石心腸的人,也能體會到母親的關愛給予我們的心靈慰藉與情感撫摩。


Monday, April 28, 2014

Disciplined Dreaming: A Proven System to Drive Breakthrough Creativity

Josh Linkner
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A 5-part process that will transform your organization — or your career — into a non-stop creativity juggernaut

We live in an era when business cycles are measured in months, not years. The only way to sustain long term innovation and growth is through creativity  at all levels of an organization. Disciplined Dreaming shows you how to create profitable new ideas, empower all your employees to be creative, and sustain your competitive advantage over the long term. Linkner distills his years of experience in business and jazz — as well as hundreds of interviews with CEOs, entrepreneurs, and artists — into a 5-step process that will make creativity easy for you and your organization. The methodology is simple, backed by proven results.

• Empowers individuals, teams, and organizations to meet creative challenges posed by the marketplace
• Turns the mystery of creativity into a simple-to-use process
• Shows how creativity can be used for everything from innovative, game-shifting breakthroughs to incremental advances and daily improvements to business processes
• Offers dozens of practical exercises, thought-starters, workouts to grow "creative muscles", and case studies

Disciplined Dreaming shows even the stuffiest corporate bureaucracies how to cultivate creativity in order to become more competitive in today's shifting marketplace.

 (Excerpt from

中國意識的危機 : "五四"時期激烈的反傳統主義 (Crisis of Chinese Consciousness)

林毓生 著
online access from SuperStar Digital Library
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Monday, April 21, 2014

García Márquez: The Man and His Work

Gene H. Bell-Villada
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
online access from EBSCOhost 
check holdings in CityU LibraryFind

Gabriel Garcia Marquez is one of the most influential Latin American writers of the twentieth century. His unique literary creativity is rooted in the history of the region, with all its social and political implications.

In this beautifully written examination of Garcia Marquez and his work, Gene Bell-Villada traces the major forces that have shaped the Colombian novelist and describes his life, his personality, and his political opinions. He considers Garcia Marquez's place in world literature and analyzes his short fiction and all of his novels from the great and complex One Hundred Years of Solitude—a cultural phenomenon the likes of which we have seldom seen—through Love in the Time of Cholera. He shows why Garcia Marquez has achieved a confluence of high art and popular success that is virtually unique in the twentieth century.

Bell-Villada examines the narrative works of Garcia Marquez for their historical and human content, for their literary technique and structure, and for their expert use of fantasy, ribaldry, humor, and satire. He describes Garcia Marquez as a global phenomenon and as a local boy, as a Nobel Laureate and as a Latin American Everyman, as a political writer and as a novelist of love.

The book will appeal to a broad spectrum of readers—generalists who enjoy his novels, teachers and students, and literary specialists and Latin Americanists investigating the culture and politics of the region.

(Excerpt from

百年孤獨 (One Hundred Years of Solitude)

加西亞‧馬爾克斯 (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
online access from EBSCOhost Audiobook Collection
online access from SuperStar Digital Library
check holdings in CityU LibraryFind



 加西亞‧馬爾克斯(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)1927年出生於哥倫比亞馬格達萊納海濱小鎮阿拉卡塔卡。童年與外祖父母一起生活。1936年隨父母遷居蘇克雷。1947年考入波哥大國立大學。1948年因內戰輟學,進入報界。1955年出版《枯枝敗葉》。六十年代初移居墨西哥。1967年《百年孤獨》問世。1982年獲諾貝爾文學獎。
