Monday, February 10, 2014

The Rules of Love: A Personal Code for Happier, More Fulfilling Relationships

Richard Templar
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Some people know how to find it...Share it...Make it last.

Were they born that way? No. They’ve learned the rules.
Rules you can learn, too.

The Rules of Love.

Here they are:
100 simple rules to live and love by...
Rules for finding a partner you can love for a lifetime...
and keeping your partner just as happy...
for keeping your relationship fresh, intimate, and wonderfully surprising...
for getting past game playing, jealousy, arguments, and history...
for actually, really communicating...
for knowing what matters, and what doesn’t...

for building better relationships with your entire family
(including your kids...maybe even your in-laws)

The most important rules you will ever follow

Follow them to joy,
to contentment,
to lifelong love.

(Excerpt from


鍾正道 著
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佛洛伊德與張愛玲,一個是西方驚世駭俗的精神分析大師,一個是中國引領風潮的小說家;一個是男性本位,一個是女性立場;一個強調本能與文明的二元對立,一個愛蔥綠配桃紅,講究參差對照。 佛洛伊德與張愛玲,兩人都對凡人抱持興趣,都擅於挖掘人性的幽深,都被視為孤高自負。佛洛伊德喜歡文學,理論中援引文學作品總是信手拈來;張愛玲喜歡借用精神分析,駕馭亂倫變態成熟老練,性作隱流,處處夢境,字裡行間飄散佛洛伊德的氣味。 本書從佛洛伊德的觀點來閱讀張愛玲其人其作,分為夢境歇斯底里、伊底帕斯情結、自戀、戀物五個單元,最後以死亡本能的體現、現代文明的壓抑、自我分裂的迷惘、強迫重複的復歸總結佛洛伊德視野下的張愛玲。


Monday, February 3, 2014

Active Listening : Improve Your Ability to Listen and Lead

Michael H. Hoppe
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Active listening is a person’s willingness and ability to hear and understand. At its core, active listening is a state of mind that involves paying full and careful attention to the other person, avoiding premature judgment, reflecting understanding, clarifying information, summarizing, and sharing. By learning and committing to the skills and behaviors of active listening, leaders can become more effective listeners and, over time, improve their ability to lead.

(Excerpt from


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Monday, January 27, 2014

Disney U: How Disney University Develops the World's Most Engaged, Loyal, and Customer-Centric Employees

Doug Lipp 
online access from McGraw-Hill ebook library 
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With a Foreword by Jim Cora, former Chairman of Disneyland International 

"A leadership blueprint, applicable in any organization." -- Captain D. Michael Abrashoff, U.S. Navy (Ret.), and author of It's Your Ship 

"When I first arrived at The Walt Disney Company, I was surprised to find I had to go back to school--at Disney University! There, I learned the fundamentals of guest service that consistently gave Disney a tremendous advantage in the marketplace. Now, anyone can know these secrets of success thanks to Doug Lipp's informative book. No matter what your business, the lessons taught at Disney University will prove invaluable." -- Michael Eisner, Former CEO and Chairman, The Walt Disney Company

When it comes to world-class employees, few organizations rival Disney. Famous for their friendliness, knowledge, passion, and superior customer service, Disney's employees have been fueling the iconic brand's wild success for more than 50 years.

How has Disney succeeded in maintaining such a powerful workforce for so many years? Why are so many corporations and executives drawn to study how Disney continues to exemplify service and leadership standards?

The Disney University, founded by Van France, trains the supporting cast that helps create the world-famous Disney Magic. Now, for the first time, the secrets of this exemplary institution are revealed. In Disney U, Doug Lipp examines how Van perpetuated Walt Disney's timeless company values and leadership lessons, creating a training and development dynasty. It contains never-before-told stories from numerous Disney legends. These pioneers share behind-the-scenes success stories of how they helped bring Walt Disney's dream to life.

Disney U reveals the heart of the Disney culture and describes the company's values and operational philosophies that support the iconic brand. Doug Lipp lays out 13 timeless lessons Disney has used to drive profits and growth worldwide for more than half a century.

To this day, the Disney University continues to turn out some of the most engaged, loyal, and customer-centered employees the business world has ever seen. Using the lessons outlined in Disney U will set your organization on a path of sustained success.

 (Excerpt from

大家來談宮崎駿 = Miyazaki Hayao

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