Monday, January 6, 2014

Leading at The Edge: Leadership Lessons from the Extraordinary Saga of Shackleton's Antarctic Expedition

Dennis N.T. Perkins, with Margaret P. Holtman and Jillian B. Murphy
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Stranded in the frozen Antarctic sea for nearly two years, Sir Ernest Shackleton and his team of 27 polar explorers endured extreme temperatures, hazardous ice, dwindling food, and complete isolation. Despite these seemingly insurmountable obstacles, the group remained cohesive, congenial, and mercifully alive─a fact that speaks not just to luck but to an unparalleled feat of leadership. Drawing on this amazing story, "Leading at The Edge" demonstrates the importance of a strong leader in times of adversity, uncertainty, and change. The book reveals 10 timeless leadership lessons that show readers how to: instill optimism while staying grounded in reality; have the courage to step up to risks worth taking; consistently reinforce the team message; set a personal example; find something to celebrate and something to laugh about; and, never give up. Part adventure tale, part leadership guide, the second edition features additional lessons, new case studies of the strategies in action, tools to uncover and resolve conflicts, and expanded resources. An updated epilogue compares the leadership styles of the famous polar explorers Shackleton, Amundsen, and Scott. Today's leaders have much to learn from this gripping account of survival against all odds. "Leading at The Edge" will help them bring order to chaos-and achieve success in the face of adversity.

(Excerpt from

中國現代小說史 (A History of Modern Chinese Fiction)

夏志淸 著
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《中國現代小說史》是夏志清教授名著A History of Modern Chinese Fiction的中文譯本。在中國現代小說的研究上,本書可謂劃時代的經典之作。夏教授以其融貫中西的學識,論述了中國自五四運動至六十年代初小說的發展;他更超越政治立場及門戶之見,致力於「優美作品之發現和評審」(夏志清語),並深入探求文學的內在道德情操。也是憑著這一股精神,夏教授以過人的識見,對許多現代小說家重新評價;其中最為人所稱道的,便是他「發掘」了不少當時並未受論者注意的作家,如張愛玲和錢鍾書等。 A History of Modern Chinese Fiction的學術地位,歷久不衰,至今仍是有關中國現代小說研究的權威著作。本書之英文版初刊於一九六一年,面世三十多年後,最新之第三版一九九九年 由印第安那大學出版社出版;中文翻譯本自從於一九七九年出版後,隨即成為港台大專院校中文系師生案頭必備的參考書。今由中文大學出版社重新印行之版本,乃在一九七九年友聯版的基礎上,增收王德威教授〈重讀夏志清教授《中國現代小說史》〉一文及劉紹銘教授的新序而成,相信必能滿足各方文學愛好者、研究中國現代小說的專家學者以及師生的需要。


Monday, December 30, 2013

Megachange: The World in 2050

Edited by Daniel Franklin, John Andrews
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In 2050 there will be 9.3 billion people alive - compared with 7 billion today - and the number will still be rising. The population aged over sixty-five will have more than doubled, to more than 16 per cent; China's GDP will be 80 per cent more than America's; and the number of cars on India's roads will have increased by 3,880 per cent. And, in 2050 it should be clear whether we are alone in the universe. What other megachanges can we expect - and what will their impact be? This comprehensive and compelling book will cover the most significant trends that are shaping the coming decades, with each of its twenty chapters elegantly and authoritatively outlined by Economist contributors, and rich in supporting facts and figures. It will chart the rise and fall of fertility rates across continents; how energy resources will change in light of new technology, and how different nations will deal with major developments in science and warfare. Megachange is essential reading for anyone who wants to know what the next four decades hold in store.

(Excerpt from

栽培自己 = Wake Up the Giant Within

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• 成功需要的是:百分之百的熱忱,全心投入的努力,接受挫折的勇氣。
• 讓別人認識並且記得你,是你的責任,而不是對方的義務。
• 容許自己不快樂,是釋放壓力的方式之一。心情不好的時候,不妨發個呆,少做點事,等情緒調整過來,重新出發。
• 重要的事都已事先處置妥當,就不會經常發生緊急的事。
• 眼界的提昇,可用想像的;技巧的增加必須不斷的實驗、練習。你要調整「眼高」和「手低」的距離。
• 偷懶,總有藉口;上進,沒有理由。
• 溝通品質不受口才好壞影響,關鍵在於能否體貼對方。

• 有時候,克制自己不做什麼,比放任自己愛做什麼,要來得積極。
• 打開行動力的關鍵,在於決心。


Monday, December 23, 2013

After Modern Art 1945-2000

David Hopkins
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Modern and contemporary art can be both baffling and beautiful; it can also be innovative, political, and disturbing. This book sets out to provide the first concise interpretation of the period as a whole, clarifying the artists and their works along the way. Closely informed by new critical approaches, it concentrates on the relationship between American and European art from the end of the Second World War to the eve of the new millennium.

Jackson Pollock, Jasper Johns, Yves Klein, Andy Warhol, Louise Bourgeois, Cindy Sherman, and Damien Hirst are among many artists discussed, with careful attention being given to the political and cultural worlds they inhabited. Moving along a clear timeline, the author highlights key movements such as Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Minimalism, Conceptualism, Postmodernism, and performance art to explain the theoretical and issue-based debates that have provided the engine for the art of this period.

(Excerpt from


《世界名畫中的聖經故事》編輯部 編著
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