Monday, October 28, 2013

Say Anything to Anyone, Anywhere: 5 Keys To Successful Cross-Cultural Communication

Gayle Cotton
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
check holdings in CityU LibraryFind

The five steps to successful selling, negotiating, and managing multi-culturally

Say Anything to Anyone, Anywhere gives readers five simple key guidelines to create rapport and organize strategies for success across different cultures. This book teaches to be proactive, not reactive, in your cross-cultural communications and shows how to use simple rapport tools to create trust with the cultures you work with or travel to. Learn how to organize productive interactions in person, on the phone, and by email. Discover interpersonal communication skills and virtual strategies that build strong relationships.

• Offers quick, accessible examples and clear guidelines about how to create an understanding between cultures
• Gives tips and strategies on how to communicate without offending
• Author Gayle Cotton is a Emmy Award Winner and a distinguished, highly sought after speaker, corporate trainer, and executive coach.

This step-by-step guide to cross-cultural business will help you build strong relationships and manage successfully, no matter the cultural differences.

(Excerpt from

同工異曲 : 跨文化閱讀的啟示 = Unexpected Affinities : Reading Across Cultures

張隆溪 著
check holdings in CityU LibraryFind

這本小書的目的不僅在於展示東西方在觀念和主題表現上的契合,而且還要提出一個更強的觀點,即只有從東西方比較研究跨文化的視角,才可能獲得某些批評的洞見。 如果不超越單一文學傳統有限的視野,我們就不可能有開闊的眼光,來縱覽人類創造力的各種表現和無窮的可能性;而我們一旦跨越文化差異的鴻溝,有了開闊的眼光,再回過頭去反觀許多文學作品,就會發現有些東西我們過去竟然沒有留意到,也毫無批評的意識。


Monday, October 21, 2013

A Companion to Television

Edited by Janet Wasko
online access from Blackwell Reference Online
check holdings in CityU LibraryFind

A Companion to Television is a magisterial collection of original essays that chart the history of television from its inception to the present day. Over thirty leading scholars across the humanities and social sciences look at television scholarship as it responded to technological, institutional, and aesthetic changes around the world.

The essays cover a myriad of topics and theories that have led to television's current incarnation, and predict its likely future. From technology and aesthetics, television's relationship to the state, televisual commerce, texts, representation, genre, internationalism, and audience reception and effects, A Companion to Television is an invaluable reference for understanding the significance of television in the modern and postmodern world.
(From the Publisher’s description)

香港新浪潮電影 = Hong Kong New Wave Cinema

卓伯棠 著
online access from Apabi - China digital library
check holdings in CityU LibraryFind




Monday, October 14, 2013

Designing Qualitative Research

Uwe Flick
check holdings in CityU LibraryFind

Providing a comprehensive guide to devising an effective research design, Uwe Flick discusses each stage of the process of designing qualitative research in detail, including formulating a research design, selecting an appropriate strategy, conceptual framework and data source, and collecting and analyzing data.

(Excerpt from

敘事硏究 : 閱讀, 分析和詮釋 (Narrative Research)

艾米婭. 利布裡奇 (Amia Lieblich) , 裡弗卡. 圖沃-瑪沙奇 (Rivka Tuval-Mashiach) , 塔瑪. 奇爾波 (Tamar Zilber)
online access from SuperStar Digital Library
check holdings in CityU LibraryFind

