Caroline Knowles and Douglas Harper
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In 1997 the United Kingdom returned control of Hong Kong to China, ending the city’s status as one of the last remnants of the British Empire and initiating a new phase for it as both a modern city and a hub for global migrations. Hong Kong is a tour of the city’s postcolonial urban landscape, innovatively told through fieldwork and photography.
Caroline Knowles and Douglas Harper’s point of entry into Hong Kong is the unusual position of the British expatriates who chose to remain in the city after the transition. Now a relatively insignificant presence, British migrants in Hong Kong have become intimately connected with another small minority group there: immigrants from Southeast Asia. The lives, journeys, and stories of these two groups bring to life a place where the past continues to resonate for all its residents, even as the city hurtles forward into a future marked by transience and transition. By skillfully blending ethnographic and visual approaches, Hong Kong offers a fascinating guide to a city that is at once unique in its recent history and exemplary of our globalized present.
(Excerpt from
Monday, March 4, 2013
小思 編著
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Monday, February 25, 2013
Leonardo da Vinci: The Marvellous Works of Nature and Man
Martin Kemp
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Martin Kemp, one of the world's leading authorities on Leonardo, takes us on a mesmerizing journey through the whole span of the great man's life, painting a fully integrated picture of his artistic, scientific, and technological achievements. Kemp shows how Leonardo's early training in Florence provided a crucial foundation in the "science of art," particularly perspective and anatomy, while his period in the service of the Sforzas of Milan enlarged his outlook to embrace a wide range of natural sciences and mathematics, as he searched for scientific rules governing both man and the universe. It was these rules, Kemp argues, which provided the basis for his imaginative reconstruction of nature in masterworks such as the Last Supper, The Mona Lisa, and St. John, which reveal his increasingly complex vision of man in the context of nature. And towards the end of his life, Leonardo became fascinated with the mathematics underlying the "design of nature," behind which lay the ultimate force of the "prime mover," as manifested with supreme power in his Deluge drawings. Covering every aspect of Leonardo's achievement, generously illustrated, and now including a new introductory chapter setting Leonardo's work in its historical context, this fully updated edition provides unparalleled insight into the mind of this central figure in western art.
(Excerpt from
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This masterly account of Leonardo da Vinci and his vision of the world has long been recognized as the classic treatment of the Renaissance giant, offering unparalleled insight into Leonardo's intellect and vision at every stage of his artistic career.
Martin Kemp, one of the world's leading authorities on Leonardo, takes us on a mesmerizing journey through the whole span of the great man's life, painting a fully integrated picture of his artistic, scientific, and technological achievements. Kemp shows how Leonardo's early training in Florence provided a crucial foundation in the "science of art," particularly perspective and anatomy, while his period in the service of the Sforzas of Milan enlarged his outlook to embrace a wide range of natural sciences and mathematics, as he searched for scientific rules governing both man and the universe. It was these rules, Kemp argues, which provided the basis for his imaginative reconstruction of nature in masterworks such as the Last Supper, The Mona Lisa, and St. John, which reveal his increasingly complex vision of man in the context of nature. And towards the end of his life, Leonardo became fascinated with the mathematics underlying the "design of nature," behind which lay the ultimate force of the "prime mover," as manifested with supreme power in his Deluge drawings. Covering every aspect of Leonardo's achievement, generously illustrated, and now including a new introductory chapter setting Leonardo's work in its historical context, this fully updated edition provides unparalleled insight into the mind of this central figure in western art.
(Excerpt from
許麗雯 總主編
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Thursday, February 14, 2013
Dangerous Men and Adventurous Women: Romance Writers on the Appeal of the Romance
Edited by Jayne Ann Krentz
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Romance readers and writers will find this collection of essays by some of the most popular romance novelists writing today unique and fascinating. For the first time, these authors explain why romance is so popular, reveal why they write in this genre, explore the unheralded benefits of reading and writing romances and much more.
(Excerpt from 水樣的春愁 : 名家筆下的愛情世界
劉虹 選編
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……翻開《水樣的春愁──名家筆下的愛情世界》,我們立刻又進入了另一方男女情愛的多彩天地,心弦感到微微的顫抖戰慄,撥動它的是愛的憧憬,愛的歡樂,愛的悲傷,和愛的痛苦。對於愛情,古今中外的哲人有過許多精癖的論述:愛使人成為人;愛是通向真理之路;愛讓心靈擁抱世界……。總之,兩性間的情愛,是一種極其高尚美好的情感,它能使人在塵世望見天堂。深諳愛的滋味的作家們,用一支支飛揚靈動的筆,給予人心中這一方聖域的千種風光以充分的展示描繪,或宛曲逶迤,脈脈不盡,或激情澎湃,熾烈炙人。愛情有多少種面貌,筆下就有多少樣色彩。這裡既有敏感孤獨的少年對愛情最初的向往,朦朧迷茫,哀愁淡淡,如夢如烟 (郁達夫《水樣的春愁》)。又有大半生恩愛與共的夫妻,憶昔歲月蹉跎多,惟有數十載風雨同舟,甘苦共嘗,才使得這份鉛華洗淨的愛情,具有了即使地老天荒不會湮滅的堅定與深摰 (黃宗英《快樂的阿丹》)。作為一名極富才情個性的詩人,徐志摩以其“濃得化不開”的詩風揚名天下。他的寫情散文也同樣飽蘸激情,讀他寫給陸小曼的情書《愛眉小札》,分明能感受到一顆渴盼愛情的靈魂的急切的悸動。而一旦相愛多年的伴侶撤手人寰,孤雁單飛,千種掛念,萬般思量,都來心上,那種落寞哀傷,即便是淡淡寫出,也實在是令讀者為之黯然的,巴金的《再憶蕭珊》,孫犁的《亡人軼事》,便都是這類以平實之辭寫沉痛之情的佳作。
(摘錄自書中〈此情綿綿無絕期〉── 《不死鳥》散文系列序)
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……翻開《水樣的春愁──名家筆下的愛情世界》,我們立刻又進入了另一方男女情愛的多彩天地,心弦感到微微的顫抖戰慄,撥動它的是愛的憧憬,愛的歡樂,愛的悲傷,和愛的痛苦。對於愛情,古今中外的哲人有過許多精癖的論述:愛使人成為人;愛是通向真理之路;愛讓心靈擁抱世界……。總之,兩性間的情愛,是一種極其高尚美好的情感,它能使人在塵世望見天堂。深諳愛的滋味的作家們,用一支支飛揚靈動的筆,給予人心中這一方聖域的千種風光以充分的展示描繪,或宛曲逶迤,脈脈不盡,或激情澎湃,熾烈炙人。愛情有多少種面貌,筆下就有多少樣色彩。這裡既有敏感孤獨的少年對愛情最初的向往,朦朧迷茫,哀愁淡淡,如夢如烟 (郁達夫《水樣的春愁》)。又有大半生恩愛與共的夫妻,憶昔歲月蹉跎多,惟有數十載風雨同舟,甘苦共嘗,才使得這份鉛華洗淨的愛情,具有了即使地老天荒不會湮滅的堅定與深摰 (黃宗英《快樂的阿丹》)。作為一名極富才情個性的詩人,徐志摩以其“濃得化不開”的詩風揚名天下。他的寫情散文也同樣飽蘸激情,讀他寫給陸小曼的情書《愛眉小札》,分明能感受到一顆渴盼愛情的靈魂的急切的悸動。而一旦相愛多年的伴侶撤手人寰,孤雁單飛,千種掛念,萬般思量,都來心上,那種落寞哀傷,即便是淡淡寫出,也實在是令讀者為之黯然的,巴金的《再憶蕭珊》,孫犁的《亡人軼事》,便都是這類以平實之辭寫沉痛之情的佳作。
(摘錄自書中〈此情綿綿無絕期〉── 《不死鳥》散文系列序)
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