Joshua D. Angrist, Jörn-Steffen Pischke
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Joshua D. Angrist, together with Guido Imbens, was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2021 “for their methodological contributions to the analysis of causal relationships”.
Applied econometrics, known to aficionados as 'metrics, is the original data science. 'Metrics encompasses the statistical methods economists use to untangle cause and effect in human affairs. Through accessible discussion and with a dose of kung fu–themed humor, Mastering 'Metrics presents the essential tools of econometric research and demonstrates why econometrics is exciting and useful.
The five most valuable econometric methods, or what the authors call the Furious Five--random assignment, regression, instrumental variables, regression discontinuity designs, and differences in differences--are illustrated through well-crafted real-world examples (vetted for awesomeness by Kung Fu Panda's Jade Palace). Does health insurance make you healthier? Randomized experiments provide answers. Are expensive private colleges and selective public high schools better than more pedestrian institutions? Regression analysis and a regression discontinuity design reveal the surprising truth. When private banks teeter, and depositors take their money and run, should central banks step in to save them? Differences-in-differences analysis of a Depression-era banking crisis offers a response. Could arresting O. J. Simpson have saved his ex-wife's life? Instrumental variables methods instruct law enforcement authorities in how best to respond to domestic abuse.
Wielding econometric tools with skill and confidence, Mastering 'Metrics uses data and statistics to illuminate the path from cause to effect.
- Shows why econometrics is important
- Explains econometric research through humorous and accessible discussion
- Outlines empirical methods central to modern econometric practice
- Works through interesting and relevant real-world examples
(Excerpt from
Monday, October 25, 2021
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Monday, October 18, 2021
The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups
Daniel Coyle
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New York Times best seller
The author of The Talent Code unlocks the secrets of highly successful groups and provides tomorrow’s leaders with the tools to build a cohesive, motivated culture.
Named one of the best books of the year by Bloomberg and Library Journal
Where does great culture come from? How do you build and sustain it in your group, or strengthen a culture that needs fixing? In The Culture Code, Daniel Coyle goes inside some of the world’s most successful organizations - including the US Navy’s SEAL Team Six, IDEO, and the San Antonio Spurs - and reveals what makes them tick. He demystifies the culture-building process by identifying three key skills that generate cohesion and cooperation, and explains how diverse groups learn to function with a single mind. Drawing on examples that range from Internet retailer Zappos to the comedy troupe Upright Citizens Brigade to a daring gang of jewel thieves, Coyle offers specific strategies that trigger learning, spark collaboration, build trust, and drive positive change. Coyle unearths helpful stories of failure that illustrate what not to do, troubleshoots common pitfalls, and shares advice about reforming a toxic culture.
Combining leading-edge science, on-the-ground insights from world-class leaders, and practical ideas for action, The Culture Code offers a roadmap for creating an environment where innovation flourishes, problems get solved, and expectations are exceeded. Culture is not something you are - it’s something you do. The Culture Code puts the power in your hands. No matter the size of your group or your goal, this book can teach you the principles of cultural chemistry that transform individuals into teams that can accomplish amazing things together.
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The author of The Talent Code unlocks the secrets of highly successful groups and provides tomorrow’s leaders with the tools to build a cohesive, motivated culture.
Named one of the best books of the year by Bloomberg and Library Journal
Where does great culture come from? How do you build and sustain it in your group, or strengthen a culture that needs fixing? In The Culture Code, Daniel Coyle goes inside some of the world’s most successful organizations - including the US Navy’s SEAL Team Six, IDEO, and the San Antonio Spurs - and reveals what makes them tick. He demystifies the culture-building process by identifying three key skills that generate cohesion and cooperation, and explains how diverse groups learn to function with a single mind. Drawing on examples that range from Internet retailer Zappos to the comedy troupe Upright Citizens Brigade to a daring gang of jewel thieves, Coyle offers specific strategies that trigger learning, spark collaboration, build trust, and drive positive change. Coyle unearths helpful stories of failure that illustrate what not to do, troubleshoots common pitfalls, and shares advice about reforming a toxic culture.
Combining leading-edge science, on-the-ground insights from world-class leaders, and practical ideas for action, The Culture Code offers a roadmap for creating an environment where innovation flourishes, problems get solved, and expectations are exceeded. Culture is not something you are - it’s something you do. The Culture Code puts the power in your hands. No matter the size of your group or your goal, this book can teach you the principles of cultural chemistry that transform individuals into teams that can accomplish amazing things together.
(Excerpt from
文學的40堂公開課: 從神話到當代暢銷書, 文學如何影響我們, 帶領我們理解這個世界 (A Little History of Literature)
約翰.薩德蘭 (John Sutherland)
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★耶魯大學出版社知名「小歷史」(Little History)系列
文學是一種娛樂 傳達生活的面貌、啟發我們去思考;
文學是一場辯論 討論我們的世界,當今的處境和該前往的方向。
作者熟稔地打通古希臘神話、口述文學、中世紀文學、文藝復興時期文學,以及近代、現代與當代文學等人類文明史上各時期的文學發展概況,從《基爾加美緒史詩》、《貝奧武夫》,到《哈利波特》、《達文西密碼》與文學改編電影,以詼諧、輕鬆的語調向讀者引介各時期文學的關鍵詞,點評文學大家、知名作品與其在當時暨後世產生的影響,對作品本身提出易於理解的評論 ......
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文學是一種娛樂 傳達生活的面貌、啟發我們去思考;
文學是一場辯論 討論我們的世界,當今的處境和該前往的方向。
作者熟稔地打通古希臘神話、口述文學、中世紀文學、文藝復興時期文學,以及近代、現代與當代文學等人類文明史上各時期的文學發展概況,從《基爾加美緒史詩》、《貝奧武夫》,到《哈利波特》、《達文西密碼》與文學改編電影,以詼諧、輕鬆的語調向讀者引介各時期文學的關鍵詞,點評文學大家、知名作品與其在當時暨後世產生的影響,對作品本身提出易於理解的評論 ......
Monday, October 11, 2021
The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company
Robert Iger
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#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A memoir of leadership and success: The executive chairman of Disney, Time’s 2019 businessperson of the year, shares the ideas and values he embraced during his fifteen years as CEO while reinventing one of the world’s most beloved companies and inspiring the people who bring the magic to life.
Robert Iger became CEO of The Walt Disney Company in 2005, during a difficult time. Competition was more intense than ever and technology was changing faster than at any time in the company’s history. His vision came down to three clear ideas: Recommit to the concept that quality matters, embrace technology instead of fighting it, and think bigger—think global—and turn Disney into a stronger brand in international markets.
Today, Disney is the largest, most admired media company in the world, counting Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm, and 21st Century Fox among its properties. Its value is nearly five times what it was when Iger took over, and he is recognized as one of the most innovative and successful CEOs of our era.
In The Ride of a Lifetime, Robert Iger shares the lessons he learned while running Disney and leading its 220,000-plus employees, and he explores the principles that are necessary for true leadership, including:
• Optimism. Even in the face of difficulty, an optimistic leader will find the path toward the best possible outcome and focus on that, rather than give in to pessimism and blaming.
• Courage. Leaders have to be willing to take risks and place big bets. Fear of failure destroys creativity.
• Decisiveness. All decisions, no matter how difficult, can be made on a timely basis. Indecisiveness is both wasteful and destructive to morale.
• Fairness. Treat people decently, with empathy, and be accessible to them.
This book is about the relentless curiosity that has driven Iger for forty-five years, since the day he started as the lowliest studio grunt at ABC. It’s also about thoughtfulness and respect, and a decency-over-dollars approach that has become the bedrock of every project and partnership Iger pursues, from a deep friendship with Steve Jobs in his final years to an abiding love of the Star Wars mythology.
“The ideas in this book strike me as universal” Iger writes. “Not just to the aspiring CEOs of the world, but to anyone wanting to feel less fearful, more confidently themselves, as they navigate their professional and even personal lives.”
(Excerpt from
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Robert Iger became CEO of The Walt Disney Company in 2005, during a difficult time. Competition was more intense than ever and technology was changing faster than at any time in the company’s history. His vision came down to three clear ideas: Recommit to the concept that quality matters, embrace technology instead of fighting it, and think bigger—think global—and turn Disney into a stronger brand in international markets.
Today, Disney is the largest, most admired media company in the world, counting Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm, and 21st Century Fox among its properties. Its value is nearly five times what it was when Iger took over, and he is recognized as one of the most innovative and successful CEOs of our era.
In The Ride of a Lifetime, Robert Iger shares the lessons he learned while running Disney and leading its 220,000-plus employees, and he explores the principles that are necessary for true leadership, including:
• Optimism. Even in the face of difficulty, an optimistic leader will find the path toward the best possible outcome and focus on that, rather than give in to pessimism and blaming.
• Courage. Leaders have to be willing to take risks and place big bets. Fear of failure destroys creativity.
• Decisiveness. All decisions, no matter how difficult, can be made on a timely basis. Indecisiveness is both wasteful and destructive to morale.
• Fairness. Treat people decently, with empathy, and be accessible to them.
This book is about the relentless curiosity that has driven Iger for forty-five years, since the day he started as the lowliest studio grunt at ABC. It’s also about thoughtfulness and respect, and a decency-over-dollars approach that has become the bedrock of every project and partnership Iger pursues, from a deep friendship with Steve Jobs in his final years to an abiding love of the Star Wars mythology.
“The ideas in this book strike me as universal” Iger writes. “Not just to the aspiring CEOs of the world, but to anyone wanting to feel less fearful, more confidently themselves, as they navigate their professional and even personal lives.”
(Excerpt from
情緒靈敏力:哈佛心理學家教你4步驟與情緒脫鉤 (Emotional Agility)
蘇珊‧大衛 (Susan David)
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★ 2017 Axiom Business Book Awards
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★ 2017 Axiom Business Book Awards
Monday, October 4, 2021
The Code Breaker : Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race
Walter Isaacson
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'The Code Breaker’s confident, cinematic style makes Crispr accessible like never before, taking readers on a journey that is exciting, as well as ethically treacherous.' – The Financial Times
'A page-turner. It weaves history and contemporary events into a narrative propelled by the career of its protagonist, Jennifer Doudna.' – The Economist
‘Nobody knows this stuff and these people, and explains them, quite like Isaacson. If you need to know about CRISPR – and you do – this is the place to start.' – The Sunday Times
The best-selling author of Leonardo da Vinci and Steve Jobs returns.
In 2012, Nobel Prize winning scientist Jennifer Doudna hit upon an invention that will transform the future of the human race: an easy-to-use tool that can edit DNA.
Known as CRISPR, it opened a brave new world of medical miracles and moral questions. It has already been deployed to cure deadly diseases, fight the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, and make inheritable changes in the genes of babies.
But what does that mean for humanity? Should we be hacking our own DNA to make us less susceptible to disease? Should we democratise the technology that would allow parents to enhance their kids?
After discovering this CRISPR, Doudna is now wrestling these even bigger issues.
The Code Breaker is an examination of how life as we know it is about to change – and a brilliant portrayal of the woman leading the way.
'The Code Breaker’s confident, cinematic style makes Crispr accessible like never before, taking readers on a journey that is exciting, as well as ethically treacherous.' The Financial Times
'The CRISPR history holds obvious appeal for Walter Isaacson, a biographer of Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Steve Jobs and Leonardo da Vinci. In “The Code Breaker” he reprises several of his previous themes — science, genius, experiment, code, thinking different — and devotes a full length book to a female subject for the first time. Jennifer Doudna, a genuine heroine for our time, may be the code breaker of the book’s title, but she is only part of Isaacson’s story... The Code Breaker” is in some respects a journal of our 2020 plague year. By the final chapter, Isaacson has enrolled in a vaccine trial' - New York Times
‘Nobody knows this stuff and these people, and explains them, quite like Isaacson. If you need to know about CRISPR — and you do — this is the place to start' - The Sunday Times
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'A page-turner. It weaves history and contemporary events into a narrative propelled by the career of its protagonist, Jennifer Doudna.' – The Economist
‘Nobody knows this stuff and these people, and explains them, quite like Isaacson. If you need to know about CRISPR – and you do – this is the place to start.' – The Sunday Times
The best-selling author of Leonardo da Vinci and Steve Jobs returns.
In 2012, Nobel Prize winning scientist Jennifer Doudna hit upon an invention that will transform the future of the human race: an easy-to-use tool that can edit DNA.
Known as CRISPR, it opened a brave new world of medical miracles and moral questions. It has already been deployed to cure deadly diseases, fight the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, and make inheritable changes in the genes of babies.
But what does that mean for humanity? Should we be hacking our own DNA to make us less susceptible to disease? Should we democratise the technology that would allow parents to enhance their kids?
After discovering this CRISPR, Doudna is now wrestling these even bigger issues.
The Code Breaker is an examination of how life as we know it is about to change – and a brilliant portrayal of the woman leading the way.
'The Code Breaker’s confident, cinematic style makes Crispr accessible like never before, taking readers on a journey that is exciting, as well as ethically treacherous.' The Financial Times
'The CRISPR history holds obvious appeal for Walter Isaacson, a biographer of Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Steve Jobs and Leonardo da Vinci. In “The Code Breaker” he reprises several of his previous themes — science, genius, experiment, code, thinking different — and devotes a full length book to a female subject for the first time. Jennifer Doudna, a genuine heroine for our time, may be the code breaker of the book’s title, but she is only part of Isaacson’s story... The Code Breaker” is in some respects a journal of our 2020 plague year. By the final chapter, Isaacson has enrolled in a vaccine trial' - New York Times
‘Nobody knows this stuff and these people, and explains them, quite like Isaacson. If you need to know about CRISPR — and you do — this is the place to start' - The Sunday Times
(Excerpt from
免疫解碼 : 免疫科學的最新發現, 未來醫療的生死關鍵 (An Elegant Defense)
麥特.瑞克托 (Matt Richtel)
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♦ 普立茲獎得主暨《紐約時報》暢銷作家麥特.瑞克托的最新醫療新知鉅作。
♦ 深度訪談數十位世界知名重量級科學家和免疫專家,其中不乏在免疫研究上發明關鍵疫苗和藥物以及做出突破性實驗和研究成果的學者專家,如免疫學先驅雅克‧米勒(Dr. Jacques Miller)、弗契(Dr. Anthony Fauci)、2018年諾貝爾生理及醫學獎得主美國免疫學者艾利森(James Allison)和京都大學高等研究院特別教授本庶佑(Tasuku Honjo)等人,更為本書增添科學信實佐證。
♦ BBC「本月必讀的十本書」、《紐約書評》、《華盛頓郵報》、《華爾街日報》、《洛杉磯書評》、《今日美國》、《科克斯書評》、《書單》、《出版人週刊》一致好評口碑推薦!
作者更廣泛與數十位世界知名科學家做全新深度訪談,豎立里程碑,如2018年諾貝爾生醫獎得主美國免疫學者艾利森(James Allison)和日本免疫學家本庶佑等人,以平衡的態度調查最深沉的生存之謎,成就一個個深刻動人的人性故事,透過四位主角的眼睛,映照出我們「優雅防禦」的重要面向,解碼人體免疫系統和健康及生死的祕密!
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♦ 普立茲獎得主暨《紐約時報》暢銷作家麥特.瑞克托的最新醫療新知鉅作。
♦ 深度訪談數十位世界知名重量級科學家和免疫專家,其中不乏在免疫研究上發明關鍵疫苗和藥物以及做出突破性實驗和研究成果的學者專家,如免疫學先驅雅克‧米勒(Dr. Jacques Miller)、弗契(Dr. Anthony Fauci)、2018年諾貝爾生理及醫學獎得主美國免疫學者艾利森(James Allison)和京都大學高等研究院特別教授本庶佑(Tasuku Honjo)等人,更為本書增添科學信實佐證。
♦ BBC「本月必讀的十本書」、《紐約書評》、《華盛頓郵報》、《華爾街日報》、《洛杉磯書評》、《今日美國》、《科克斯書評》、《書單》、《出版人週刊》一致好評口碑推薦!
作者更廣泛與數十位世界知名科學家做全新深度訪談,豎立里程碑,如2018年諾貝爾生醫獎得主美國免疫學者艾利森(James Allison)和日本免疫學家本庶佑等人,以平衡的態度調查最深沉的生存之謎,成就一個個深刻動人的人性故事,透過四位主角的眼睛,映照出我們「優雅防禦」的重要面向,解碼人體免疫系統和健康及生死的祕密!
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