Monday, July 25, 2016

Book Smart: Your Essential Reading List for Becoming a Literary Genius in 365 Days

Jane Mallison
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Like taking a private class with an engaging literature professor, Book Smart is your ticket for literary enlightenment all year long and for the rest of your life. Whether you're a passionate turner of pages or you aspire to be better-read, Book Smart expands your knowledge and enjoyment with a month-by-month plan that tackles 120 of the most compelling books of all time.

Throughout the year, each book comes alive with historical notes, highlights on key themes and characters, and advice on how to approach reading. 

Here is a sampling of what you can expect:

January: Make a fresh start with classics like Beowulf and Dante's Inferno

April: Welcome spring in the company of strong women like Jane Eyre, Anna Karenina, and Vanity Fair's Becky Sharpe

August: Bring a breath of fresh air to summer's heat with comedic works from Kingsley Amis and Oscar Wilde

October: Get back to school with young people struggling to grow up in classics like Little Women and recent bestsellers such as The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

December: Celebrate year's end with big prizewinners such as The Remains of the Day and Leaves of Grass

(Excerpt from

享用一生一世的恩賜 : 影響我們人生信仰的49本書

楊薇編 著
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《老人與海》~海明威   在與極限的抗爭中成長
《懺悔錄》~(法)盧梭  人生從審視自己開始
《鋼鐵是怎樣練成的》~(蘇聯)奧斯特洛夫斯基   人生並非遂己所願,而是盡己所能
《貝多芬傳》~(法)羅曼‧羅蘭   苦難是人生的養分
《悲慘世界》~(法)雨果   不幸讓我們認知幸福
《簡愛》~(英)夏綠蒂‧勃朗特   人格的平等展現人的尊嚴
《人生的智慧》~(德)叔本華   真正的幸福之源就在我們自身
《約翰‧克利斯多夫》~(法)羅曼‧羅蘭   英雄就是竭盡所能的人
《活著》~(中)余華   為了活著本身而活著
《復活》~(俄)托爾斯泰   美好的生活來自於美好的靈魂
小王子~(法)聖‧艾修伯里   人的幸福在責任的承擔之中
《聖經》~不詳 人生的說明書
《圍城》~(中)錢鍾書   人的一生就是在突圍
《湖濱散季》~(美)梭羅   快樂源於簡單
《渴望生活》~(美)歐文‧史東   執著是追求卓越者的品格
《假如給我三天光明》(美)海倫‧凱勒   感恩是人生的美德
《哈姆雷特》~(英)莎士比亞    自省是人生的財富
《頌歌集》~(印)泰戈爾   寧靜的精神
《追憶似水年華》~(法)馬歇爾‧普魯斯特   珍惜是生命的延續
《三國演義》~(中)羅貫中   大志造就英雄
《最後的十四堂課》~(美)米奇‧艾爾邦   人生最重要的是要施愛於人
平凡的世界~(中)路遙   平凡就是幸福
《浮華世界》~(英)薩克雷   浮華不過是一場雲煙
《寬容》~(美)房龍   寬容代表著心智與精神上的成功
《流亡的牛虻》~(愛爾蘭)艾瑟爾‧伏尼契   生命是創造自己的過程
《歐葉妮‧葛德蘭》~(法)巴爾札克   貪婪是奴役靈魂的枷鎖
《送信給加西亞》~(美)阿爾伯特‧哈伯德   責任源於忠誠
《刺鳥》~(澳)考琳‧麥卡洛   有一種選擇叫不後悔
麥田捕手(美)傑羅姆‧大衛‧塞林格   每個人都是自己靈魂的守望者
《變形記》~(奧)卡夫卡   只有屈服於命運的人,沒有敗給命運的人
《富蘭克林自傳》~(美)班傑明‧富蘭克林   美德是成功必備的品質
《少年維特的煩惱》~(德)歌德  一味妥協就是墮落
《魯賓遜漂流記》~(英)丹尼爾‧笛福   活著的是軀體,生活著的是靈魂
安妮的日記~(荷)安妮‧弗朗克   在絕境中自己製造希望
《傅雷家書》~(中)傅雷   保有一顆赤子之心
《格列佛遊記》~(英)斯威夫特   人性的反光鏡
《伊索寓言》~不詳   生活就是一個寓言
《唐吉軻德》~(西)賽凡提斯   理想鑄就品格
《道德經》~(中)老子   萬經之王
智慧書~(西)葛拉西安   明慎是使人臻於完美的策略
《馬丁‧伊登》~(美)傑克‧倫敦   人生的醜陋是美好的鏡子
《昆蟲記》~(法)法布爾   對生命要心存敬畏
《尤里西斯》~(德)詹姆斯‧喬伊斯   尋找失落的自我
《一千零一夜》~不詳   童話裏的人生智慧
《湯姆叔叔的小屋》~斯托夫人  只有自己才能拯救自己
《草葉集》~(美)惠特曼   詩是生命的凱歌
生命中不能承受之輕~(捷克)米蘭‧昆德拉   以生活之輕抗衡生活之重
《飄》~(美)瑪格麗特‧密契爾   有真愛便有希望
《盔甲騎士》~(美)羅伯特‧費希爾   人生就是經營自我的過程


Monday, July 18, 2016

Mr. and Mrs. Dog: Our Travels, Trials, Adventures, and Epiphanies

Donald McCaig
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Donald McCaig draws on twenty-five years of experience raising sheepdogs to vividly describe his―and his dogs June and Luke’s―unlikely progress toward and participation in the World Sheepdog Trials in Wales.

McCaig engagingly chronicles the often grueling experience ―through rain, snow, ice storms, and brain-numbing heat―of preparing and trialing Mrs. Dog, June, "a foxy lady in a slinky black-and-white peignoir," and Mr. Dog, Luke, "a plain worker―no flash to him." Along the way, he relays sage advice from his decades spent talking with America’s most renowned dog experts, from police-dog trainers to positive-training gurus. toward and participation in the World Sheepdog Trials in Wales.

... Mr. and Mrs. Dog delivers far more than straightforward dog-training tips. Revealing an abiding love and respect for his dogs, McCaig unveils the life experiences that set him on the long road to the Welsh trial fields ... In his narration of one man’s love for his dogs, McCaig offers a powerful portrayal of the connection between humans and their animal companions.

(Excerpt from


陳子善 編
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Monday, July 11, 2016

The forbidden worlds of Haruki Murakami (村上春樹)

Matthew Carl Strecher
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In an “other world” composed of language—it could be a fathomless Martian well, a labyrinthine hotel or forest—a narrative unfolds, and with it the experiences, memories, and dreams that constitute reality for Haruki Murakami’s characters and readers alike. Memories and dreams in turn conjure their magical counterparts—people without names or pasts, fantastic animals, half-animals, and talking machines that traverse the dark psychic underworld of this writer’s extraordinary fiction.

Fervently acclaimed worldwide, Murakami’s wildly imaginative work in many ways remains a mystery, its worlds within worlds uncharted territory. Finally in this book readers will find a map to the strange realm that grounds virtually every aspect of Murakami’s writing. A journey through the enigmatic and baffling innermost mind, a metaphysical dimension where Murakami’s most bizarre scenes and characters lurk, The Forbidden Worlds of Haruki Murakami exposes the psychological and mythological underpinnings of this other world. Matthew Carl Strecher shows how these considerations color Murakami’s depictions of the individual and collective soul, which constantly shift between the tangible and intangible but in this literary landscape are undeniably real.

(Excerpt from


夏目漱石 著
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Monday, July 4, 2016

Imperial Illusions: Crossing Pictorial Boundaries in the Qing Palaces

Kristina Kleutghen
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In the Forbidden City and other palaces around Beijing, Emperor Qianlong (r. 1736-1795) surrounded himself with monumental paintings of architecture, gardens, people, and faraway places. The best artists of the imperial painting academy, including a number of European missionary painters, used Western perspectival illusionism to transform walls and ceilings with visually striking images that were also deeply meaningful to Qianlong. These unprecedented works not only offer new insights into late imperial China’s most influential emperor, but also reflect one way in which Chinese art integrated and domesticated foreign ideas ...

(Description from publisher's website)

Giuseppe Castiglione – Lang Shining New Media Art Exhibition” is being staged at City University of Hong Kong until 25 August 2016. The exhibition combines analog and digital technologies to present the masterpieces of Giuseppe Castiglione (1688-1766), an Italian Jesuit missionary who became a highly influential painter at the imperial court of the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong Emperors.

跟徐志摩去流浪: 英倫文學飛翔版圖

謝金玄 著
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