Monday, October 9, 2023

Where Research Begins: Choosing a Research Project That Matters to You (and the World)

Thomas S. Mullaney, Christopher Rea
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Plenty of books tell you how to do research. This book helps you figure out WHAT to research in the first place, and why it matters.

The hardest part of research isn't answering a question. It's knowing what to do before you know what your question is. Where Research Begins tackles the two challenges every researcher faces with every new project: How do I find a compelling problem to investigate—one that truly matters to me, deeply and personally? How do I then design my research project so that the results will matter to anyone else?

This book will help you start your new research project the right way for you with a series of simple yet ingenious exercises. Written in a conversational style and packed with real-world examples, this easy-to-follow workbook offers an engaging guide to finding research inspiration within yourself, and in the broader world of ideas.

(Excerpt from

解讀者 : 讓閱讀進階,接軌真實情境和真實問題

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Monday, October 2, 2023

ChatGPT & Social Media Marketing

Ryan Turner
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Do you want to know the power of ChatGPT?
Do you want to create engaging content in a simple, automatic, and fast way?
Are you looking to reach a wider audience and increase the visibility of your brand?

Capture the attention of your audience with the power of Artificial Intelligence!
With ChatGPT, the future of social media marketing is here.

We live in an increasingly digital and connected world, where social media has become an integral part of our daily life.

But how can we use these tools to promote our brand and achieve our marketing goals?
ChatGPT is one of the most advanced artificial intelligence technologies available on the market.
This book explores how this powerful language model is changing the way we interact with technology and how you can use it to your advantage.

Discover how to:
- Understand the functioning of ChatGPT and how to best use this tool
- Use ChatGPT to analyze social media data and obtain information about your customers and their buying habits
- Create high-quality content that captures the attention of your customers on social media
- Take advantage of ChatGPT to optimize your social media marketing campaigns and achieve better results
- Save time and increase efficiency by creating content quickly and effortlessly, saving valuable time that you can invest in other activities.

(Excerpt from

高所得者的高效閱讀法 : 閱讀的目的很多,而為了提高收入.拓展人際關係.職涯發展,你最需要學會這套革命性閱讀法

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此外,你會用上帝視角讀一本書嗎? ......


Monday, September 25, 2023

Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches Sixth Edition

John W. Creswell, J. David Creswell
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The sixth edition of the best-selling text, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches by John W. Creswell and J. David Creswell, continues to provide clear and concise instruction for designing research projects or developing research proposals. This user-friendly text walks readers through research methods, from reviewing the literature to writing a research question and stating a hypothesis to designing the study. At each step in the process, the authors address qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches to encourage readers to choose the approach that best fits the research question. Numerous examples draw from a wide variety of disciplines, featuring diverse philosophical ideas and modes of inquiry. Features like bullet points, numbered steps, and annotated research examples help students focus on the most important information in research design.

The Sixth Edition has been fully revised to reflect the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association with more inclusive language, updated citation styles, and updated writing suggestions. Learning objectives are now included at the start of each chapter. To help readers better achieve these learning objectives, the authors have clarified and improved the writing exercises to help readers better achieve these learning objectives. The final three chapters detailing qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods now have a parallel structure so readers can better compare and contrast these approaches. Chapter 10 on mixed methods in particular has been restructured to reflect the latest developments in mixed methods and best practices. New research examples throughout help capture and demonstrate new trends in research.

(Excerpt from


謝耀漢, John Prentice
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本書的兩位作者謝耀漢(Joseph、John Prentice)曾於2017年合著過一本Hong Kong Tramways,如今推出中文版《由電線車說起——駛過百年的軌跡》,將斷代的百年電車歷史重新拼合,二人融合彼此對電車的熱情、豐富知識經驗,與讀者在書中一同領略電車的趣味與意義。
