Monday, October 4, 2021

The Code Breaker : Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race

Walter Isaacson
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'The Code Breaker’s confident, cinematic style makes Crispr accessible like never before, taking readers on a journey that is exciting, as well as ethically treacherous.' – The Financial Times

'A page-turner. It weaves history and contemporary events into a narrative propelled by the career of its protagonist, Jennifer Doudna.' – The Economist

‘Nobody knows this stuff and these people, and explains them, quite like Isaacson. If you need to know about CRISPR – and you do – this is the place to start.' – The Sunday Times

The best-selling author of Leonardo da Vinci and Steve Jobs returns.

In 2012, Nobel Prize winning scientist Jennifer Doudna hit upon an invention that will transform the future of the human race: an easy-to-use tool that can edit DNA.

Known as CRISPR, it opened a brave new world of medical miracles and moral questions. It has already been deployed to cure deadly diseases, fight the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, and make inheritable changes in the genes of babies.

But what does that mean for humanity? Should we be hacking our own DNA to make us less susceptible to disease? Should we democratise the technology that would allow parents to enhance their kids?

After discovering this CRISPR, Doudna is now wrestling these even bigger issues.

The Code Breaker is an examination of how life as we know it is about to change – and a brilliant portrayal of the woman leading the way.

'The Code Breaker’s confident, cinematic style makes Crispr accessible like never before, taking readers on a journey that is exciting, as well as ethically treacherous.' The Financial Times

'The CRISPR history holds obvious appeal for Walter Isaacson, a biographer of Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Steve Jobs and Leonardo da Vinci. In “The Code Breaker” he reprises several of his previous themes — science, genius, experiment, code, thinking different — and devotes a full length book to a female subject for the first time. Jennifer Doudna, a genuine heroine for our time, may be the code breaker of the book’s title, but she is only part of Isaacson’s story... The Code Breaker” is in some respects a journal of our 2020 plague year. By the final chapter, Isaacson has enrolled in a vaccine trial' - New York Times

‘Nobody knows this stuff and these people, and explains them, quite like Isaacson. If you need to know about CRISPR — and you do — this is the place to start' - The Sunday Times

(Excerpt from

免疫解碼 : 免疫科學的最新發現, 未來醫療的生死關鍵 (An Elegant Defense)

麥特.瑞克托 (Matt Richtel)
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♦ 普立茲獎得主暨《紐約時報》暢銷作家麥特.瑞克托的最新醫療新知鉅作。

♦ 深度訪談數十位世界知名重量級科學家和免疫專家,其中不乏在免疫研究上發明關鍵疫苗和藥物以及做出突破性實驗和研究成果的學者專家,如免疫學先驅雅克‧米勒(Dr. Jacques Miller)、弗契(Dr. Anthony Fauci)、2018年諾貝爾生理及醫學獎得主美國免疫學者艾利森(James Allison)和京都大學高等研究院特別教授本庶佑(Tasuku Honjo)等人,更為本書增添科學信實佐證。

♦ BBC「本月必讀的十本書」、《紐約書評》、《華盛頓郵報》、《華爾街日報》、《洛杉磯書評》、《今日美國》、《科克斯書評》、《書單》、《出版人週刊》一致好評口碑推薦!


作者更廣泛與數十位世界知名科學家做全新深度訪談,豎立里程碑,如2018年諾貝爾生醫獎得主美國免疫學者艾利森(James Allison)和日本免疫學家本庶佑等人,以平衡的態度調查最深沉的生存之謎,成就一個個深刻動人的人性故事,透過四位主角的眼睛,映照出我們「優雅防禦」的重要面向,解碼人體免疫系統和健康及生死的祕密!


Monday, September 27, 2021

Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life

Nir Eyal
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"Indistractable provides a framework that will deliver the focus you need to get results."
- James Clear, author of Atomic Habits

You sit down at your desk to work on an important project, but a notification on your phone interrupts your morning. Later, as you're about to get back to work, a colleague taps you on the shoulder to chat. At home, screens get in the way of quality time with your family. Another day goes by, and once again, your most important personal and professional goals are put on hold.

What would be possible if you followed through on your best intentions? What could you accomplish if you could stay focused and overcome distractions? What if you had the power to become "indistractable?"

International bestselling author, former Stanford lecturer, and behavioral design expert, Nir Eyal, wrote Silicon Valley's handbook for making technology habit-forming. Five years after publishing Hooked, Eyal reveals distraction's Achilles' heel in his groundbreaking new book.

In Indistractable, Eyal reveals the hidden psychology driving us to distraction. He describes why solving the problem is not as simple as swearing off our devices: Abstinence is impractical and often makes us want more.

Eyal lays bare the secret of finally doing what you say you will do with a four-step, research-backed model. Indistractable reveals the key to getting the best out of technology, without letting it get the best of us.

Inside, Eyal overturns conventional wisdom and reveals:
♦ Why distraction at work is a symptom of a dysfunctional company culture--and how to fix it
♦ What really drives human behavior and why "time management is pain management"
♦ Why your relationships (and your sex life) depend on you becoming indistractable
♦ How to raise indistractable children in an increasingly distracting world

Empowering and optimistic, Indistractable provides practical, novel techniques to control your time and attention--helping you live the life you really want.

(Excerpt from


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Monday, September 20, 2021

From Inquiry to Academic Writing: A Text and Reader

Stuart Greene, April Lidinsky
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From Inquiry to Academic Writing helps students understand academic culture and its ways of thinking, reading, and writing. With a practical and widely proven step-by-step approach, the text demystifies cross-curricular thinking and writing. An extensive thematic reader brings students into interdisciplinary conversations that not only bear on their college careers but also reflect larger cultural issues that they will encounter outside the academy. The fifth edition includes 23 new readings (forty percent) and an increased emphasis on using critical reading to evaluate multiple perspectives and stretch beyond binary thinking.

Achieve for From Inquiry to Academic Writing is a dedicated composition space that guides students through drafting, peer review, source check, reflection, and revision.

(Excerpt from


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