Monday, September 24, 2018

Critical Reading and Writing for Postgraduates

by Mike Wallace, Alison Wray
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Reading critically, and writing using critical techniques, are crucial skills you need to apply to your academic work. Practical and engaging, Critical Reading and Writing for Postgraduates is bursting with tools for analysing texts and structuring critical reviews, helping you to gradually build your skills beyond undergraduate level and gain confidence in your ability to critically read and write.

New to this 3rd edition:
  • Introduces a technique for developing critical thinking skills by interrogating paper abstracts
  • Additional diagrams, exercises and concept explanations, enabling you to more easily understand and apply the various approaches

A glossary, to help with understanding of key terms. Also new for this edition, a Companion Website provides additional resources to help you apply the critical techniques you learn. From templates and checklists, access to SAGE journal articles and additional case studies, these free resources will make sure you successfully master advanced critical skills.

If you need to engage with published (or unpublished) literature such as essays, dissertations or theses, research papers or oral presentations, this proven guide helps you develop a reflective and advanced critical approach to your research and writing.

(Excerpt from

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

大退潮:全球化的終結與歷史的回歸 (Grave New World)

史帝芬‧金恩 (Stephen D. King)
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在《大退潮》這本挑動人心的新書中,英國經濟學家史帝芬.金恩以赫胥黎的反烏托邦名著《美麗新世界》(Brave New World)借喻,敲響全球化或將終結的警鐘。他融合經濟、歷史、地理、政治哲學與當前國際局勢(包括美國退出TPP、中國推行一帶一路、俄羅斯併吞克里米亞),解釋全球化倘若告終,世界經濟秩序將陷入何種境地。








Monday, September 17, 2018

How to Do Your Research Project : A Guide for Students

by Gary Thomas
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How to Do Your Research Project continues to lead the way as an essential guide for anyone undertaking a research project in the applied social sciences. The new Third Edition of this best-selling title now includes further advice on concluding, writing, and presenting research, using social media and digital methods, and understanding how to effectively work with supervisors. Setting out a clear and detailed road map, author Gary Thomas guides the reader through the different stages of a research project, explaining key steps, and processes at each level in refreshingly jargon-free terms.

Readers will learn:
  • How to choose your research question 
  • Project management and study skills 
  • Effective literature reviews 
  • Methodology, theory, and research design frames 
  • Ethics and access 
  • Data collection tools 
  • Effective data analysis 
  • Discussing findings, concluding, and writing up
(Excerpt from

創意天才的蝴蝶思考術 (The Net and the Butterfly)

奧麗薇亞‧福克斯‧卡本尼 (Olivia Fox Cabane), 朱達‧波拉克 (Judah Pollack)
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◆ 暢銷書《魅力學》作者最新著作
◆ Amazon.com讀者五星好評






Monday, September 10, 2018

Expand Your English: A Guide to Improving Your Academic Vocabulary

by Steve Hart
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Writing academic prose in English is especially difficult for non-native speakers, largely because the standard vocabulary used in this genre can be quite different from colloquial English. Expand Your English A Guide to Improving Your Academic Vocabulary is a unique and invaluable guide that will enable the reader to overcome this hurdle. It will become the favourite go-to reference book for both beginners and for intermediate learners struggling with the complexities of English-language academic writing.

Steve Hart covers 1,000 vocabulary items that are essential for good academic writing. The first section describes 200 key terms in detail, grouping them into logical sets of 10. Through careful repetition, the reader will find it easy to retain, retrieve, and reuse these essential phrases. The second section explains a further 800 terms, grouping them according to function, meaning, and the areas of an essay where they are likely to be used. The expansive scope of Expand Your English gives non-native speakers all the vocabulary tools they need to master this difficult style of writing.

(Excerpt from

Deep Work深度工作力 : 淺薄時代,個人成功的關鍵能力

卡爾‧紐波特 (Cal Newport)
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★ AMAZON 2016年度最佳商業/領導書





  1 確立你的工作哲學
  2 建立深度工作的儀式
  3 大動作投入深度工作
  4 別獨自工作
  5 像經營企業般執行
  6 要懶惰
  7 別逃避分心,要逃避專注
  8 學老羅斯福那樣工作
  9 練習生產性冥想
  10 練習記憶一副牌
  11 根據「重要少數法則」選擇網路工具
  12 利用「斷線實驗」篩選社群媒體
  13 別用網際網路來娛樂自己
  14 安排工作日的每一分鐘
  15 量化每一種活動的深度
  16 確認淺薄工作的時間比率
  17 在五點半前結束你的工作
  18 讓自己難以連絡


Monday, September 3, 2018

The Novel Cure : An A-Z of Literary Remedies

by Susan Elderkin & Ella Berthoud
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Are you weary in Brain and Body?
Do you desire a Positive Cure for your Pessimism?
Do you require Bronte to re-boot your Broken Heart?
Do you despair of your Nose?
Can Fielding open your Flood Gates?
Or Pynchon purge your Paranoia?
May we administer Austen to curb your Arrogance?
Hemingway for your Headache?
An injection of du Maurier for your low Self-Esteem?
Are you Shy, Single, Stressed or Sixty?
Are your Vital Statistics in need of some Spark?
May we massage you with Murakami?
Ease your pain with Woolf or Wodehouse?
Do you require the Very Book to lessen your Loneliness?

The Novel Cure is a medical handbook, with a difference. Whether you have a stubbed toe or a severe case of the blues, within these pages you'll find a cure in the form of a novel to help ease your pain. You'll also find advice on how to tackle common reading ailments - such as what to do when you feel overwhelmed by the number of books in the world, or you have a tendency to give up halfway through. When read at the right moment, a novel can change your life, and The Novel Cure is an enchanting reminder of that power.

(Excerpt from

為什麼讀書?偉大讀者的必然與非必然 ( Pourquoi Lire?)

夏爾.丹齊格 (Charles Dantzig)
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● 因愛而讀書 ● 為書名而讀書 ● 為了自我反駁而讀書 ● 為了學習而讀書
● 為了自我安慰而讀書 ● 為了健康而讀書啊啊 ● 為了享樂而讀書
● 為了孤立自我而讀書 ● 為了知道閱讀並不能改善什麼而讀書
● 為了已經讀過而讀書 ● 為了不逃避而讀書

■ 在功利主義的世界裡,人們為維繫著獨立思考的超然姿態而讀書。



