Monday, July 29, 2013

Global Culture/Individual Identity: Searching for Home in the Cultural Supermarket

Gordon Mathews
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Most people still think of themselves as belonging to a particular culture. Yet today, many of us who live in affluent societies choose aspects of our lives from a global cultural supermarket, whether in terms of food, the arts or spiritual beliefs. So if roots are becoming simply one more consumer choice, can we still claim to possess a fundamental cultural identity? Global Culture/Individual Identity focuses on three groups for whom the tension between a particular national culture and the global cultural supermarket is especially acute: Japanese artists, American religious seekers and Hong Kong intellectuals after the handover to China. These ethnographic case studies form the basis for a theory of culture which we can all see reflected in our own lives.

Gordon Mathews opens up the complex and debated topics of globalization, culture and identity in a clear and lively style.

(Excerpt from

巴黎文學地圖 (Paris)

邁克.杰拉德 (Mike Gerrard)
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Monday, July 22, 2013

The Go-getter: A Story that Tells You How to Be One

By Peter Bernard Kyne
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"The Go Getter" is the story of William Peck, a war veteran and amputee, who will not be refused what he wants. Peck not only fights to find employment, but continually proves himself more than competent at the many difficult tests that are thrown his way in the course of his early days with the Ricks Lumber Company. This volume also features Cappy Ricks, the protagonist of many Kyne stories.

(Excerpt from

不可征服:納爾遜.曼德拉治國傳奇 (Invictus)

約翰.卡林 (John Carlin)
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約翰‧卡林(John Carlin),從業近30年的資深記者,出生於倫敦,畢業自牛津大學,職業生涯足跡遍及美國、阿根廷、墨西哥、南非諸國,曾擔任英國《獨立報》駐南非、駐美國記者站負責人,為《紐約時報》、《星期日泰晤士報》、《每日電訊報》等多家權威媒體撰稿,現為西班牙著名大報《國家報》的資深國際撰稿人。


Monday, July 15, 2013

Cut to the Chase: and 99 Other Rules to Liberate Yourself and Gain Back the Gift of Time

Stuart R. Levine
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In Cut to the Chase, bestselling author Stuart R. Levine reveals 100 no-nonsense rules on how to be more effective at work and make the best use of your most precious resource: your time.

Just before CEO and consultant Stuart Levine appeared on the Today show to discuss his book The Six Fundamentals of Success, co-host Matt Lauer said to him, "You know what really drives me nuts? When people come into my office for a five-minute conversation and an hour later, they're still there! Why can't they cut to the chase?"

Lauer's question echoed the concerns Levine has heard from business people and top executives at every level: How can I get more done? How can I stay focused? How can I condense my workday so that I can become more successful and still spend more time with the people I love?

Levine's answer? By cutting to the chase. Successful individuals are the ones who make the best use of their time and energy. They approach each task with clarity, focus, and purpose. They prioritize. They don't allow others to waste their time. They understand the importance of refueling their batteries outside of work. In Cut to the Chase, Levine distills the expertise of hundreds of CEOs, leaders, and professionals into 100 concise, invaluable lessons about how to get to the point, stay on track, and be more successful in everything you do.

In an age where we spend more hours at work than ever before, Cut to the Chase is the indispensable guide for taking control over your time so that you can lead a happier, more balanced life.

(Excerpt from


格拉寧 (D. Granin)
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Monday, July 8, 2013

Art and Artists of Twentieth-Century China

Michael Sullivan
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This visually stunning book focuses on the rebirth of Chinese art in the twentieth century under the influence of Western art and culture. Michael Sullivan, recognized throughout the world as a leading scholar of Chinese art, vividly documents the conflicting pulls of traditional and Western values on Chinese art and provides 364 illustrations, in color and black-and-white, to show the great range of artistic expression and the historical processes that occurred within various movements. A substantial biographical index of twentieth-century Chinese artists is a valuable addition to the text.

Sullivan discusses artists and their work against China's background of oppression and relaxation, despair and hope. He expertly conveys the diverse and at times bizarre intertwining of Chinese cultural history and art during this century. Included are the intense debates between traditionalists and reformers, the creation of the first art schools, and the birth of the idea--shocking in ethnocentric China--that art is a world language that obliterates all frontiers. The scholarly traditions of classical Chinese painting, the belated discovery of Western modernism, the artistic upheaval under Communism, and China's rethinking of the very nature of art all have a place in Sullivan's fascinating history. Michael Sullivan has known many of the major figures in China's modern art movement of the 1930s and 1940s and has also gained the confidence of younger artists who rose to prominence following the 1979 "Peking Spring." This long-awaited book--richly documented and abundantly illustrated--is a capstone to Sullivan's work and will be enthusiastically welcomed by art lovers everywhere.

(Excerpt from

Chinese Paintings of 20th Century
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藝術與錯覺 : 圖畫再現的心理學硏究 (Art and Illusion)

E.H.貢布里希 (E.H. Gombrich)
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被肯尼思‧克拉克描述為“我所讀過的最才華橫溢的藝術批評著作之一 ”的《藝術與錯覺》,是一部有關製像的經典研究。它試圖回答一個簡單的問題︰何以會有被稱作風格的東西?這個問題也許簡單,卻很難回答。貢布里希教授對圖畫再現的心理學及歷史的探索,充滿睿智而包羅萬象,從而引領他進入許多重要領域。在說明肖像製作遠比它看起來要困難這一問題的過程中,貢布里希對許多新老看法作出了考證、質疑與再評價,那些新老觀點包括模仿自然、傳統的功能、抽象問題、透視的有效性,以及對表現的解釋。



Abstract Expressionism
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Monday, July 1, 2013

Media, Social Mobilization and Mass Protests in Post-colonial Hong Kong: The Power of a Critical Event

Francis L. F. Lee and Joseph M. Chan
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Since 2003, Hong Kong has witnessed a series of large-scale protests which have constituted the core of a reinvigorated pro-democracy movement. What drove tens of thousands of citizens to the street on a yearly basis to protest? What were the social and organizational bases of the protest movement? How did media and public discourses affect the protests’ formation and mobilization? How did the protesters understand their own actions and the political environment? This book tackles such questions by using a wide range of methods, including population and protest onsite surveys, media content analysis, and in-depth interviews with activists, politicians, and protest participants. It provides an account of the "self-mobilization processes" behind the historic July 1, 2003 protest, and how the protest kick-started new political dynamics and discursive contestations in the public arena which not only turned a single protest into a series of collective actions constituting a movement, but also continually shaped the movement’s characteristics and influence. The book is highly pertinent to readers interested in political development in Hong Kong, and as a case study on "the power of critical events," the book also has broad implications on the study of both media politics and social movements in general.

(Excerpt from


宋鴻兵 編著
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