Monday, January 13, 2025

Linguaphile: A Life of Language Love

Julie Sedivy
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A celebration of the beauty and mystery of language and how it shapes our lives, our loves, and our world.

If there is one feature that defines the human condition, it is language: written, spoken, signed, understood, and misunderstood, in all its infinite glory. In this ingenious, lyrical exploration, Julie Sedivy draws on years of experience in the lab and a lifetime of linguistic love to bring the discoveries of linguistics home, to the place language itself lives: within the yearnings of the human heart and amid the complex social bonds that it makes possible.

Linguaphile: A Life of Language Love follows the path that language takes through a human life―from an infant’s first attempts at sense-making to the vulnerabilities and losses that accompany aging. As Sedivy shows, however, language and life are inextricable, and here she offers them together: a childish misunderstanding of her mother’s meaning reveals the difficulty of relating to other minds; frustration with “professional” communication styles exposes the labyrinth of standards that define success; the first signs of hearing loss lead to a meditation on society’s discomfort with physical and mental limitations.

Part memoir, part scientific exploration, and part cultural commentary, this book epitomizes the thrills of a life steeped in the aesthetic delights of language and the joys of its scientific scrutiny.

(Excerpt from


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本書從歷史的角度,詳細記述管樂由香港成為英國殖民地至現在一百八十多年的發展,是首本完整而有系統地剖析香港及周邊地區管樂歷史的書籍。作者把這段歷史分為啟蒙時代、轉變時代及當代三大部分,並加入嶺南地區和南洋與香港管樂發展關係的部分,記錄不同時代的重要管樂團,並且仔細闡述社會和管樂的關係,包括政府、社區、學校對管樂的看法,同時觀察香港政治、文化政策、青年政策、教學方針等對管樂發展的影響,以小觀大,展現香港西洋音樂歷史的轉變。作者亦專訪了多位管樂界重要人物,以大量第一手資料及圖片,呈現香港管樂的歷史圖像。最後希望藉着探討本地管樂發展的難處和期望,為日後管樂的發展管理、演奏及研究,提供不同的思考 角度,具有極高的參考價值。


Monday, January 6, 2025

The Logic of Information: A Theory of Philosophy as Conceptual Design

Luciano Floridi
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Luciano Floridi presents an innovative approach to philosophy, conceived as conceptual design. He explores how we make, transform, refine, and improve the objects of our knowledge. His starting point is that reality provides the data, to be understood as constraining affordances, and we transform them into information, like semantic engines. Such transformation or repurposing is not equivalent to portraying, or picturing, or photographing, or photocopying anything. It is more like cooking: the dish does not represent the ingredients, it uses them to make something else out of them, yet the reality of the dish and its properties hugely depend on the reality and the properties of the ingredients. Models are not representations understood as pictures, but interpretations understood as data elaborations, of systems. Thus, he articulates and defends the thesis that knowledge is design and philosophy is the ultimate form of conceptual design.

Although entirely independent of Floridi's previous books, The Philosophy of Information (OUP 2011) and The Ethics of Information (OUP 2013), The Logic of Information complements the existing volumes and presents new work on the foundations of the philosophy of information.

(Excerpt from

我們為何吃太多?全新的食慾科學與現代節食迷思 (Why We Eat (Too Much):)

安德魯‧詹金森 (Andrew Jenkinson)
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也要搞清楚自己為什麼失敗!」(蔡依橙的閱讀筆記 板主)


我們都聽過這樣的黃金法則:少吃多運動就可以減肥。然而事情沒那麼簡單。減肥外科手術專家詹金森醫師在超過二十年的職涯中,治療過上千名陷入無止境減肥循環的肥胖症患者。本書結合他行醫時面對的實例,以及全新的新陳代謝科學研究,告訴你人體的食慾和代謝到底如何運作,你的身體如何決定你的體重。 這本書系統化地解釋為何「節食」如何適得其反。從脂肪被汙名化、植物油和加工食品的崛起,談到現代人攝取飲食中omega-3的不足、糖分的增加,都讓我們更加容易飢餓,並最終讓我們的體重設定點提高。作者探索了農業、製藥、人類學和醫學等各種領域,揭示我們不良的飲食習慣和日益嚴重的肥胖危機,背後隱藏的真相。








Monday, December 30, 2024

Positive Thinking Pocketbook: Little Exercises for a Happy and Successful Life

Gill Hasson
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Think your way to a more positive life

Positive thinking is an approach and a set of skills that we can all learn. But it’s not just about how and what you think; you've got to do something! In a range of situations, positive thinking needs to be followed by positive action. The good news is that whatever life has thrown at you in the past and whatever is you want to achieve in the future, the Positive Thinking Pocketbook will help you think and behave more positively.

Inside, you’ll find out how to use tips, techniques and advice on creating a positive mindset and developing your positive thinking. Next, you'll find out how to apply that positive thinking to a range of potentially difficult situations.
  • Little approachable exercises make it easy to get started
  • Full of scenarios, ideas, advice, tips and techniques
  • Learn how to overcome negative thinking, get motivated and stay motivated
  • Discover how to make positive thinking a habit
Whenever you want a shot of positivity, simply pick out a few ideas, tips and techniques that appeal to you and give them a try!

(Excerpt from


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許多人認為公屋的起源是由於一九五三年的石硤尾大火,其實在此前,港英政府已有思考公屋政策,背後的考量有指是為了維持殖民地社會穩定及對資本家做出變相的勞工宿舍補貼。由方格子組成的公共屋邨是由政府建造、框限出來的空間,代表的是一種管治術——這在港英或九七後的港府皆然——在屋邨中政府無所不在。當人住進公屋,他不只是單純的居民,而是從「人」變成可被管治的對象。然而,人畢竟是擁有自由意志的存在,既使發言的空間再緊縮,仍想要訴說自己的故事; 看似一模一樣的方格子,在生活其中的人的努力及歲月的浸潤下,也會長出不同的模樣;夜晚時亮起燈來的千門萬戶,也絕不只是下了工看劇、睡覺的地方,而是儲藏記憶與凝聚認同的所在。

